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UseModWiki version 0.92K3-ext2.34 (2024-05-27)

  UseModWiki 0.92K3-ext

by Geunyoung Park <gypark at gmail.com , http://gypark.pe.kr>

This wiki engine is based on UseModWiki 0.92 (http://www.usemod.com/)

0.92K3 is luke's Korean patch in 2002

0.92K3-ext*.* started from 0.92K3, has been applied a lot of patches
including those of usemod 1.0 by Geunyoung and other users in Korea.

Changes include:
* supporting UTF-8
* bug fixes
* stylesheet and useful javascript functions
* various macros which can produce useful output
** calendar, 
** webboard-like comment
** information of pages (like searching text, finding orphaned pages)
** blog features
* supporting plugins to use external program like Vim
* various spam-filters

You can see all the list of changes in
http://gypark.pe.kr/wiki/UseModWikiModification  (written in Korean)

You can see an example site and also test in there:


Please send all bug reports or suggestions by e-mail to:
gypark at gmail.com


Thanks to people who helped me and still gives me a lot of
suggestions, advices, bug notifications, feedbacks with testing
results, etc.

* Luke
* Jof <http://jof4002.net>
* Nyxity <http://nyxity.com>
* Bab2 <http://piwd.net>
* Canday <http://canday.pe.kr>
* and whom I forgot to mention ;-)