#!/usr/bin/perl # UseModWiki version 0.92K2 (2001-12-27) # Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Clifford A. Adams # or # Based on the GPLed AtisWiki 0.3 (C) 1998 Markus Denker # # ...which was based on # the LGPLed CVWiki CVS-patches (C) 1997 Peter Merel # and The Original WikiWikiWeb (C) Ward Cunningham # (code reused with permission) # Email and ThinLine options by Jim Mahoney # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package UseModWiki; use strict; BEGIN { unshift @INC, ( "." ); } use Encode; use vars qw($ConfigFile $WikiVersion $WikiRelease $HashKey); ### 환경설정 파일의 경로 $ConfigFile = "./config.pl"; # path of config file $WikiVersion = "0.92K3-ext2.34"; $WikiRelease = "2024-05-27"; $HashKey = "salt"; # 2-character string local $| = 1; # Do not buffer output (localized for mod_perl) # Configuration/constant variables: use vars qw(@RcDays @HtmlPairs @HtmlSingle $TempDir $LockDir $DataDir $HtmlDir $UserDir $KeepDir $PageDir $InterFile $RcFile $RcOldFile $IndexFile $FullUrl $SiteName $HomePage $LogoUrl $RcDefault $IndentLimit $RecentTop $EditAllowed $UseDiff $UseSubpage $UseCache $RawHtml $LogoLeft $KeepDays $HtmlTags $HtmlLinks $UseDiffLog $KeepMajor $KeepAuthor $FreeUpper $EmailNotify $SendMail $EmailFrom $FastGlob $EmbedWiki $ScriptTZ $BracketText $UseAmPm $UseIndex $UseLookup $RedirType $AdminPass $EditPass $NetworkFile $BracketWiki $FreeLinks $WikiLinks $AdminDelete $FreeLinkPattern $RCName $RunCGI $ShowEdits $LinkPattern $InterLinkPattern $InterSitePattern $UrlProtocols $UrlPattern $ImageExtensions $RFCPattern $ISBNPattern $FS $FS1 $FS2 $FS3 $CookieName $SiteBase $StyleSheetUrl $NotFoundPg $FooterNote $EditNote $MaxPost $NewText $NotifyDefault $HttpCharset); ### 패치를 위해 추가된 환경설정 변수 use vars qw( $UserGotoBar $UserGotoBar2 $UserGotoBar3 $UserGotoBar4 $SOURCEHIGHLIGHT @SRCHIGHLANG $EditNameLink $EditGuideInExtern $SizeTopFrame $SizeBottomFrame $LogoPage $CheckTime $LinkDir $IconUrl $CountDir $UploadDir $UploadUrl $HiddenPageFile $TemplatePage $InterWikiMoniker $SiteDescription $RssLogoUrl $RssDays $RssTimeZone $SlashLinks $InterIconUrl $JavaScriptUrl $UseLatex $UserHeader $OekakiJarUrl @UrlEncodingGuess $UrlPrefix $TwitterID $TwitterPass $TwitterPrefix $TwitterConsumerKey $TwitterConsumerSecret $TwitterAccessToken $TwitterAccessTokenSecret ); use vars qw($DocID $ImageTag $ClickEdit $UseEmoticon $EmoticonUrl $EditPagePos); # luke use vars qw($TableOfContents @HeadingNumbers $NamedAnchors $AnchoredLinkPattern); use vars qw($TableTag $TableMode); # Note: $NotifyDefault is kept because it was a config variable in 0.90 # Other global variables: use vars qw(%Page %Section %Text %InterSite %SaveUrl %SaveNumUrl %KeptRevisions %UserCookie %SetCookie %UserData %IndexHash %Translate %LinkIndex $InterSiteInit $SaveUrlIndex $SaveNumUrlIndex $MainPage $OpenPageName @KeptList @IndexList $IndexInit $q $Now $UserID $TimeZoneOffset $ScriptName ); ### 패치를 위해 추가된 내부 전역 변수 use vars qw(%RevisionTs $FS_lt $FS_gt $StartTime $Sec_Revision $Sec_Ts $ViewCount $AnchoredFreeLinkPattern %UserInterest %HiddenPage $pageid $IsPDA $MemoID $QuotedFullUrl %MacroFile $UseShortcut $UseShortcutPage $SectionNumber $AnchorPattern $GotoTextFieldId); umask 0; # 용 목차 $TableOfContents = ""; # 단축키 $UseShortcut = 1; $UseShortcutPage = 1; # The "main" program, called at the end of this script file. sub DoWikiRequest { ### 처리 시간 측정 if ($CheckTime) { if ( eval { require Time::HiRes } ) { Time::HiRes->import( qw/ gettimeofday tv_interval / ); $StartTime = [gettimeofday()]; } else { $CheckTime = 0; } } ### oekaki if (($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} eq "action=oekaki&mode=save") || ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} eq "/action=oekaki&mode=save")) { &OekakiSave(); return; } ### QUERY_STRING이 %-인코딩된 형태로 오는 경우 ### guess를 해도 ascii로 판정되기 때문에 변환이 안 된다. ### 이 시점에서 디코딩하여 복원함 ### 쿼리에 엠퍼센드 등이 인코딩되어 있는 경우에 문제가 됨 - 일단 보류 # $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; ### slashlinks 처리 if ($SlashLinks && (length($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) > 1)) { $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&' if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= substr($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}, 1); } ### QUERY_STRING 또는 PATH_INFO가 utf-8이 아닌 인코딩인 경우 $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = guess_and_convert($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); &InitLinkPatterns(); if (!&DoCacheBrowse()) { &InitRequest() or return; if (!&DoBrowseRequest()) { &DoOtherRequest(); } } } # == Common and cache-browsing code ==================================== sub InitLinkPatterns { my ($UpperLetter, $LowerLetter, $AnyLetter, $LpA, $LpB, $QDelim); # Field separators are used in the URL-style patterns below. # $FS = "\xb3"; # The FS character is a superscript "3" $FS = "\x1e"; # by gypark. from oddmuse $FS1 = $FS . "1"; # The FS values are used to separate fields $FS2 = $FS . "2"; # in stored hashtables and other data structures. $FS3 = $FS . "3"; # The FS character is not allowed in user data. ### added by gypark $FS_lt = $FS . "lt"; $FS_gt = $FS . "gt"; $UpperLetter = "[A-Z"; $LowerLetter = "[a-z"; $AnyLetter = "[A-Za-z"; ### 라틴 문자 지원 # $UpperLetter .= "\xc0-\xde"; # $LowerLetter .= "\xdf-\xff"; # $AnyLetter .= "\x80-\xff"; $AnyLetter .= "_0-9"; $UpperLetter .= "]"; $LowerLetter .= "]"; $AnyLetter .= "]"; # $AnyLetter = "(?:[A-Za-z_0-9]|(?:[\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]))"; # Main link pattern: lowercase between uppercase, then anything $LpA = $UpperLetter . "+" . $LowerLetter . "+" . $UpperLetter . $AnyLetter . "*"; # Optional subpage link pattern: uppercase, lowercase, then anything $LpB = $UpperLetter . "+" . $LowerLetter . "+" . $AnyLetter . "*"; if ($UseSubpage) { # Loose pattern: If subpage is used, subpage may be simple name $LinkPattern = "((?:(?:$LpA)?\\/$LpB)|$LpA)"; # Strict pattern: both sides must be the main LinkPattern # $LinkPattern = "((?:(?:$LpA)?\\/)?$LpA)"; } else { $LinkPattern = "($LpA)"; } $QDelim = '(?:"")?'; # Optional quote delimiter (not in output) $LinkPattern .= $QDelim; # Inter-site convention: sites must start with uppercase letter # (Uppercase letter avoids confusion with URLs) $InterSitePattern = $UpperLetter . $AnyLetter . "+"; $InterLinkPattern = "((?:$InterSitePattern:[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)"; # free link [[pagename]] if ($FreeLinks) { # Note: the - character must be first in $AnyLetter definition $AnyLetter = "[-,.()' _0-9A-Za-z\x80-\xff]"; } if ($UseSubpage) { $FreeLinkPattern = "((?:(?:$AnyLetter+)?\\/)?$AnyLetter+)"; } else { $FreeLinkPattern = "($AnyLetter+)"; } $FreeLinkPattern .= $QDelim; # anchored link $AnchorPattern = '#([0-9A-Za-z\x80-\xff]+)'; $AnchoredLinkPattern = $LinkPattern . $AnchorPattern . $QDelim if $NamedAnchors; $AnchoredFreeLinkPattern = $FreeLinkPattern . $AnchorPattern . $QDelim if $NamedAnchors; # Url-style links are delimited by one of: # 1. Whitespace (kept in output) # 2. Left or right angle-bracket (< or >) (kept in output) # 3. Right square-bracket (]) (kept in output) # 4. A single double-quote (") (kept in output) # 5. A $FS (field separator) character (kept in output) # 6. A double double-quote ("") (removed from output) $UrlProtocols = 'http|https|ftp|afs|news|nntp|mid|cid|mailto|wais|mms|mmst|prospero|telnet|gopher|irc'; $UrlProtocols .= '|file' if $NetworkFile; $UrlPattern = "((?:(?:$UrlProtocols):[^\\]\\s\"<>$FS]+)$QDelim)"; $ImageExtensions = "(gif|jpg|png|bmp|jpeg|GIF|JPG|PNG|BMP|JPEG)"; $RFCPattern = "RFC\\s?(\\d+)"; $ISBNPattern = "ISBN:?([0-9-xX]{10,})"; } # Simple HTML cache sub DoCacheBrowse { my ($query, $idFile, $text); return 0 if (!$UseCache); $query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; if (($query eq "") && ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET")) { ### LogoPage 가 있으면 이것을 embed 형식으로 출력 if ($LogoPage eq "") { $query = $HomePage; # Allow caching of home page. } else { $query = $LogoPage; } } ### LogoPage 가 있으면 이것을 embed 형식으로 출력 return 0 if ($query eq $LogoPage); if (!($query =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) { if (!($FreeLinks && ($query =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/))) { return 0; # Only use cache for simple links } } $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile($query); if (-f $idFile) { local $/ = undef; # Read complete files open my $in, '<', $idFile or return 0; $text = <$in>; close $in; print $text; return 1; } return 0; } sub GetHtmlCacheFile { my ($id) = @_; return $HtmlDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.htm"; } sub GetPageDirectory { my ($id) = @_; if ($id =~ /^([a-zA-Z])/) { return uc($1); } return "other"; } sub T { my ($text) = @_; if (1) { # Later make translation optional? if (defined($Translate{$text}) && ($Translate{$text} ne '')) { return $Translate{$text}; } } return $text; } sub Ts { my ($text, $string) = @_; $text = T($text); $text =~ s/\%s/$string/; return $text; } # == Normal page-browsing and RecentChanges code ======================= use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); sub InitRequest { my @ScriptPath = split('/', "$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}"); $CGI::POST_MAX = $MaxPost; ### file upload # $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 0; ### slashlinks 처리 # if ($SlashLinks && (length($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) > 1)) { # $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= '&' if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); # $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} .