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Wiki Heading 개선

Jof:UseModWiki소스수정/WikiHeading개선을 그대로 적용. Thanks to 조프.

wiki.pl 수정

sub WikiToHTML {
### 아래 한 줄 추가
    $pageText =~ s/&__LT__;toc&__GT__;/<a name="toc"><\/a>$TableOfContents/i;
    $pageText =~ s/&__LT__;toc&__GT__;/$TableOfContents/gi;

sub WikiHeadingNumber {
#   return &StoreHref(" name=\"$anchor\"") . $number;          마지막 줄을 다음과 같이 수정
    return &StoreHref(" name='$anchor' href='#toc'",$number);

추가 업데이트 내역

사용자 의견

wikicreole markup suggested (in coexistence with earlier markup).
First of all, I'm not sure where the exact site for cutting regular expresion at "/(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]+\s+\=+\s*$)/", but works fine by now.
sub DoEdit {
- while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]+\s+\=+\s*$)/gm) {
+ while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]*$)/gm) {
$h_pos[$num] = pos($temp_text) - length($1);
$h_depth[$num] = length($2);
if ($num == $section) { # summary
my $h_str = $1;

- $h_str =~ /^[ \t]*\=+\s+(#\s+)?([^\n]+)\s+\=+\s*$/;
+ $h_str =~ /^[ \t]*\=+\s+(#\s+)?([^\n]+)\s+\s*$/;
$h_str = $2;
+ # suppress the "=" series on the right of header
+ $h_str =~ s/(\=+)?//g;
+ # suppress possible blank before the "=" series on the right of header
+ $h_str =~ s/( +)?$//g;
$h_str =~ s/"/"/g;
$q->param("summary", "$h_str - "
. &GetParam("summary", "")) unless $preview || $saveEdit;
$header .= '. ' . T('Section') . '=' . $num . ': ' . $h_str ;
sub CommonMarkup {
s/(^|\n)\s*(\=+)\s+([^\n]+)\s+\=+/&WikiHeading($1, $2, $3)/geo;
+ # creole heading
+ s/(^|\n)\s*(\=+)\s+([^\n]+)/&WikiHeading($1, $2, $3)/geo;
sub DoPostMain {
- while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]+\s+\=+\s*$)/gm) {
+ while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)?\s+[^\n]*$)/gm) {

-- JuanmaMP 2012-7-11 11:17 am

Hi Raymundo, one more suggestion not a request

sub WikiHeading {
- $edit_section = '' if (&GetParam("embed", $EmbedWiki));
+ $edit_section = $SectionNumber if (&GetParam("embed", $EmbedWiki));
Thanks ...
-- JuanmaMP 2013-5-12 6:29 am


마지막 편집일: 2013-5-12 6:33 am (변경사항 [d])
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