"; # print T('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.'); # } else { ### 수정 불가를 알리는 메세지에, 사이트 제목이 아니라 ### 해당 페이지명이 나오도록 수정 # print Ts('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', $SiteName); # print Ts('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', $id); # } # print &GetCommonFooter(); # return; # } ### ############### # Consider sending a new user-ID cookie if user does not have one &OpenPage($id); &OpenDefaultText(); $pageTime = $Section{'ts'}; $header = Ts('Editing %s', $id); ############### ### added by gypark ### view action 추가 $header = Ts('Viewing %s', $id) if (!$canEdit); ### ############### # Old revision handling $revision = &GetParam('revision', ''); $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars if ($revision ne '') { &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default'); if (!defined($KeptRevisions{$revision})) { $revision = ''; # Later look for better solution, like error message? } else { &OpenKeptRevision($revision); $header = Ts('Editing revision %s of', $revision) . " $id"; ############### ### added by gypark ### view action 추가 $header = Ts('Viewing revision %s of', $revision) . " $id" if (!$canEdit); ### ############### } } $oldText = $Text{'text'}; if ($preview && !$isConflict) { $oldText = $newText; } $editRows = &GetParam("editrows", 20); $editCols = &GetParam("editcols", 65); print &GetHeader('', &QuoteHtml($header), ''); ############### ### added by gypark ### view action 추가 if (!$canEdit) { if (&UserIsBanned()) { print T('Editing not allowed: user, ip, or network is blocked.'); print "
"; print T('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.'); } else { print Ts('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', $id); } print "\n"; } ### ############### ############### ### replaced by gypark ### view action 추가 # if ($revision ne '') { if ($canEdit && ($revision ne '')) { ### ############### print "\n" . Ts('Editing old revision %s.', $revision) . " " . T('Saving this page will replace the latest revision with this text.') . '' } ############### ### replaced by gypark ### view action 추가 # if ($isConflict) { if ($canEdit && $isConflict) { ### ############### $editRows -= 10 if ($editRows > 19); print "\n
\n"; } ### added by gypark ### view action 추가 } else { print $q->textarea(-class=>'view', -accesskey=>'i', -name=>'text', -default=>$oldText, -rows=>$editRows, -columns=>$editCols, -override=>1, -style=>'width:100%', -wrap=>'virtual', -readonly=>'true'); } ### ############### print "