= substr($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}, 1); # } # slahslink 관련 패치이나, POST 에서 에러가 난다 - 일단 보류 # if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { # $q = new CGI($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); # } elsif($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { # read (STDIN, $q, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); # $q = new CGI($q); # } $q = new CGI; ##### $q->autoEscape(undef); ### file upload my $cgi_error = $q->cgi_error(); if (defined $cgi_error and $cgi_error =~ m/^413/) { print $q->redirect(-url=>"http:$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}".&ScriptLinkChar()."action=upload&error=3"); exit 1; } $UploadUrl = "http:$UploadDir" if ($UploadUrl eq ""); $Now = time; # Reset in case script is persistent $ScriptName = pop(@ScriptPath); # Name used in links ### slashlinks 처리 if ($SlashLinks) { my $numberOfSlashes = ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ tr[/][/]); $ScriptName = ('../' x $numberOfSlashes) . $ScriptName; } $ScriptName = $FullUrl if ($FullUrl ne ''); ##### $IndexInit = 0; # Must be reset for each request $InterSiteInit = 0; %InterSite = (); $MainPage = "."; # For subpages only, the name of the top-level page $OpenPageName = ""; # Currently open page &CreateDir($DataDir); # Create directory if it doesn't exist if (!-d $DataDir) { &ReportError(Ts('Could not create %s', $DataDir) . ": $!"); return 0; } &InitCookie(); # Reads in user data ### hide page my ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($HiddenPageFile); if ($status) { %HiddenPage = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); } return 1; } sub InitCookie { %SetCookie = (); $TimeZoneOffset = 0; undef $q->{'.cookies'}; # Clear cache if it exists (for SpeedyCGI) %UserCookie = $q->cookie($CookieName); $UserCookie{'userid'} = DecodeUrl($UserCookie{'userid'}); $UserID = $UserCookie{'userid'}; &LoadUserData($UserID); if (($UserData{'userid'} ne $UserCookie{'userid'}) || ($UserData{'randkey'} ne $UserCookie{'randkey'})) { $UserID = 113; %UserData = (); # Invalid. Later consider warning message. # 사용자 데이터와 쿠키가 일치하지 않을 때 쿠키도 날려버리자. $SetCookie{'userid'} = ''; $SetCookie{'expire'} = 0; $SetCookie{'randkey'} = ''; } if ($UserData{'tzoffset'} != 0) { $TimeZoneOffset = $UserData{'tzoffset'} * (60 * 60); } } sub DoBrowseRequest { my ($id, $action, $text); if (!$q->param) { # No parameter ### LogoPage 가 있으면 이것을 embed 형식으로 출력 # &BrowsePage($HomePage); if ($LogoPage eq "") { &BrowsePage($HomePage); } else { $EmbedWiki = 1; &BrowsePage($LogoPage); } return 1; } $id = &GetParam('keywords', ''); ### pda clip by gypark $IsPDA = &GetParam("pda", ""); $EmbedWiki = 1 if ($IsPDA); if ($id) { # Just script?PageName ### QUERY_STRING 이 utf-8이 아닌 인코딩인 경우 $id = guess_and_convert($id); if ($FreeLinks && (!-f &GetPageFile($id))) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); } if (($NotFoundPg ne '') && (!-f &GetPageFile($id))) { $id = $NotFoundPg; } $DocID = $id; &BrowsePage($id) if &ValidIdOrDie($id); return 1; } $action = lc(&GetParam('action', '')); $id = &GetParam('id', ''); ### QUERY_STRING 이 utf-8이 아닌 인코딩인 경우 $id = guess_and_convert($id); $q->param('id', $id); $DocID = $id; if ($action eq 'browse') { if ($FreeLinks && (!-f &GetPageFile($id))) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); } if (($NotFoundPg ne '') && (!-f &GetPageFile($id))) { $id = $NotFoundPg; } ### id 가 NULL 일 경우 홈으로 이동 if ($id eq '') { $id = $HomePage; } &BrowsePage($id) if &ValidIdOrDie($id); return 1; } elsif ($action eq 'rc') { ### pda clip by gypark # &BrowsePage(T($RCName)); if ($IsPDA) { my $temp_id = T("$RCName"); print &GetHeader($temp_id, &QuoteHtml($temp_id), ""); &DoRc(1); print $q->end_html; } else { &BrowsePage(T($RCName)); } return 1; } elsif ($action eq 'random') { &DoRandom(); return 1; } elsif ($action eq 'history') { $ClickEdit = 0; # luke added &DoHistory($id) if &ValidIdOrDie($id); return 1; } return 0; # Request not handled } sub BrowsePage { my ($id) = @_; my ($fullHtml, $oldId, $allDiff, $showDiff, $openKept); my ($revision, $goodRevision, $diffRevision, $newText); ### comments from Jof $pageid = $id; ### hide page if (&PageIsHidden($id)) { print &GetHeader($id, &QuoteHtml($id), $oldId); print Ts('%s is a hidden page', $id); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } &OpenPage($id); &OpenDefaultText(); ### page count $ViewCount = &GetPageCount($id) if (-f &GetPageFile($id)); $openKept = 0; $revision = &GetParam('revision', ''); $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars $goodRevision = $revision; # Non-blank only if exists if ($revision ne '') { &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default'); $openKept = 1; if (!defined($KeptRevisions{$revision})) { $goodRevision = ''; } else { &OpenKeptRevision($revision); } } ### 매크로가 들어간 페이지의 편집가이드 문제 해결 $Sec_Revision = $Section{'revision'}; $Sec_Ts = $Section{'ts'}; $newText = $Text{'text'}; # For differences # Handle a single-level redirect $oldId = &GetParam('oldid', ''); if (($oldId eq '') && (substr($Text{'text'}, 0, 10) eq '#REDIRECT ')) { $oldId = $id; if (($FreeLinks) && ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+\[\[.+\]\]/)) { ($id) = ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+\[\[(.+)\]\]/); $id = &FreeToNormal($id); } else { ($id) = ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#REDIRECT\s+(\S+)/); } if (&ValidId($id) eq '') { # Later consider revision in rebrowse? &ReBrowsePage($id, $oldId, 0); return; } else { # Not a valid target, so continue as normal page $id = $oldId; $oldId = ''; } } ### #EXTERN if (substr($Text{'text'}, 0, 8) eq '#EXTERN ') { $oldId = &GetParam('oldid', ''); my ($externURL) = ($Text{'text'} =~ /\#EXTERN\s+([^\s]+)/); if ($externURL =~ /^$UrlPattern$/) { &BrowseExternUrl($id, $oldId, $externURL); return; } } ##### $MainPage = $id; $MainPage =~ s|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage) $fullHtml = &GetHeader($id, &QuoteHtml($id), $oldId); if ($revision ne '') { # Later maybe add edit time? if ($goodRevision ne '') { $fullHtml .= '' . Ts('Showing revision %s', $revision) . "
"; } else { $fullHtml .= '' . Ts('Revision %s not available', $revision) . ' (' . T('showing current revision instead') . ')
'; } } $allDiff = &GetParam('alldiff', 0); if ($allDiff != 0) { $allDiff = &GetParam('defaultdiff', 1); } if ((($id eq $RCName) || (T($RCName) eq $id) || (T($id) eq $RCName)) && &GetParam('norcdiff', 1)) { $allDiff = 0; # Only show if specifically requested } $showDiff = &GetParam('diff', $allDiff); if ($UseDiff && $showDiff) { $diffRevision = $goodRevision; $diffRevision = &GetParam('diffrevision', $diffRevision); # Later try to avoid the following keep-loading if possible? &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default') if (!$openKept); ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 if ($showDiff == 5) { if (&LoginUser()) { $diffRevision = $Page{'revision'} - 1; my $userBookmark = &GetParam('bookmark',-1); while (($diffRevision > 1) && (defined($RevisionTs{$diffRevision})) && ($RevisionTs{$diffRevision} > $userBookmark)) { $diffRevision--; } } $showDiff = &GetParam("defaultdiff", 1); } $fullHtml .= &GetDiffHTML($showDiff, $id, $diffRevision, "$revision", $newText); $fullHtml .= "
\n"; } if ($EditPagePos >= 2) { $fullHtml .= &GetEditGuide($id, $goodRevision); # luke added } $fullHtml .= &WikiToHTML($Text{'text'}); # $fullHtml .= "
\n" if (!&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)); if (($id eq $RCName) || (T($RCName) eq $id) || (T($id) eq $RCName)) { if (&GetParam("sincelastvisit", 0)) { my $cookie1 = $q->cookie( -name => $CookieName . "-RC", -value => time(), -expires => '+60d'); print "Set-Cookie: $cookie1\r\n"; } print $fullHtml; &DoRc(1); # print "\n" if (!&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)); print &GetFooterText($id, $goodRevision); return; } $fullHtml .= &GetFooterText($id, $goodRevision); print $fullHtml; return if ($showDiff || ($revision ne '')); # Don't cache special version ### redirect 로 옮겨가는 경우에는 cache 생성을 하지 않게 함 # &UpdateHtmlCache($id, $fullHtml) if $UseCache; &UpdateHtmlCache($id, $fullHtml) if ($UseCache && ($oldId eq '')); ### } sub ReBrowsePage { my ($id, $oldId, $isEdit) = @_; $id = &EncodeUrl($id); $oldId = &EncodeUrl($oldId); if ($oldId ne "") { # Target of #REDIRECT (loop breaking) print &GetRedirectPage("action=browse&id=$id&oldid=$oldId", $id, $isEdit); } else { print &GetRedirectPage($id, $id, $isEdit); } } ### #EXTERN sub BrowseExternUrl { my ($id, $oldId, $url) = @_; my $sizeBottomFrame = $SizeBottomFrame * $EditGuideInExtern; if (&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '1') { print &GetHeader($id, "$id [InTopFrame]",$oldId); print &GetMinimumFooter(); return; } elsif ((&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '2') && ($EditGuideInExtern)) { print &GetHeader($id, "$id [InBottomFrame]",$oldId); print "
\n"; print &GetEditGuide($id, ''); print &GetMinimumFooter(); return; } else { print &GetHttpHeader(); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "$SiteName: $id\n"; print "\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n" if ($EditGuideInExtern); print " \n"; print " <body>\n"; print " <p>".T('You need the web browser which supports frame tag.')."\n"; print " </body>\n"; print " \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; return; } } sub DoRc { ### rss from usemod1.0 my ($rcType) = @_; my $showHTML; my ($fileData, $rcline, $daysago, $lastTs, $ts, $idOnly); my (@fullrc, $status, $oldFileData, $firstTs, $errorText); my $starttime = 0; my $showbar = 0; ### rss from usemod1.0 if (0 == $rcType) { $showHTML = 0; } else { $showHTML = 1; } ### pda clip by gypark if ($IsPDA) { $daysago = &GetParam("days", 0); $daysago = 7 if ($daysago == 0); $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$daysago); print "

