Yes, indeed, keep files can be stored in the same "pages" directory, too. Perhaps, the original one is a more readable decision.
Thanks to you.
'''EditIntermap '''
I like this feature: edit Intermap via web. I have re-used editbanned code with other point of view, and that's all.
For instance, after sub DoUpdateBanned (completely optional):
+ sub DoEditIntermap {
+ my ($intermapList, $status);
+ print &GetHeader("", "Editing IntermapList", "");
+ print "\n";
+ return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
+ ($status, $intermapList) = &ReadFile("$DataDir/intermap");
+ $intermapList = "" if (!$status);
+ print &GetFormStart();
+ print GetHiddenValue("edit_intermap", 1), "\n";
+ print &GetTextArea('intermaplist', $intermapList, 12, 100);
+ print "
", $q->submit(-name=>'Save'), "\n";
+ print $q->endform;
+ print '' . &GetCommonFooter();
+ }
+ sub DoUpdateIntermap {
+ my ($newList, $fname);
+ print &GetHeader("", "Updating Intermap list", "");
+ return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError());
+ $fname = "$DataDir/intermap";
+ $newList = &GetParam("intermaplist", "#Empty file");
+ if ($newList eq "") {
+ print "Empty intermap list or error.";
+ print "
Resubmit with at least one space character to remove.";
+ } elsif ($newList =~ /^\s*$/s) {
+ unlink($fname);
+ print "
Removed intermap list";
+ } else {
+ &WriteStringToFile($fname, $newList);
+ print "
Updated intermap list";
+ }
+ print '' . &GetCommonFooter();
+ }
Sub GetAdminBar {
$result .= &ScriptLink("action=editbanned", T("Edit Banned List"));
+ $result .= ' | ' . &ScriptLink("action=editintermap",T("Intermap"));
Sub DoOtherRequest {
} elsif ($action eq "editbanned") {
+ } elsif ($action eq "editintermap") {
+ &DoEditIntermap();
sub DoOtherRequest {
if (&GetParam("edit_ban", 0)) {
+ if (&GetParam("edit_intermap", 0)) {
+ &DoUpdateIntermap();
+ return;
+ }
If the script runs as "www-data", then the wikidb, etc. files must also be owned by "www-data", (apache2 runs as user www-data, for instance). See the documentation of your web server for details.
(Sorry for readers of UseModWiki, it's duplicated there. I hope it isn't annoyance)
Hope it's fun!.
Just for test:
Samples of links: [[.TestForLinks]]
이 자리에 JuanmaMPKr 페이지의 내용을 적은 후에 아래의 분류를 적절히 지정해주세요. 마땅한 분류가 없다면 그냥 기타분류로 놓아 두세요.
Me too, in other wikis:
UseMod:JuanmaMP, Jof:JuanmaMP