
마지막으로 [b]

환경설정 변수 초기화 루틴을 wiki.pl 에서 제거

wiki.pl 에서 다음의 것들을 다 지워준다.
use vars qw(@RcDays @HtmlPairs @HtmlSingle
    $ScriptTZ $BracketText $UseAmPm $UseIndex $UseLookup   # $UseConfig 삭제
# == Configuration =====================================================
### replaced by gypark
### 보안을 위해서 데이타 저장 공간을 다른 곳으로 지정
### 적절히 바꾸어서 사용할 것
# $DataDir     = "data"; # Main wiki directory
$DataDir     = "data";    # Main wiki directory
$ConfigFile  = "config.pl"; # path of config file
# 이 RunCGI 는 삭제하면 안 된다.
$RunCGI      = 1;       # 1 = Run script as CGI,  0 = Load but do not run

# 이 아래를 전부 삭제한다.
# $UseConfig   = 1;       # 1 = use config file,    0 = do not look for config
# # == Configuration =======================================================
# # Original version from UseModWiki 0.92 (April 21, 2001)
# $CookieName  = "WikiWiki";      # Name for this wiki (for multi-wiki sites)
# $SiteName    = "WikiWiki";      # Name of site (used for titles)
# $HomePage    = "WikiHome";      # Home page (change space to _)
# $RCName      = "RecentChanges"; # Name of changes page (change space to _)
# $LogoUrl     = "";     # URL for site logo ("" for no logo)
# $ENV{PATH}   = "/usr/bin/";     # Path used to find "diff"
# $ScriptTZ    = "";              # Local time zone ("" means do not print)
# $RcDefault   = 30;              # Default number of RecentChanges days
# @RcDays      = qw(1 3 7 30 90); # Days for links on RecentChanges
# $KeepDays    = 14;              # Days to keep old revisions
# $SiteBase    = "";              # Full URL for <BASE> header
# $FullUrl     = "";              # Set if the auto-detected URL is wrong
# $RedirType   = 1;               # 1 = CGI.pm, 2 = script, 3 = no redirect
# $AdminPass   = "abcd1234";      # Set to non-blank to enable password(s)
# $EditPass    = "";              # Like AdminPass, but for editing only
# $StyleSheet  = "wiki.css";      # URL for CSS stylesheet (like "/wiki.css")
# $NotFoundPg  = "";              # Page for not-found links ("" for blank pg)
# $EmailFrom   = "wiki";          # Text for "From: " field of email notes.
# $SendMail    = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";  # Full path to sendmail executable
# $FooterNote  = "";              # HTML for bottom of every page
# $EditNote    = "";              # HTML notice above buttons on edit page
# $MaxPost     = 1024 * 210;      # Maximum 210K posts (about 200K for pages)
# $NewText     = "";              # New page text ("" for default message)
# $HttpCharset = "euc-kr";              # Charset for pages, like "iso-8859-2"
# $UserGotoBar = "<a href='/'>Home</a>";   # HTML added to end of goto bar
# ###############
# ### added by gypark
# ### 상단메뉴에 사용자 정의 링크 추가. config.pl 또는 이곳에서 정의해 줄 것
# ### 정의되어 있지 않거나 NULL string 으로 정의되어있다면,
# ### 메뉴바에도 나타나지 않는다
# $UserGotoBar2 = "";              # HTML added to end of goto bar
# $UserGotoBar3 = "";              # HTML added to end of goto bar
# $UserGotoBar4 = "";              # HTML added to end of goto bar
# $SOURCEHIGHLIGHT    = "/usr/local/bin/source-highlight";    # path of source-highlight
# %SRCHIGHLANG = ("cpp", 1, "java", 1, "prolog", 1, "perl", 1,
#         "php3", 1, "python", 1, "flex", 1, "changelog", 1
#         ); # supported languages
# $LinkFirstChar = 0;    # 1 = link on first character,  0 = followed by "?" mark (classical)
# $EditGuideInExtern = 0; # 1 = show edit guide in bottom frame, 0 = don't show
# $SizeTopFrame = 160;
# $SizeBottomFrame = 110;
# $LogoPage   = "";   # this page will be displayed when no parameter
# $CheckTime = 0;   # 1 = mesure the processing time (requires Time::HiRes module), 0 = do not
# $IconDir = "./icons";
# ###
# ###############
# # Major options:
# $UseSubpage  = 1;       # 1 = use subpages,       0 = do not use subpages
# $UseCache    = 0;       # 1 = cache HTML pages,   0 = generate every page
# $EditAllowed = 1;       # 1 = editing allowed,    0 = read-only
# $RawHtml     = 1;       # 1 = allow <HTML> tag,   0 = no raw HTML in pages
# $HtmlTags    = 1;       # 1 = "unsafe" HTML tags, 0 = only minimal tags
# $UseDiff     = 1;       # 1 = use diff features,  0 = do not use diff
# $FreeLinks   = 1;       # 1 = use [[word]] links, 0 = LinkPattern only
# $WikiLinks   = 1;       # 1 = use LinkPattern,    0 = use [[word]] only
# $AdminDelete = 1;       # 1 = Admin only page,    0 = Editor can delete pages
# $RunCGI      = 1;       # 1 = Run script as CGI,  0 = Load but do not run
# $EmailNotify = 0;       # 1 = use email notices,  0 = no email on changes
# $EmbedWiki   = 0;       # 1 = no headers/footers, 0 = normal wiki pages
# # Minor options:
# $LogoLeft    = 0;       # 1 = logo on left,       0 = logo on right
# $RecentTop   = 1;       # 1 = recent on top,      0 = recent on bottom
# $UseDiffLog  = 0;       # 1 = save diffs to log,  0 = do not save diffs
# $KeepMajor   = 1;       # 1 = keep major rev,     0 = expire all revisions
# $KeepAuthor  = 1;       # 1 = keep author rev,    0 = expire all revisions
# $ShowEdits   = 0;       # 1 = show minor edits,   0 = hide edits by default
# $HtmlLinks   = 0;       # 1 = allow A HREF links, 0 = no raw HTML links
# $SimpleLinks = 1;       # 1 = only letters,       0 = allow _ and numbers
# $NonEnglish  = 0;       # 1 = extra link chars,   0 = only A-Za-z chars
# $ThinLine    = 1;       # 1 = fancy <hr> tags,    0 = classic wiki <hr>
# $BracketText = 1;       # 1 = allow [URL text],   0 = no link descriptions
# $UseAmPm     = 0;       # 1 = use am/pm in times, 0 = use 24-hour times
# $UseIndex    = 0;       # 1 = use index file,     0 = slow/reliable method
# $UseHeadings = 1;       # 1 = allow = h1 text =,  0 = no header formatting
# $NetworkFile = 1;       # 1 = allow remote file:, 0 = no file:// links
# $BracketWiki = 1;       # 1 = [WikiLnk txt] link, 0 = no local descriptions
# $UseLookup   = 0;       # 1 = lookup host names,  0 = skip lookup (IP only)
# $FreeUpper   = 0;       # 1 = force upper case,   0 = do not force case
# $FastGlob    = 1;       # 1 = new faster code,    0 = old compatible code
# # HTML tag lists, enabled if $HtmlTags is set.
# # Scripting is currently possible with these tags,
# # so they are *not* particularly "safe".
# # Tags that must be in <tag> ... </tag> pairs:
# # Tags that must be in <tag> ... </tag> pairs:
# @HtmlPairs = qw(b i u font big small sub sup h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 cite code
#   em s strike strong tt var div center blockquote ol ul dl table caption);
# # Single tags (that do not require a closing /tag)
# @HtmlSingle = qw(br p hr li dt dd tr td th);
# @HtmlPairs = (@HtmlPairs, @HtmlSingle);  # All singles can also be pairs
# # == You should not have to change anything below this line. =============
# $IndentLimit = 20;                  # Maximum depth of nested lists
# $PageDir     = "$DataDir/page";     # Stores page data
# $HtmlDir     = "$DataDir/html";     # Stores HTML versions
# $UserDir     = "$DataDir/user";     # Stores user data
# $KeepDir     = "$DataDir/keep";     # Stores kept (old) page data
# $TempDir     = "$DataDir/temp";     # Temporary files and locks
# $LockDir     = "$TempDir/lock";     # DB is locked if this exists
# $InterFile   = "$DataDir/intermap"; # Interwiki site->url map
# $RcFile      = "$DataDir/rclog";    # New RecentChanges logfile
# $RcOldFile   = "$DataDir/rclog.old"; # Old RecentChanges logfile
# $IndexFile   = "$DataDir/pageidx";  # List of all pages
# $LinkDir     = "$DataDir/link";    # Stores the links of each page
# # added by luke
# $UseEmoticon    = 1;        # 1 = use emoticon, 0 = not use
# $EmoticonPath   = "http:emoticon/"; # where emoticon stored
# $ClickEdit      = 1;        # 1 = edit page by double click on page, 0 = no use
# $EditPagePos    = 1;        # 1 = bottom, 2 = top, 3 = top & bottom
# $NamedAnchors   = 1;        # 0 = no anchors, 1 = enable anchors, 2 = enable but suppress display

# == End of Configuration =================================================
# 여기까지

umask 0;
다음 부분을 수정한다.
sub DoWikiRequest {
### replaced by gypark
### 환경 변수들을 지정하는 루틴을 제거. 무조건 config file 를 읽음.
    if (-f $ConfigFile) {
        do "$ConfigFile";
    } else {
        die "Can not load config file";

추가 업데이트 내역

ext1.57 - config 파일을 무조건 쓰게 하되, 초기화 루틴은 다시 wiki.pl 안에 넣었습니다. 저기서 뺐더니만 새로운 환경변수가 추가되었을 때 config 파일에 사용자가 추가해 주지를 않아서 에러가 나는 경우가 잦아졌기 때문입니다.
-- Raymundo 2004-4-4 3:23 am


마지막 편집일: 2007-1-8 12:19 pm (변경사항 [d])
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