$SiteName : " . Ts('Updates in the last %s day' . (($daysago != 1)?"s":""), $daysago) . "

\n"; } else { if (&GetParam("sincelastvisit", 0)) { $starttime = $q->cookie($CookieName ."-RC"); } elsif (&GetParam("from", 0)) { $starttime = &GetParam("from", 0); ### rss from usemod1.0 # print "

" . Ts('Updates since %s', &TimeToText($starttime)) # . "

\n"; if ($showHTML) { print "

" . Ts('Updates since %s', &TimeToText($starttime)) . "

\n"; } ### } else { $daysago = &GetParam("days", 0); $daysago = &GetParam("rcdays", 0) if ($daysago == 0); if ($daysago) { $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$daysago); ### rss from usemod1.0 # print "

" . Ts('Updates in the last %s day' # . (($daysago != 1)?"s":""), $daysago) . "

\n"; if ($showHTML) { print "

" . Ts('Updates in the last %s day' . (($daysago != 1)?"s":""), $daysago) . "

\n"; } ### # Note: must have two translations (for "day" and "days") # Following comment line is for translation helper script # Ts('Updates in the last %s days', ''); } } if ($starttime == 0) { ### rss from usemod1.0 # $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$RcDefault); # print "

" . Ts('Updates in the last %s day' # . (($RcDefault != 1)?"s":""), $RcDefault) . "

\n"; if (0 == $rcType) { $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$RssDays); } else { $starttime = $Now - ((24*60*60)*$RcDefault); } if ($showHTML) { print "

" . Ts('Updates in the last %s day' . (($RcDefault != 1)?"s":""), $RcDefault) . "

\n"; } ### # Translation of above line is identical to previous version } } # Read rclog data (and oldrclog data if needed) ($status, $fileData) = &ReadFile($RcFile); $errorText = ""; if (!$status) { # Save error text if needed. $errorText = '

' . Ts('Could not open %s log file', $RCName) . ": $RcFile

" . T('Error was') . ":\n

\n" . '

' . T('Note: This error is normal if no changes have been made.') . "\n"; } @fullrc = split(/\n/, $fileData); $firstTs = 0; if (@fullrc > 0) { # Only false if no lines in file ($firstTs) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[0]); } if (($firstTs == 0) || ($starttime <= $firstTs)) { ($status, $oldFileData) = &ReadFile($RcOldFile); if ($status) { @fullrc = split(/\n/, $oldFileData . $fileData); } else { if ($errorText ne "") { # could not open either rclog file print $errorText; print "

" . Ts('Could not open old %s log file', $RCName) . ": $RcOldFile

" . T('Error was') . ":\n

\n"; return; } } } $lastTs = 0; ### hide page for (my $i = $#fullrc; $i >= 0; $i--) { my ($ts, $page) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$i]); $lastTs = $ts, last if not PageIsHidden($page); } $lastTs++ if (($Now - $lastTs) > 5); # Skip last unless very recent $idOnly = &GetParam("rcidonly", ""); ### rss from usemod1.0 if ($idOnly && $showHTML) { ### print '(' . Ts('for %s only', &ScriptLink($idOnly, $idOnly)) . ')
'; } ### pda clip by gypark if (!($IsPDA)) { ### rss from usemod1.0 if ($showHTML) { foreach my $i (@RcDays) { print " | " if $showbar; $showbar = 1; print &ScriptLink("action=rc&days=$i", Ts('%s day' . (($i != 1)?'s':''), $i)); # Note: must have two translations (for "day" and "days") # Following comment line is for translation helper script # Ts('%s days', ''); } ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 if (!&LoginUser()) { print "
" . &ScriptLink("action=rc&from=$lastTs", T('List new changes starting from')); print " " . &TimeToText($lastTs) . "
\n"; } else { my $bookmark = &GetParam('bookmark',-1); print "
" . &ScriptLink("action=bookmark&time=$Now", T('Update my bookmark timestamp')." [m]"); print " (". Ts('currently set to %s', &TimeToText($bookmark)). ")
\n"; } } } # Later consider a binary search? my $i = 0; while ($i < @fullrc) { # Optimization: skip old entries quickly ($ts) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$i]); if ($ts >= $starttime) { $i -= 1000 if ($i > 0); last; } $i += 1000; } $i -= 1000 if (($i > 0) && ($i >= @fullrc)); for (; $i < @fullrc ; $i++) { ($ts) = split(/$FS3/, $fullrc[$i]); last if ($ts >= $starttime); } ### rss from usemod1.0 if ($i == @fullrc && $showHTML) { print '
' . Ts('No updates since %s', &TimeToText($starttime)) . "
\n"; } else { splice(@fullrc, 0, $i); # Remove items before index $i # Later consider an end-time limit (items older than X) ### rss from usemod1.0 if (0 == $rcType) { print &GetRcRss(@fullrc); } else { print &GetRcHtml(@fullrc); } } if ($showHTML) { print '

' . Ts('Page generated %s', &TimeToText($Now)), "
\n"; } } sub GetRcHtml { my @outrc = @_; my ($html, $date, $sum, $edit, $count, $newtop, $author); my ($showedit, $inlist, $link, $all, $idOnly); ### RcOldFile 버그 수정 # my ($ts, $oldts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp); my ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp); my ($tEdit, $tChanges, $tDiff); my %extra = (); my %changetime = (); my %pagecount = (); $tEdit = T('(edit)'); # Optimize translations out of main loop $tDiff = T('(diff)'); $tChanges = T('changes'); $showedit = &GetParam("rcshowedit", $ShowEdits); $showedit = &GetParam("showedit", $showedit); ### 최근 변경 내역과 rss 에 아이템 갯수 지정 옵션 my $num_items = &GetParam("items", 0); my $num_printed = 0; ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 my $bookmark; my $bookmarkuser = &GetParam('username', ""); my ($rcnew, $rcupdated, $rcdiff, $rcdeleted, $rcinterest) = ( "", "", "", "", ### 관심 페이지 "".T(", ); $bookmark = &GetParam('bookmark',-1); if ($showedit != 1) { my @temprc = (); foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); if ($showedit == 0) { # 0 = No edits push(@temprc, $rcline) if (!$isEdit); } else { # 2 = Only edits push(@temprc, $rcline) if ($isEdit); } } @outrc = @temprc; } ### summary 개선 by gypark my %all_summary; $all = &GetParam("rcall", 0); $all = &GetParam("all", $all); $newtop = &GetParam("rcnewtop", $RecentTop); $newtop = &GetParam("newtop", $newtop); $idOnly = &GetParam("rcidonly", ""); #### # Later consider folding into loop above? # Later add lines to assoc. pagename array (for new RC display) foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ### summary 개선 by gypark # ($ts, $pagename) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); ($ts, $pagename, $summary) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); #### ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 # $pagecount{$pagename}++; ### summary 개선 by gypark # $pagecount{$pagename}++ if ($ts > $bookmark); if ($ts > $bookmark) { $pagecount{$pagename}++; if (&LoginUser() && !($all)) { if (($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) { $summary = &QuoteHtml($summary); $all_summary{$pagename} = "[$summary]
" . $all_summary{$pagename}; } } } $changetime{$pagename} = $ts; } $date = ""; $inlist = 0; ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 ### pda clip 기능 추가 # $html = ""; if ($IsPDA) { $html = ""; } else { $html = ""; } ### ### summary 개선 by gypark # $all = &GetParam("rcall", 0); # $all = &GetParam("all", $all); # $newtop = &GetParam("rcnewtop", $RecentTop); # $newtop = &GetParam("newtop", $newtop); # $idOnly = &GetParam("rcidonly", ""); #### @outrc = reverse @outrc if ($newtop); ### commented by gypark ### RcOldFile 버그 수정 # ($oldts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp) # = split(/$FS3/, $outrc[0]); # $oldts += 1; foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); # Later: need to change $all for new-RC? next if ((!$all) && ($ts < $changetime{$pagename})); next if (($idOnly ne "") && ($idOnly ne $pagename)); ### hide page next if (&PageIsHidden($pagename)); ### 최근 변경 내역과 rss 에 아이템 갯수 지정 옵션 $num_printed++; last if (($num_items > 0) && ($num_printed > $num_items)); ### commented by gypark ### RcOldFile 버그 수정 # next if ($ts >= $oldts); # $oldts = $ts; # print $ts . " " . $pagename . "
\n"; %extra = split(/$FS2/, $extraTemp, -1); if ($date ne &CalcDay($ts)) { $date = &CalcDay($ts); if ($inlist) { ### commented by gypark ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 ### pda clip 기능 추가 # $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n" if ($IsPDA); $inlist = 0; } ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 패치도 같이 적용 ### pda clip 기능 추가 # $html .= "

" . $date . "

\n"; if ($IsPDA) { $html .= "

" . $date . "

\n"; } else { $html .= "

". "". "\n"; } else { $html .= " [" .&ScriptLink("action=bookmark&time=$ts",T('set bookmark')) ."]" . "\n"; } } } if (!$inlist) { ### commented by gypark ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 ### pda clip 기능 추가 # $html .= "
    \n"; $html .= "
      \n" if ($IsPDA); $inlist = 1; } $host = &QuoteHtml($host); if (defined($extra{'name'}) && defined($extra{'id'})) { ### pda clip by gypark # $author = &GetAuthorLink($host, $extra{'name'}, $extra{'id'}); if ($IsPDA) { $author = &GetPageLink($extra{'name'}); } else { $author = &GetAuthorLink($host, $extra{'name'}, $extra{'id'}); } } else { $author = &GetAuthorLink($host, "", 0); } $sum = ""; if (($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) { $summary = &QuoteHtml($summary); ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 # $sum = "[$summary] "; $sum = "[$summary]"; ### } $edit = ""; $edit = "$tEdit " if ($isEdit); $count = ""; if ((!$all) && ($pagecount{$pagename} > 1)) { $count = "($pagecount{$pagename} "; if (&GetParam("rcchangehist", 1)) { $count .= &GetHistoryLink($pagename, $tChanges); } else { $count .= $tChanges; } $count .= ") "; } $link = ""; if ($UseDiff && &GetParam("diffrclink", 1)) { ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 # $link .= &ScriptLinkDiff(4, $pagename, $tDiff, "") . " "; if (!(-f &GetPageFile($pagename))) { $link .= &GetHistoryLink($pagename, $rcdeleted); } elsif (($bookmarkuser eq "") || ($ts <= $bookmark)) { $link .= &ScriptLinkDiff(4, $pagename, $rcdiff, "") . " "; } elsif ($extra{'tscreate'} > $bookmark) { $link .= $rcnew . " "; } else { $link .= &ScriptLinkDiffRevision(5, $pagename, "", $rcupdated) . " "; } } ### 최근 변경 내역을 테이블로 출력 ### from Jof4002's patch ### pda clip 기능 추가 # $link .= &GetPageLink($pagename); # $html .= "
    • $link "; # # Later do new-RC looping here. # $html .= &CalcTime($ts) . " $count$edit" . " $sum"; # $html .= ". . . . . $author\n"; # Make dots optional? # } # $html .= "
    \n" if ($inlist); if (!($IsPDA)) { $html .= "
" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "" . "\n"; ### summary 개선 by gypark # if ($sum ne "") { # . "\n"; # } if ($all_summary{$pagename} ne "") { $html .= "" . "\n"; } elsif ($sum ne "") { $html .= "" . "\n"; } #### } else { $link = &GetPageLink($pagename); $html .= "
  • $link ... "; # Later do new-RC looping here. $html .= &CalcTime($ts) . " - $author $sum\n"; } } if ($IsPDA) { $html .= "\n"; } else { $html .= "
    " . $date . ""; if ($bookmarkuser eq "") { $html .= "
    " ### 관심 페이지 . ((defined ($UserInterest{$pagename}))?"$rcinterest":"  ") . "$link " . &GetPageOrEditLink($pagename) . "" . &CalcTime($ts) . "$count$edit$author
    "; } return $html; } sub DoRandom { my ($id, @pageList); @pageList = &AllPagesList(); # Optimize? $id = $pageList[int(rand($#pageList + 1))]; &ReBrowsePage($id, "", 0); } sub DoHistory { my ($id) = @_; my ($html, $canEdit, $row, $newText); ### hide page if (&PageIsHidden($id)) { print &GetHeader("",&QuoteHtml(Ts('History of %s', $id)), ""); print Ts('%s is a hidden page', $id); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } print &GetHeader("",&QuoteHtml(Ts('History of %s', $id)), "") . "
    "; &OpenPage($id); &OpenDefaultText(); $canEdit = 0; # Turn off direct "Edit" links $canEdit = &UserCanEdit($id,1); if ( $UseDiff ) { print < FORMEOF } $html = &GetHistoryLine($id, $Page{'text_default'}, $canEdit, $row++); &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default'); foreach (reverse sort {$a <=> $b} keys %KeptRevisions) { next if ($_ eq ""); # (needed?) $html .= &GetHistoryLine($id, $KeptRevisions{$_}, $canEdit, $row++); } print $html; if( $UseDiff ) { my $label = T('Compare'); print "
    \n"; print "

