
마지막으로 [b]

GetFullLinkList() 함수의 버그 수정

sub GetFullLinkList {
        foreach $link (@links) {
            if (($unique > 0) && ($seen{$link} != 1)) {
### 다음 단락을 수정
#           if (($exists == 0) && ($pgExists{$link} == 1)) {
#               next;
#           }
#           if (($exists == 1) && ($pgExists{$link} != 1)) {
#               next;
#           }

            my $link2 = $link;
            $link2 = (split ('/',$name))[0]."$link" if ($link =~ /^\//);
            if (($exists == 0) && ($pgExists{$link2} == 1)) {
            if (($exists == 1) && ($pgExists{$link2} != 1)) {
### 여기까지
            if (($search ne "") && !($link =~ /$search/)) {


--- Q. If Sub DoPostMain execute &SaveLinkFile($id); ... is mandatory &SaveLinkFile($name); at Sub DoMaintain?. (2009-07-29)

Thanks in advance. I hope not to be spending time.

--JuanmaMP (aka, TheForeign ;): from a south city of a country in southern Europe; (twice south)

Maybe not. After someone applies that update (/링크를별도의화일로관리), he/she needs a way to extract all links in "all pages" and save them to .lnk files at once. I made "maintain" do it. Very simple reason. :-D
-- Raymundo 2009-7-29 9:34 am

Yep, there's a moment of singularity (when the patch is applied). Thanks for the link, very useful.

Did you know why I did not see that link before (/링크를별도의화일로관리)?. Because I usually begin to read page titles with a few words in English but this link was all in Korean!. :)) (afaik, Google returns translations from Korean pretty surreal. It is a little desperate :)) ).

Thanks. --JuanmaMP ---

One suggest:

What about this tweak? In MacroAllPagesFrom, MacroAllPagesTo and MacroAllPagesFrom adding a condition of type if (&PageIsHidden($id)) ... in order to be excluded.

Thanks. --JuanmaMP

Currently, those two macros doesn't show any hidden pages in their results. Can you see the name of a hidden page? Please check whether you have admin privilege. If you still can see any problem even when you don't login in wiki, please tell me how I can reproduce that problem. I'd be appreciated.
-- Raymundo 2009-7-29 3:40 pm

Ok, there's no Oddities by now. I was wondering for attempt by trial and error or if an admin decide to hide a page, accesible before .... At this moment AllPagesList is the shield (the only one in the above subject).

-- JustSameJuanmaMP 2009-7-30 6:58 am


When I applied action "links", can appear false positive for camelcase (ie [http://www.google.com GooGle], count Google as wiki-page (in action links). This left Inherited also for action "linkto"?

oops, I haven't noticed it until now. Thank you for reporting, but I am somewhat busy recently and I'm not sure when I can fix it. ^^;;
-- Raymundo 2009-8-4 12:14 am
Don't worry. You're very kind. Only by commenting & sharing ideas. ( A wiki exists in a perpetual state of nowness - MeatBall:WikiNow).
I will reporting this at UseMod::, I guess.
In another vein, if you're interesting in zero padding, whenever you want, take a look at UseMod:WikiBugs/NumericDatesNeedZeroPadding).
Luck in your chores!

마지막 편집일: 2009-8-4 3:06 am (변경사항 [d])
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