    \n"; print &GetDiffHTML( &GetParam('defaultdiff',1), $id, '', '', $newText ); } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub GetHistoryLine { my ($id, $section, $canEdit, $row) = @_; my ($html, $expirets, $rev, $summary, $host, $user, $uid, $ts, $minor); my (%sect, %revtext); %sect = split(/$FS2/, $section, -1); %revtext = split(/$FS3/, $sect{'data'}); $rev = $sect{'revision'}; $summary = $revtext{'summary'}; if ((defined($sect{'host'})) && ($sect{'host'} ne '')) { $host = $sect{'host'}; } else { $host = $sect{'ip'}; $host =~ s/\d+$/xxx/; # Be somewhat anonymous (if no host) } $user = $sect{'username'}; $uid = $sect{'id'}; $ts = $sect{'ts'}; $minor = ''; $minor = '' . T('(edit)') . ' ' if ($revtext{'minor'}); $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 24 * 60 * 60); if ($UseDiff) { my ($c1, $c2); $c1 = 'checked="checked"' if 1 == $row; $c2 = 'checked="checked"' if 0 == $row; $html .= " "; $html .= ""; } if (0 == $row) { # current revision ### History 화면에서, 제일 마지막 revision 은 revision 번호 대신 ### "현재 버전" 이라고 나오게 함 # $html .= &GetPageLinkText($id, Ts('Revision %s', $rev)) . ' '; $html .= &GetPageLinkText($id, Ts('Current Revision', $rev)) . ' '; ### if ($canEdit) { $html .= "<- ". &GetEditLink($id, T('Edit')) . ' '; } } else { $html .= &GetOldPageLink('browse', $id, $rev, Ts('Revision %s', $rev)) . ' '; if ($canEdit) { $html .= "<- ". &GetOldPageLink('edit', $id, $rev, T('Edit')) . ' '; } } $html .= ". . . . " . $minor . &TimeToText($ts) . " "; $html .= T('by') . ' ' . &GetAuthorLink($host, $user, $uid) . " "; if (defined($summary) && ($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) { $summary = &QuoteHtml($summary); # Thanks Sunir! :-) $html .= "[$summary] "; } $html .= $UseDiff ? "\n" : "
    \n"; return $html; } # ==== HTML and page-oriented functions ==== sub ScriptLinkChar { if ($SlashLinks) { return '/'; } return '?'; } sub ScriptLink { my ($action, $text) = @_; my $rel; if ($action =~ /action=(.+?)\b/i) { if ((lc($1) ne "index") && (lc($1) ne "rc")) { $rel = 'rel="nofollow"'; } } elsif ($action =~ /search=/i) { $rel = 'rel="nofollow"'; } return "$text"; } sub ScriptLinkClass { my ($action, $text, $class) = @_; my $rel; if ($action =~ /action=(.+?)\b/i) { if ((lc($1) ne "index") && (lc($1) ne "rc")) { $rel = 'rel="nofollow"'; } } return "$text"; } sub HelpLink { my ($id, $text) = @_; my $url = "$ScriptName".&ScriptLinkChar()."action=help&index=$id"; ### 작성 취소 시 확인 # return "$text"; return "$text"; } sub GetPageLink { my ($id) = @_; return &GetPageLinkText($id, $id); } sub GetPageLinkText { my ($id, $name) = @_; $id =~ s|^/|$MainPage/|; if ($FreeLinks) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); $name =~ s/_/ /g; } ### pda clip by gypark if ($IsPDA) { return &ScriptLink("action=browse&pda=1&id=$id", $name); } return &ScriptLinkClass($id, $name, 'wikipagelink'); } sub GetEditLink { my ($id, $name) = @_; if ($FreeLinks) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); $name =~ s/_/ /g; } return &ScriptLinkClass("action=edit&id=$id", $name, 'wikipageedit'); } sub GetOldPageParameters { my ($kind, $id, $revision) = @_; $id = &FreeToNormal($id) if $FreeLinks; return "action=$kind&id=$id&revision=$revision"; } sub GetOldPageLink { my ($kind, $id, $revision, $name) = @_; $name =~ s/_/ /g if $FreeLinks; return &ScriptLink(&GetOldPageParameters($kind, $id, $revision), $name); } sub GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink { my ($id, $anchor, $name) = @_; my (@temp, $exists); if ($name eq "") { $name = $id; if ($FreeLinks) { $name =~ s/_/ /g; } } $id =~ s|^/|$MainPage/|; if ($FreeLinks) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); } $exists = 0; if ($UseIndex) { if (!$IndexInit) { @temp = &AllPagesList(); # Also initializes hash } $exists = 1 if ($IndexHash{$id}); } elsif (-f &GetPageFile($id)) { # Page file exists $exists = 1; } if ($exists) { $id = "$id#$anchor" if $anchor; $name = "$name#$anchor" if $anchor && $NamedAnchors != 2; return &GetPageLinkText($id, $name); } if ($FreeLinks && !$EditNameLink) { if ($name =~ m| |) { # Not a single word $name = "[$name]"; # Add brackets so boundaries are obvious } } if ($EditNameLink) { return &GetFirstCharLink($id, $name); } else { return $name . &GetEditLink($id,"?"); } } # 첫 글자에 링크를 거는 함수 sub GetFirstCharLink { my ($id, $name) = @_; my ($mainpage, $slash, $page) = ($name =~ m/(?:(.*)(\/))?(.+)/); my ($first, $last) = &split_string($page, 1); return $mainpage . &GetEditLink($id,$slash.$first) . $last; } sub GetPageOrEditLink { my ($id, $name) = @_; return &GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink( $id, "", $name ); } sub GetSearchLink { my ($id) = @_; my $name = $id; $id =~ s|.+/|/|; # Subpage match: search for just /SubName if ($FreeLinks) { $name =~ s/_/ /g; # Display with spaces $id =~ s/_/+/g; # Search for url-escaped spaces } return &ScriptLink("search=$id", $name); } ### 역링크 추가 sub GetReverseLink { my ($id, $name) = @_; $name = $id if ($name eq ""); if ($FreeLinks) { $name =~ s/_/ /g; # Display with spaces } return &ScriptLink("action=reverse&id=$id", $name); } sub GetPrefsLink { return &ScriptLink("action=editprefs", T('Preferences')); } sub GetRandomLink { return &ScriptLink("action=random", T('Random Page')); } sub ScriptLinkDiff { my ($diff, $id, $text, $rev) = @_; $rev = "&revision=$rev" if ($rev ne ""); $diff = &GetParam("defaultdiff", 1) if ($diff == 4); return &ScriptLink("action=browse&diff=$diff&id=$id$rev", $text); } sub ScriptLinkDiffRevision { my ($diff, $id, $rev, $text) = @_; $rev = "&diffrevision=$rev" if ($rev ne ""); $diff = &GetParam("defaultdiff", 1) if ($diff == 4); return &ScriptLink("action=browse&diff=$diff&id=$id$rev", $text); } sub ScriptLinkTitle { my ($action, $text, $title) = @_; if ($FreeLinks) { $action =~ s/ /_/g; } return "$text"; } sub GetAuthorLink { my ($host, $userName, $uid) = @_; my ($html, $title, $userNameShow); if (!&UserIsAdmin()) { $host =~ s/\d+$/xxx/; } $userNameShow = $userName; if ($FreeLinks) { $userName =~ s/ /_/g; $userNameShow =~ s/_/ /g; } if (&ValidId($userName) ne "") { # Invalid under current rules $userName = ""; # Just pretend it isn't there. } # Later have user preference for link titles and/or host text? if (($uid ne "") && ($userName ne "")) { $html = &ScriptLinkTitle($userName, $userNameShow, Ts('ID %s', $uid) . ' ' . Ts('from %s', $host)); } else { $html = $host; } return $html; } sub GetHistoryLink { my ($id, $text) = @_; if ($FreeLinks) { $id =~ s/ /_/g; } return &ScriptLink("action=history&id=$id", $text); } sub GetHeader { my ($id, $title, $oldId) = @_; my $header = ""; my $logoImage = ""; my $result = ""; my $embed = &GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki); my $altText = T('[Home]'); $result = &GetHttpHeader(); if ($FreeLinks) { $title =~ s/_/ /g; # Display as spaces } $result .= &GetHtmlHeader("$title : $SiteName", $title); ### pda clip by gypark if ($IsPDA) { $result .= "


    "; } return $result if ($embed); ### #EXTERN return $result if (&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '2'); my $topMsg = ""; if ($oldId ne '') { $topMsg .= '('.Ts('redirected from %s',&GetEditLink($oldId, $oldId)).') '; } ### #EXTERN if (&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '1') { $topMsg .= '('.Ts('%s includes external page',&GetEditLink($id,$id)).')'; } $result .= $q->h3($topMsg) if (($oldId ne '') || (&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '1')); if ((!$embed) && ($LogoUrl ne "")) { $logoImage = "IMG class='logoimage' src=\"$LogoUrl\" alt=\"$altText\" border=0"; if (!$LogoLeft) { $logoImage .= " align=\"right\""; } $header = "<$logoImage>"; } if ($id ne '') { ### 역링크 개선 # $result .= $q->h1($header . &GetSearchLink($id)); $result .= $q->h1({-class=>"pagename"}, $header . &GetReverseLink($id)); } else { $result .= $q->h1({-class=>"actionname"}, $header . $title); } ### page 처음에 bottom 으로 가는 링크를 추가 ### #EXTERN if (&GetParam('InFrame','') eq '') { $result .= "\n\n"; } if (&GetParam("toplinkbar", 1)) { # Later consider smaller size? $result .= &GetGotoBar($id); } return $result; } sub GetHttpHeader { my $cookie; my $t; $t = gmtime; if (defined($SetCookie{'userid'})) { ### 로긴할 때 자동 로그인 여부 선택 # $cookie = "$CookieName=" # . "rev&" . $SetCookie{'rev'} # . "&id&" . $SetCookie{'id'} # . "&randkey&" . $SetCookie{'randkey'}; # $cookie .= ";expires=Fri, 08-Sep-2010 19:48:23 GMT"; $cookie = "$CookieName=" . "expire&" . $SetCookie{'expire'} . "&rev&" . $SetCookie{'rev'} . "&userid&" . EncodeUrl($SetCookie{'userid'}) . "&randkey&" . $SetCookie{'randkey'} . ";"; ### slashlinks 지원 - 로긴,로그아웃시에 쿠키의 path를 동일하게 해줌 my $cookie_path = $q->url(-absolute=>1); if ((my $postfix = $q->script_name()) eq $cookie_path) { # mod_rewrite 가 사용되지 않은 경우 $cookie_path =~ s/[^\/]*$//; # 스크립트 이름만 제거 } else { # mod_rewrite if ((my $postfix = $q->path_info()) ne '') { # wiki.pl/ 로 rewrite 된 경우 $cookie_path =~ s/$postfix$//; } else { # wiki.pl? 로 rewrite 된 경우 my $postfix = $q->query_string(); $cookie_path =~ s/$postfix$//; } } $cookie .= "path=$cookie_path;"; if ($SetCookie{'expire'} eq "1") { $cookie .= "expires=Tue, 31-Dec-2050 23:59:59 GMT"; } if ($HttpCharset ne '') { return $q->header(-cookie=>$cookie, -pragma=>"no-cache", -cache_control=>"no-cache", -last_modified=>"$t", -expires=>"+10s", -type=>"text/html; charset=$HttpCharset"); } return $q->header(-cookie=>$cookie); } if ($HttpCharset ne '') { return $q->header(-type=>"text/html; charset=$HttpCharset", -pragma=>"no-cache", -cache_control=>"no-cache", -last_modified=>"$t", -expires=>"+10s"); } return $q->header(); } sub GetHtmlHeader { my ($title, $id) = @_; my ($dtd, $bgcolor, $html, $bodyExtra); if ($FreeLinks) { $id = &FreeToNormal($id); } $html = ''; $dtd = '-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN'; $bgcolor = 'white'; # Later make an option $html = qq(\n); $title = QuoteHtml($title); $html .= "$title\n"; if ($SiteBase ne "") { $html .= qq(\n); } if ($StyleSheetUrl ne '') { $html .= qq(\n); } # Insert other header stuff here (like inline style sheets?) ### 헤더 출력 개선 $html .= qq(\n); $html .= qq(\n); $html .= qq|\n|; $html .= qq(); $html .= "\n"; ### RobotsMetaTag my $action = lc(&GetParam('action','')); my $search = &GetParam('search','').&GetParam('dosearch',''); if ( ($search eq "") && # not search result ($action eq "" || # regular page browse $action eq "rc" || # recent changes $action eq "index") # page list ) { $html .= "\n"; } else { $html .= "\n"; } ### rel=canonical head my $full_url = ($FullUrl ne '')?$FullUrl:$q->url(-full => 1); my $canonical eq ''; if ( ($action eq '' or $action eq 'browse') and $id ne '' ) { $canonical = $full_url.ScriptLinkChar().$id; } elsif ( $action eq 'rc' or $action eq 'bookmark' ) { $canonical = $full_url.ScriptLinkChar().T($RCName); } # history나 diff화면에서 표준 링크 지정. 이건 조금 과한가 # elsif ( (my $id_param = GetParam('id', '')) ne '' ) { # $canonical = $full_url.ScriptLinkChar().$id_param; # } $html .= qq|\n| if $canonical; ### 사용자 정의 헤더 $html .= $UserHeader; $html .= "\n"; $bodyExtra = ''; if ($bgcolor ne '') { $bodyExtra = qq( BGCOLOR="$bgcolor"); } ### #EXTERN if (&GetParam('InFrame','') ne '') { $html .= qq(\n); } else { if ($ClickEdit) { my $revision = GetParam('revision',''); if ( $revision ne '' ) { $bodyExtra .= qq| ondblclick="location.href='$ScriptName${\(&ScriptLinkChar())}action=edit&id=$id&revision=$revision'" |; } else { $bodyExtra .= qq| ondblclick="location.href='$ScriptName${\(&ScriptLinkChar())}action=edit&id=$id'" |; } } } ### 작성 취소시 확인 if ( (&GetParam("oldtime", "") ne "") || ((lc(&GetParam("action","")) eq "edit") && (&UserCanEdit($id,1))) ) { my $close_string = T('If you leave current page, the contents you are writing will not be stored.'); $bodyExtra .= qq( onbeforeunload="chk_close(event, '$close_string');" ); } ### 단축키 my $headExtra; if ($UseShortcut) { my $shortCutUrl = "$ScriptName".&ScriptLinkChar(); my $shortCutLogin = (&LoginUser()?"logout":"login&pageid=$pageid"); my $shortCutHome = &FreeToNormal($HomePage); $headExtra .= < EOH } $html .= $headExtra; # Insert any other body stuff (like scripts) into $bodyExtra here # (remember to add a space at the beginning to separate from prior text) $html .= "\n"; return $html; } sub GetEditGuide { my ($id, $rev) = @_; my $result = "\n\n
    "; # print "\n" if (!&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)); ### 관리자가 페이지를 볼 때는 하단에 수정 금지 여부를 알려주고 금지 설정/해제를 할 수 있게 함 if (&UserIsAdmin()) { if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($id)) { $result .= T('(locked)') . " | "; } $result .= &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=1&id=" . $id, T('lock')); $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=0&id=" . $id, T('unlock')); ### hide page by gypark $result .= " | "; if (defined($HiddenPage{$id})) { $result .= T('(hidden)') . " | "; } $result .= &ScriptLink("action=pagehide&set=1&id=" . $id, T('hide')); $result .= " | " . &ScriptLink("action=pagehide&set=0&id=". $id, T('unhide')); } ### 매크로가 들어간 페이지의 편집가이드 문제 해결 if ($Sec_Revision > 0) { $result .= '
    '; if ($rev eq '') { # Only for most current rev $result .= T('Last edited'); } else { $result .= T('Edited'); } ### 매크로가 들어간 페이지의 편집가이드 문제 해결 # $result .= ' ' . &TimeToText($Section{ts}); $result .= ' ' . &TimeToText($Sec_Ts); } if ($UseDiff) { $result .= ' ' . &ScriptLinkDiff(4, $id, T('(diff [d])'), $rev); } $result .= '
    '; ### page count $result .= Ts('%s hit' . (($ViewCount > 1)?'s':'') , $ViewCount)." | " if ($ViewCount ne ""); ### %-encoded permalink $result .= 'Permalink | '; ### 관심 페이지 if (&LoginUser()) { if (defined($UserInterest{$id})) { $result .= &ScriptLink("action=interest&mode=remove&id=$id", T('Remove from interest list')); } else { $result .= &ScriptLink("action=interest&mode=add&id=$id", T('Add to my interest list')); } $result .= " | "; } $result .= &GetHistoryLink($id, T('History')." [h]"); if ($rev ne '') { $result .= ' | '; $result .= &GetPageLinkText($id, T('View current revision')); } $result .= ' | '; if (&UserCanEdit($id, 1)) { if ($rev ne '') { $result .= &GetOldPageLink('edit', $id, $rev, Ts('Edit revision %s of this page', $rev)." [v]"); } else { $result .= &GetEditLink($id, T('Edit text of this page')." [e]"); } } else { ### view action 추가 # $result .= T('This page is read-only'); if ($rev ne '') { $result .= &GetOldPageLink('edit', $id, $rev, Ts('View revision %s of this page', $rev)); } else { $result .= &GetEditLink($id, T('View text of this page')); } } $result .= "
    "; return $result; } sub GetFooterText { my ($id, $rev) = @_; my $result = ''; if (&GetParam('embed', $EmbedWiki)) { return $q->end_html; } if ($EditPagePos eq 1 or $EditPagePos eq 3) { $result .= &GetEditGuide($id, $rev); } if ($DataDir =~ m|/tmp/|) { $result .= '
    ' . T('Warning') . ': ' . Ts('Database is stored in temporary directory %s', $DataDir) . '
    '; } $result .= ""; $result .= &GetMinimumFooter(); return $result; } sub GetCommonFooter { return "" . &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub GetMinimumFooter { ### #EXTERN if (&GetParam('InFrame','') ne '') { return $q->end_html; } my $result = ''; if ($FooterNote ne '') { $result .= T($FooterNote); # Allow local translations } ### 처리 시간 측정 $result .= "\n\n" . $q->end_html; return $result; } sub GetFormStart { ### form 에 이름을 넣을 수 있도록 함 # return $q->start_form("POST", "$ScriptName", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); my ($name) = @_; if ($name eq '') { return $q->start_form("POST", "$ScriptName", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } else { return $q->start_form(-method=>"POST", -action=>"$ScriptName", -enctype=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ,-name=>"$name") ; } } sub GetGotoBar { my ($id) = @_; my ($main, $bar_menu, $bar_user, $bar_search); # gotobar_menu $bar_menu .= "
    \n"; $bar_menu .= "
      \n"; $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &GetPageLink($HomePage).&GetPageLinkText($HomePage, "[f]") . "
    • \n"; $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &GetPageLink(T($RCName)).&ScriptLink("action=rc", "[r]") . "
    • \n"; $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &ScriptLink("action=index", T('Index')."[i]") . "
    • \n"; if ($id =~ m|/|) { ### subpage 의 경우, 상위페이지 이름 앞에 아이콘 표시 $main = $id; $main =~ s|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage) $bar_menu .= "
    • " . "\""" . &GetPageLink($main) . "
    • \n"; } if ($UserGotoBar ne '') { $bar_menu .= "
    • " . $UserGotoBar . "
    • \n"; } foreach ($UserGotoBar2, $UserGotoBar3, $UserGotoBar4) { if ($_ ne '') { $bar_menu .= "
    • " . $_ . "
    • \n"; } } if (&GetParam("linkrandom", 0)) { $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &GetRandomLink() . "
    • \n"; } $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &ScriptLink("action=links", T('Links')) . "
    • \n"; if (&UserIsAdmin()) { $bar_menu .= "
    • " . &ScriptLink("action=adminmenu", T('Admin')) . "
    • \n"; } $bar_menu .= "
    "; $bar_menu .= "
    \n"; # gotobar_user $bar_user .= "
    \n"; $bar_user .= "
      \n"; if (!&LoginUser()) { $bar_user .= "
    • " . &ScriptLink("action=login&pageid=$pageid", T('Login')."[l]") . "
    • \n"; } else { $bar_user .= "
    • " . &GetPageLink(&GetParam('username')) . "
    • \n" . "
    • " . &GetPrefsLink() . " | " . &ScriptLink("action=logout", T('Logout'). "[l]") . "
    • \n"; } $bar_user .= "
    "; $bar_user .= "
    \n"; # gotobar_search, goto $bar_search .= "\n"; my $gotobar_script = < EOF return "
    " . $bar_search . $bar_user . $bar_menu . "
    " . $gotobar_script . "
    \n" ; } sub GetGotoForm { my ($not_macro, $string); if (@_) { ($string) = @_; } else { $not_macro = 1; } my $result; my $location_prefix = $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar(); my $param_backup = $q->param("id"); $q->param("id", "$string"); $GotoTextFieldId++; $result = $q->start_form( -name => ($not_macro?"goto_form":""), -method => "POST", -action => "$ScriptName", -enctype => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", -accept_charset => "$HttpCharset", -onSubmit => "document.location.href = " . "'$location_prefix'+document.getElementById('goto_$GotoTextFieldId')" . ".value.replace(/\\s*\$/,'').replace(/ /g,'_');" . "return false;" , ) . "\n" . &GetHiddenValue("action", "browse") . "\n" . $q->textfield( -name => ($not_macro?"goto_text":""), -id => "goto_$GotoTextFieldId", -class => "goto", -size => "30", -value => "$string", -accesskey => ($not_macro?"g":""), -title => ($not_macro?T("Go")."(Alt + g)":""), -tabindex => ($not_macro?"1000":""), # IE&FF -onKeyup=> ( $not_macro? "getMsg('$ScriptName')" : "" ), # FF에서 처음에 한글로 입력을 시작할 때 # up,down 키로 목록과 필드를 오갈때 -onKeydown=> ( $not_macro? "goto_text_keydown(this,event); " . "getMsg('$ScriptName')" : "" ), ) . " " . $q->submit( -class => "goto", -name => "Submit", -value => T("Go"), -tabindex => ($not_macro?"1002":""), ) # 자동 완성 목록이 나올 DIV . ($not_macro? "
    \n" . "
    \n" . $q->popup_menu( -name => "goto_select", -size => "15", -tabindex => "1001", -onBlur => "goto_list_blur(this,true,true);_goto_field.select()", -onChange => "goto_list_blur(this,true,false);", -values => ["-- Loading page list... --"], -onKeydown=> "return goto_list_keydown(this,event);", ) . "
    \n" : "" ) . $q->end_form ; $q->param("id", $param_backup); return $result; } sub GetSearchForm { my ($result); ### 단축키 alt-s 지정 my $checked = &GetParam("context",""); $result = &GetFormStart("search_form") . &GetHiddenValue("dosearch", 1) . $q->textfield( -name => "search", -class => "search", -size => "30", -accesskey => "s", -title => T("Search")."(Alt + s)", ) . $q->checkbox( -name => 'context', -checked => ($checked)?1:'', -value => 'on', -label => T('Context'), ) . " " . $q->submit( -class => "search", -name => "Submit", -value => T("Search"), ) . $q->end_form ; return $result; } sub GetRedirectPage { my ($newid, $name, $isEdit) = @_; my ($url, $html); my ($nameLink); # Normally get URL from script, but allow override. $FullUrl = $q->url(-full=>1) if ($FullUrl eq ""); $url = $FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar() . $newid; $nameLink = "$name"; if ($RedirType < 3) { if ($RedirType == 1) { # Use CGI.pm # NOTE: do NOT use -method (does not work with old CGI.pm versions) # Thanks to Daniel Neri for fixing this problem. $html = $q->redirect(-uri=>$url); } else { # Minimal header $html = "Status: 302 Moved\n"; $html .= "Location: $url\n"; $html .= "Content-Type: text/html\n"; # Needed for browser failure $html .= "\n"; } $html .= "\n" . Ts('Your browser should go to the %s page.', $newid); $html .= ' ' . Ts('If it does not, click %s to continue.', $nameLink); } else { if ($isEdit) { $html = &GetHeader('', T('Thanks for editing...'), ''); $html .= Ts('Thank you for editing %s.', $nameLink); } else { $html = &GetHeader('', T('Link to another page...'), ''); } $html .= "\n

    "; $html .= Ts('Follow the %s link to continue.', $nameLink); $html .= &GetMinimumFooter(); } return $html; } # ==== Common wiki markup ==== sub WikiToHTML { my ($pageText) = @_; $TableMode = 0; %SaveUrl = (); %SaveNumUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; $SaveNumUrlIndex = 0; $pageText =~ s/$FS//g; # Remove separators (paranoia) ### include 매크로 안에서 위키태그를 작동하게 함 $pageText = &MacroIncludeSubst($pageText); if ($RawHtml) { ### {{{ }}} 내의 태그는 스킵 while ($pageText =~ s/^{{{((?:.(?!}}}))+?)<(html>)(.+?)}}}/{{{$1$FS_lt$2$3}}}/igms) { } $pageText =~ s/(.*?)<\/html>/StoreRaw($1)/isge; $pageText =~ s/$FS_lt//g; # double backslash for forced
    - comes in handy for

  • # $pageText =~ s/\\ *\r?\n/ /g; # Join lines with backslash at end $pageText =~ s/\\\\ *\r?\n/&__DOUBLEBACKSLASH__;/g; # double backslash for forced
    - comes in handy for
  • $pageText =~ s/\\ *\r?\n/&__SINGLEBACKSLASH__;/g; # Join lines with backslash at end ### $pageText = &CommonMarkup($pageText, 1, 0); # Multi-line markup # line wraped. luke $pageText = &WikiLinesToHtml($pageText); # Line-oriented markup $pageText =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text $pageText =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore nested saved text while (@HeadingNumbers) { pop @HeadingNumbers; $TableOfContents .= "\n\n"; } ### WikiHeading 개선 from Jof $pageText =~ s/&__LT__;toc&__GT__;/<\/a>$TableOfContents/i; $pageText =~ s/&__LT__;toc&__GT__;/$TableOfContents/gi; ### {{{ }}} 처리를 위해 추가. 임시 태그를 원래대로 복원 $pageText =~ s/&__DOUBLEBACKSLASH__;/
    \n/g; $pageText =~ s/&__SINGLEBACKSLASH__;/ /g; $pageText =~ s/&__LT__;/</g; $pageText =~ s/&__GT__;/>/g; $pageText =~ s/&__AMP__;/&/g; $pageText =~ s/$FS_lt/</g; $pageText =~ s/$FS_gt/>/g; return &RestoreSavedText($pageText); } sub CommonMarkup { my ($text, $useImage, $doLines) = @_; local $_ = $text; if ($doLines < 2) { # 2 = do line-oriented only ### {{{ }}} 처리 s/^{{{\r?\n(.*?)\n}}}\r?$/StoreRaw(qq|
    \n|) . StoreCodeRaw($1) . StoreRaw("\n<\/pre>")/igesm;
    ### plugin 처리
            s/^{{{#!(\w+( .+?)?)\r?\n(.*?)\n}}}\r?$/StorePlugin($1,$3)/igesm;
    ### {{{lang|n|t }}} 처리
    \n|) . StoreSyntaxHighlight($1, $3, $4) . StoreRaw("\n<\/pre>")/igesm;
    ###  태그 - quoting 도 하지 않는다
            # The  tag stores text with no markup (except quoting HTML)
            # The 
     tag wraps the stored text with the HTML 
            s/\&__LT__;pre\&__GT__;((.|\n)*?)\&__LT__;\/pre\&__GT__;/&StorePre($1, "pre")/ige;
            s/\&__LT__;code\&__GT__;((.|\n)*?)\&__LT__;\/code\&__GT__;/&StorePre($1, "code")/ige;
    ### LaTeX 지원
            if ($UseLatex) {
                s/\\\[((.|\n)*?)\\\]/&StoreRaw(&MakeLaTeX("\$"."$1"."\$", "display"))/ige;
                s/\$\$((.|\n)*?)\$\$/&StoreRaw(&MakeLaTeX("\$"."$1"."\$", "inline"))/ige;
            else {
                s/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/StorePlugin('latex inline', $1)/ges;
                s/\\\[(.*?)\\\]/StorePlugin('latex',        $1)/ges;
    ### anchor 에 한글 사용
    #       s/\[\#(\w+)\]/&StoreHref(" name=\"$1\"")/ge if $NamedAnchors;
    # anchor 정리 - 2012.01.06
            s/\[\[$AnchorPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/StoreHref("href=\"#$1\"", $2)/ge if $NamedAnchors;
            s/\[\[$AnchorPattern\]\]/StoreHref("href=\"#$1\"", $1)/ge if $NamedAnchors;
            s/\[$AnchorPattern\|([^\]]+)\]/StoreHref("name=\"$1\"", $2)/geo;
            s/\[$AnchorPattern\]/StoreHref("name=\"$1\"")/ge if $NamedAnchors;
            if ($HtmlTags) {
                foreach my $t (@HtmlPairs) {
                foreach my $t (@HtmlSingle) {
            } else {
                # Note that these tags are restricted to a single line
            s/\&__LT__;tt\&__GT__;(.*?)\&__LT__;\/tt\&__GT__;/$1<\/tt>/gis;  #  (MeatBall)
            if ($HtmlLinks) {
                s/\&__LT__;A(\s[^<>]+?)\&__GT__;(.*?)\&__LT__;\/a\&__GT__;/&StoreHref($1, $2)/gise;
            if ($FreeLinks) {
                # Consider: should local free-link descriptions be conditional?
                # Also, consider that one could write [[Bad Page|Good Page]]?
                s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&StorePageOrEditLink($1, $2)/geo;
                s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/&StorePageOrEditLink($1, "")/geo;
    ### 한글페이지에 anchor 사용
                s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&StoreBracketAnchoredLink($1, $2, $3)/geos if $NamedAnchors;
                s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\]\]/&StoreRaw(&GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink($1, $2, ""))/geos if $NamedAnchors;
            if ($BracketText) {  # Links like [URL text of link]
                # 텍스트 부분에 \]라고 써서 대괄호 자체를 표기할 수 있게 수정
                s/\[$UrlPattern\s+((?:\\\]|[^\]])+?)\]/&StoreBracketUrl($1, $2)/geos;
                s/\[$InterLinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\]/&StoreBracketInterPage($1, $2)/geos;
                if ($WikiLinks && $BracketWiki) {  # Local bracket-links
                    s/\[$LinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\]/&StoreBracketLink($1, $2)/geos;
                    s/\[$AnchoredLinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\]/&StoreBracketAnchoredLink($1, $2, $3)/geos if $NamedAnchors;
            if ($useImage) {
                $_ = &EmoticonSubst($_);            # luke added
    ### img macro from Jof
            s/\[$UrlPattern\]/&StoreBracketUrl($1, "")/geo;
            s/\[$InterLinkPattern\]/&StoreBracketInterPage($1, "")/geo;
    ### 개별적인 IMG: 태그
            s/IMG:([^<>\n]*)\n?$UrlPattern/&StoreImgUrl($1, $2, $useImage)/geo;
            s/$UrlPattern/&StoreUrl($1, $useImage)/geo;
    ### InterWiki 로 적힌 이미지 처리
    #       s/$InterLinkPattern/&StoreInterPage($1)/geo;
            s/$InterLinkPattern/&StoreInterPage($1, $useImage)/geo;
            if ($WikiLinks) {
                s/$AnchoredLinkPattern/&StoreRaw(&GetPageOrEditAnchoredLink($1, $2, ""))/geo if $NamedAnchors;
                s/$LinkPattern/&GetPageOrEditLink($1, "")/geo;
            $_ = &MacroSubst($_);               # luke added
            # ---- 
    '/ge; } if ($doLines) { # 0 = no line-oriented, 1 or 2 = do line-oriented # The quote markup patterns avoid overlapping tags (with 5 quotes) # by matching the inner quotes for the strong pattern. s/('*)'''(.*?)'''/$1$2<\/strong>/g; s/''(.*?)''/$1<\/em>/g; s/(^|\n)\s*(\=+)\s+([^\n]+)\s+\=+/&WikiHeading($1, $2, $3)/geo; ### table 내 셀 별로 정렬 # s/((\|\|)+)/"<\/TD>"/ge if $TableMode; # rowspan 을 vvv.. 로 표현하는 경우 (차후에 다시 고려할 예정) # my %td_align = ("&__LT__;", "left", "&__GT__;", "right", "|", "center"); # s/((\|\|)*)(\|(&__LT__;|&__GT__;|\|)(v*))/"<\/TD>"/ge if $TableMode; # rowspan 을 v3 으로 표현하는 경우 my %td_align = ("&__LT__;", "left", "&__GT__;", "right", "|", "center"); s/((\|\|)*)(\|(&__LT__;|&__GT__;|\|)((v(\d*))?))/"<\/TD>"/ge if $TableMode; } return $_; } # luke added sub EmoticonSubst { my ($txt) = @_; if ($UseEmoticon) { my ($e, $e1, $e2, $e3, $e4, $e5, $e6, $e7, $e8); $e1 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-ambivalent.gif "; $e2 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-laugh.gif "; $e3 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-sad.gif "; $e4 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-smile.gif "; $e5 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-surprised.gif "; $e6 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-tongue-in-cheek.gif "; $e7 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-unsure.gif "; $e8 = $EmoticonUrl . "/emoticon-wink.gif "; $txt =~ s/(\s)\^[oO_\-]*\^[;]*/$1$e2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)-[_]+-[;]*/$1$e7/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)o\.O([^A-z])/$1$e5$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\*\.\*/$1$e5/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\=\.\=[;]*/$1$e7/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:-[sS]([^A-z])/$1$e7$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:[-]*D([^A-z])/$1$e2$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:[-]*\(([^A-z])/$1$e3$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:[-]*\)([^A-z])/$1$e4$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:[-]*[oO]([^A-z])/$1$e5$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\:[-]*[pP]([^A-z])/$1$e6$2/g; $txt =~ s/(\s)\;[-]*\)([^A-z])/$1$e8$2/g; } return $txt; } sub MacroSubst { my ($txt) = @_; ### $txt =~ s/(\&__LT__;uploadedfiles\&__GT__;)/&MacroUploadedFiles($1)/gei; ### # 페이지 이름을 쓰지 않음 $txt =~ s/(&__LT__;(long)?comments\()([-+]?\d+)(\)&__GT__;)/$1$pageid,$3$4/gi; $txt =~ s/(\&__LT__;comments\(([^,]+),([-+]?\d+)\)&__GT__;)/&MacroComments($1,$2,$3)/gei; ### from Jof $txt =~ s/\&__LT__;(\/)?noinclude\&__GT__;//gei; ### $txt =~ s/(\&__LT__;longcomments\(([^,]+),([-+]?\d+)\)&__GT__;)/&MacroComments($1,$2,$3,1)/gei; ### from Jof $txt =~ s/(&__LT__;memo\(([^\n]+?)\)&__GT__;((.)*?)&__LT__;\/memo&__GT__;)/&MacroMemo($1, $2, $3)/geis; ### ### 매크로 모듈화 my $macroname; my ($MacrosDir, $MyMacrosDir) = ("./macros/", "./mymacros/"); foreach my $dir ($MacrosDir, $MyMacrosDir) { foreach my $macrofile (glob("$dir/*.pl")) { if ($macrofile =~ m|$dir/([^/]*).pl|) { $macroname = $1; $MacroFile{"$macroname"} = $macrofile; } } } foreach my $macro (sort keys %MacroFile) { if ($txt =~ /(&__LT__;|<)$macro/i) { require "$MacroFile{$macro}"; $txt = &{\&$macro}($txt); } } return $txt; } ### added by gypark sub RemoveLink { my ($string) = @_; $string = &RestoreSavedText($string); $string =~ s/]+?href[^>]+?>(\?<\/a>)?//ig; $string =~ s/<\/a>//ig; return $string; } ### include 매크로 안에서 위키태그를 작동하게 함 sub MacroIncludeSubst { my ($txt) = @_; ### #TEMPLATE if (substr($txt, 0, 10) eq '#TEMPLATE ') { my ($template_line, $template_id); if (($FreeLinks) && ($txt =~ /\#TEMPLATE\s+\[\[.+\]\]/)) { ($template_line, $template_id) = ($txt =~ /(\#TEMPLATE\s+\[\[(.+)\]\])/); $template_id = &FreeToNormal($template_id); } else { ($template_line, $template_id) = ($txt =~ /(\#TEMPLATE\s+(\S+))/); } if (&ValidId($template_id) eq '') { $txt =~ s/\Q$template_line\E//; $txt = &ApplyDynamicTemplate($template_id, $pageid, $txt); } else { # Not a valid target, so continue as normal page # 할 거 없음 } } $txt =~ s/(^|\n)([\r\f]*\n)/$1 . &MacroInclude($2) . $3/geim; ### toc 를 포함하지 않는 includenotoc 매크로 추가 $txt =~ s/(^|\n)([\r\f]*\n)/$1 . &MacroInclude($2, "notoc") . $3/geim; ### include 매크로 시리즈 모듈화 my $macroname; my ($MacrosDir, $MyMacrosDir) = ("./macros/", "./mymacros/"); foreach my $dir ($MacrosDir, $MyMacrosDir) { foreach my $macrofile (glob("$dir/*include*.pl")) { if ($macrofile =~ m|$dir/([^/]*).pl|) { $macroname = $1; $MacroFile{"$macroname"} = $macrofile; } } } foreach my $macro (sort keys %MacroFile) { if ($txt =~ /(&__LT__;|<)$macro/i) { require "$MacroFile{$macro}"; $txt = &{\&$macro}($txt); } } return $txt; } ### #TEMPLATE sub ApplyDynamicTemplate { my ($template_id, $id, $id_text) = @_; my $fname = &GetPageFile($template_id); if (!(-f $fname)) { return $id_text; } my ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname); if (!$status) { return $id_text; } $id_text =~ s/^\s*//s; $id_text =~ s/\s*$//s; my %temp_Page = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); my %temp_Section = split(/$FS2/, $temp_Page{'text_default'}, -1); my %temp_Text = split(/$FS3/, $temp_Section{'data'}, -1); my $text = &TemplateMacroSubst($id, $temp_Text{'text'}); # 섹션 단위 편집 - 동적 템플릿에 사용될 때는 하지 않음 - 작업하다 말아서 어떤 맥락이었는지 # 기억이 안 남... 일단 주석 처리 한 채로 submit (2008.8.5) # $text =~ s/((^|\n)[\ \t\f]*\=+[\ \t\f]+[^\n]+)([\ \t\f]+\=+)/$1${FS}noedit$FS$3/go; $text =~ s//$id_text/; return $text; } ### img from Jof sub MacroImgTag { my ($url,$width,$height,$caption,$float) = @_; my ($s_width,$s_height,$s_tag,$s_divstyle,$s_caption,$return); $s_width = " width=\"$width\"" if ( $width>0 ); $s_height = " height=\"$height\"" if ( $height>0 ); $s_tag = " title=\"$url\""; $s_divstyle = " style=\"float:$float;\"" if ($float ne ''); $s_caption = "
    $caption" if ($caption ne ''); if ($url =~ /$InterLinkPattern/) { my $id = $url; my ($name, $site, $remotePage, $punct, $image); ($id, $punct) = &SplitUrlPunct($id); $name = $id; ($site, $remotePage) = split(/:/, $id, 2); $url = &GetSiteUrl($site); if ($url ne "") { $remotePage =~ s/&/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML if ($url =~ /\|/) { ($url, $image) = split(/\|/, $url, 2); } $url .= $remotePage; } } if ($width > 0 or $height > 0) { $return = "
    "; } else { $return = ""; } if (($caption ne '') or ($float ne '')) { $return = "
    "; } return &StoreRaw($return); } ### comments from Jof sub MacroMemo { my ($itself, $title, $text, $class) = @_; $class = "memo" if ($class eq ''); $title = &RemoveLink($title); $MemoID++; my $memo_id = "__MEMO__$MemoID"; return "" . $title . "" . "
    " . $text . "
    "; } sub MacroComments { my ($itself,$id,$up,$long,$threadindent) = @_; my $idvalue; my $temp; my $txt; my $abs_up = abs($up); my ($threshold1, $threshold2) = (100000000, 1000000000); $temp = $id; $temp =~ s/,$//; $temp = &RemoveLink($temp); $temp = &FreeToNormal($temp); if (&ValidId($temp) ne "") { return $itself; } $id = "$temp"; if (&LoginUser()) { $idvalue = "[[$UserID]]"; } my ($hidden_long, $readonly_true, $readonly_style, $readonly_msg); my ($name_field, $comment_field); my $submit_button; # CCode my $ccode = &simple_crypt(length($id).substr(&CalcDay($Now),5)); if ($long) { $hidden_long = &GetHiddenValue("long","1") . "
    "; } if (((!&UserCanEdit($id,1)) && (($abs_up < 100) || ($abs_up > $threshold2))) || (&UserIsBanned())) { # 에디트 불가 $readonly_true = "true"; $readonly_style = "background-color: #f0f0f0;"; $readonly_msg = T('Comment is not allowed'); $name_field = $q->textfield(-name=>"name", -class=>"comments", -size=>"15", -maxlength=>"80", -readonly=>"$readonly_true", -style=>"$readonly_style", -default=>"$idvalue"); if ($long) { # longcomments $comment_field = $q->textarea(-name=>"comment", -class=>"comments", -rows=>"7", -cols=>"80", -readonly=>"$readonly_true", -style=>"$readonly_style", -default=>"$readonly_msg"); } else { # comments $comment_field = $q->textfield(-name=>"comment", -class=>"comments", -size=>"60", -readonly=>"$readonly_true", -style=>"$readonly_style", -default=>"$readonly_msg"); } $submit_button = ""; } else { # 에디트 가능 $name_field = $q->textfield(-name=>"name", -class=>"comments", -size=>"15", -maxlength=>"80", -default=>"$idvalue"); if ($long) { # longcomments $comment_field = $q->textarea(-name=>"comment", -class=>"comments", -rows=>"7", -cols=>"80" -default=>""); } else { # comments $comment_field = $q->textfield(-name=>"comment", -class=>"comments", -size=>"60", -default=>""); } $submit_button = $q->submit(-name=>"Submit",-value=>T("Submit")); } my $spambot_trap = "
    " . "Homepage: " . $q->textfield(-name=>"homepage", -class=>"comments", -size=>"10", -maxlength=>"80", -default=>"") . "
    "; # Twitter my $twitter = ""; if ( UserIsAdmin() and $TwitterID ) { $twitter = $q->checkbox(-name=>'twitter_comment', -checked=>0, -label=>T('Twitter')."($TwitterID)"). "\n"; } $txt = $q->start_form(-name=>"comments",-method=>"POST",-action=>"$ScriptName") . &GetHiddenValue("action","comments") . &GetHiddenValue("id",$id) . &GetHiddenValue("pageid",$pageid) . &GetHiddenValue("up","$up") . &GetHiddenValue("ccode","$ccode") . (($threadindent ne '')?&GetHiddenValue("threadindent",$threadindent):"") . T('Name') . ": " . $name_field . " " . $spambot_trap . T('Comment') . ": " . $hidden_long . $comment_field . " " . $twitter . $submit_button . $q->end_form; if ($threadindent ne '') { if ($threadindent >= 1) { # "새글쓰기"도 감추고 싶다면 1 대신 0으로 할 것 my $memotitle = ($threadindent == 0)?T('Write New Thread'):T('Write Comment'); $txt = &MacroMemo("", $memotitle, $txt, "threadmemo"); } else { $txt = T('Write New Thread') . $txt; } } return $txt; } ### UploadedFiles sub MacroUploadedFiles { my ($itself) = (@_); my (@files, %filesize, %filemtime, $size, $totalSize); my $txt; my $uploadsearch = ""; my $canDelete = &UserIsAdmin(); if (!(-e $UploadDir)) { &CreateDir($UploadDir); } opendir (DIR, "$UploadDir") || die Ts('cant opening %s', $UploadDir) . ": $!"; @files = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir(DIR); close (DIR); $totalSize = 0; foreach (@files) { $filesize{$_} = (-s "$UploadDir/$_"); $totalSize += $filesize{$_}; $filemtime{$_} = ($Now - (-M "$UploadDir/$_") * 86400); } @files = sort { $filemtime{$b} <=> $filemtime{$a} || $a cmp $b } @files; my ( @dirs, @p_files ); foreach my $f ( @files ) { if ( -d "$UploadDir/$f" ) { push @dirs, $f; } else { push @p_files, $f; } } $txt = $q->start_form("post","$ScriptName",""); $txt .= ""; $txt .= ""; $txt .= ""; $txt .= ""; if ($canDelete) { $txt .= ""; } $txt .= "". "". ""; $txt .= "\n"; foreach (@dirs, @p_files) { $txt .= ""; if ($canDelete) { $txt .= ""; } $txt .= ""; $size = $filesize{$_}; while ($size =~ m/(\d+)(\d{3})((,\d{3})*$)/) { $size = "$1,$2$3"; } $txt .= ""; $txt .= ""; $txt .= "\n"; } $txt .= ""; $txt .= "" if ($canDelete); $txt .= ""; while ($totalSize =~ m/(\d+)(\d{3})((,\d{3})*$)/) { $totalSize = "$1,$2$3"; } $txt .= ""; $txt .= "\n"; $txt .= "
    ".T('Delete')."".T('File Name')."".T('Size (byte)')."".T('Date')."
    "; $txt .= " "; $txt .= ""; $txt .= &GetReverseLink("Upload:$_", $uploadsearch) . " "; if ( -d "$UploadDir/$_" ) { $txt .= "$_/"; } else { $txt .= "$_"; } $txt .= "$size".&TimeToText($filemtime{$_})."
     "; $txt .= "". Ts('Total %s files', ($#files + 1)).""; $txt .= ""; $txt .= "$totalSize"; $txt .= " 
    "; $txt .= $q->submit(T('Delete Checked Files')) if ($canDelete); $txt .= $q->end_form; return $txt; } sub MacroInclude { my ($name, $opt) = @_; if ($OpenPageName eq $name) { # Recursive Include 방지 return ""; } $name =~ s/^\[\[(.*)\]\]$/$1/; $name =~ s|^/|$MainPage/|; $name = &FreeToNormal($name); my $fname = &GetPageFile($name); # 존재하지 않는 파일이면 그냥 리턴 if (!(-f $fname)) { return ""; } ### hide page if (&PageIsHidden($name)) { return ""; } my $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname); my %SubPage = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields if (!defined($SubPage{"text_default"})) { return ""; } my %SubSection = split(/$FS2/, $SubPage{"text_default"}, -1); my %TextInclude = split(/$FS3/, $SubSection{'data'}, -1); my $txt = $TextInclude{'text'}; # #TEMPLATE $txt =~ s/^#TEMPLATE\s+(\[\[.+\]\]|\S+)//; # includenotoc 의 경우 $txt =~ s//$FS_lt."toc".$FS_gt/gei if ($opt eq "notoc"); # noinclude 처리 from Jof $txt =~ s/(.)*?<\/noinclude>//igs; # comments 시리즈의 경우 페이지 아이디를 추가해줌 $txt =~ s/(<(long)?comments\()([-+]?\d+)(\)>)/$1$name,$3$4/gi; $txt =~ s/()/$1$name,$2$4/gi; # 섹션 단위 편집 - include 될 때는 하지 않음 $txt =~ s/((^|\n)[\ \t\f]*\=+[\ \t\f]+[^\n]+)([\ \t\f]+\=+)/$1${FS}noedit$FS$3/go; return $txt; } # end sub WikiLinesToHtml { my ($pageText) = @_; my ($pageHtml, @htmlStack, $code, $depth, $oldCode); my ($tag); ### added by gypark my %td_align = ("&__LT__;", "left", "&__GT__;", "right", "|", "center"); @htmlStack = (); $depth = 0; $pageHtml = ""; foreach (split(/\n/, $pageText)) { # Process lines one-at-a-time $_ .= "\n"; if (s/^(\;+)([^:]+\:?)\:/
    /) { $code = "DL"; $depth = length $1; } elsif (s/^(\:+)/
    /) { $code = "DL"; $depth = length $1; } elsif (s/^(\*+)/
  • /) { $code = "UL"; $depth = length $1; } elsif (s/^(\#+)/
  • /) { $code = "OL"; $depth = length $1; } elsif (/^[ \t].*\S/) { $code = "PRE"; $depth = 1; ############### ### replaced by gypark ### table 내 셀 별로 정렬 # } elsif (s/^((\|\|)+)(.*)\|\|\s*$/"$3<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) { # $code = 'TABLE'; # $TableMode = 1; # $depth = 1; # rowspan 을 vvv.. 로 표현하는 경우 (차후에 다시 고려할 예정) # } elsif (s/^((\|\|)*)(\|(&__LT__;|&__GT__;|\|)(v*))(.*)\|\|\s*$/"" # . "" # . $6 . "<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) { # $code = 'TABLE'; # $TableMode = 1; # $depth = 1; } elsif (s/^((\|\|)*)(\|(&__LT__;|&__GT__;|\|)((v(\d*))?))(.*)\|\|\s*$/"" . "" . $8 . "<\/TD><\/TR>\n"/e) { $code = 'TABLE'; $TableMode = 1; $depth = 1; ### ############### } elsif (/^IMG:(.*)$/) { # luke added StoreImageTag($1); $_ = ""; } elsif (/^TABLE:(.*)$/) { # luke added StoreTableTag($1); $_ = ""; } else { $depth = 0; } while (@htmlStack > $depth) { # Close tags as needed # $pageHtml .= "\n"; -- deleted luke $tag = pop(@htmlStack); # added luke if ($tag eq "TABLE") { ### 줄 중간 || 문제 해결 ### from Jof4002's patch # $pageHtml .= "\n"; # $tag = "table" $TableMode = 0; ### }; $pageHtml .= "\n"; # added end luke } if ($depth > 0) { $depth = $IndentLimit if ($depth > $IndentLimit); if (@htmlStack) { # Non-empty stack $oldCode = pop(@htmlStack); if ($oldCode ne $code) { ### 줄 중간 || 문제 해결 ### from Jof4002's patch if ($oldCode eq "TABLE") { $TableMode = 0; } ### $pageHtml .= "<$code>\n"; } push(@htmlStack, $code); } while (@htmlStack < $depth) { push(@htmlStack, $code); if ($code eq "TABLE") { # added luke $pageHtml .= "\n"; } else { $pageHtml .= "<$code>\n"; }; # added luke # $pageHtml .= "<$code>\n"; # deleted luke } } s/^\s*$/

    \n/; # Blank lines become

    tags $pageHtml .= &CommonMarkup($_, 1, 2); # Line-oriented common markup } while (@htmlStack > 0) { # Clear stack $pageHtml .= "\n"; } return $pageHtml; } sub QuoteHtml { my ($html) = @_; $html =~ s/&/&/g; $html =~ s//>/g; $html =~ s/&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/&$1;/g; # Allow character references return $html; } ### {{{ }}} 처리를 위해 본문 처리시에는 Quote 를 다르게 함 sub QuoteHtmlForPageContent { my ($html) = @_; $html =~ s/&/&__AMP__;/g; $html =~ s//&__GT__;/g; $html =~ s/&__AMP__;([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/&$1;/g; # Allow character references return $html; } sub StoreInterPage { my ($id, $useImage) = @_; my ($link, $extra); ($link, $extra) = &InterPageLink($id, $useImage); # Next line ensures no empty links are stored $link = &StoreRaw($link) if ($link ne ""); return $link . $extra; } sub InterPageLink { my ($id, $useImage) = @_; my ($name, $site, $remotePage, $url, $punct); ($id, $punct) = &SplitUrlPunct($id); $name = $id; ($site, $remotePage) = split(/:/, $id, 2); $url = &GetSiteUrl($site); ### interwiki 아이콘 my ($image, $url_main, $encoding); ($url, $image, $encoding) = split(/\|/, $url); $url_main = $url; ### return ("", $id . $punct) if ($url eq ""); $remotePage =~ s/&/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML ### intermap 에 인코딩 지정 # $url .= $remotePage; my $encoded_page = $remotePage; if (($encoding ne "") && (lc($encoding) ne lc($HttpCharset))) { $encoded_page = &convert_encode($encoded_page, $HttpCharset, $encoding); } $encoded_page = &EncodeUrl($encoded_page) if ($site !~ /^(Upload|Local|LocalWiki)$/); $url .= $encoded_page; ### InterWiki 로 적힌 이미지 처리 ### from Jof's patch if ($useImage && ($url =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:).+\.$ImageExtensions$/)) { $url = $1 if ($url =~ /^https?:(.*)/ && $1 !~ /^\/\//); return ("\"$id\"", $punct); } ### interwiki 아이콘 # return ("$name", $punct); my $link_html = ''; if (!($image)) { $image = "default-inter.gif"; } if (!($image =~ m/\//)) { $image = "$InterIconUrl/$image"; } $link_html = "" . "$site:" . ""; $link_html .= "$remotePage"; return ($link_html, $punct); } sub StoreBracketInterPage { my ($id, $text) = @_; my ($site, $remotePage, $url, $index); ($site, $remotePage) = split(/:/, $id, 2); $remotePage =~ s/&/&/g; # Unquote common URL HTML $url = &GetSiteUrl($site); ### interwiki 아이콘 my ($image, $url_main, $encoding); ($url, $image, $encoding) = split(/\|/, $url); $url_main = $url; ### if ($text ne "") { return "[$id $text]" if ($url eq ""); } else { return "[$id]" if ($url eq ""); $text = &GetBracketUrlIndex($id); } ### intermap 에 인코딩 지정 # $url .= $remotePage; my $encoded_page = $remotePage; if (($encoding ne "") && (lc($encoding) ne lc($HttpCharset))) { $encoded_page = &convert_encode($encoded_page, $HttpCharset, $encoding); } $encoded_page = &EncodeUrl($encoded_page) if ($site !~ /^(Upload|Local|LocalWiki)$/); $url .= $encoded_page; return StoreRaw( qq([$text]) ); } sub GetBracketUrlIndex { my ($id) = @_; my ($index, $key); # Consider plain array? if ($SaveNumUrl{$id} > 0) { return $SaveNumUrl{$id}; } $SaveNumUrlIndex++; # Start with 1 $SaveNumUrl{$id} = $SaveNumUrlIndex; return $SaveNumUrlIndex; } sub GetSiteUrl { my ($site) = @_; my ($data, $url, $status); if (!$InterSiteInit) { $InterSiteInit = 1; ### file upload ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($InterFile); if ($status) { ### intermap에 #을 사용한 주석 추가 지원 %InterSite = map { s/\s*#.*//; split /\s+/; } grep { s/^\s*//; /^[^#]/ } split /\n/, $data; } if (!defined($InterSite{'Upload'})) { ### interwiki 아이콘 $InterSite{'Upload'} = "$UploadUrl\/|default-upload.gif"; } ### Local, LocalWiki 인터위키 from usemod 1.0 ### interwiki 아이콘 같이 적용 if (!defined($InterSite{'LocalWiki'})) { $InterSite{'LocalWiki'} = $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar() . "|default-local.gif"; } if (!defined($InterSite{'Local'})) { $InterSite{'Local'} = $ScriptName . &ScriptLinkChar() . "|default-local.gif"; } } $url = $InterSite{$site} if (defined($InterSite{$site})); return $url; } sub StoreRaw { my ($html) = @_; $SaveUrl{++$SaveUrlIndex} = $html; return $FS . $SaveUrlIndex . $FS; } ### 몇 가지 함수들 추가 ### {{{ }}} 처리를 위해 sub StoreCodeRaw { my ($html) = @_; # $html =~ s/&__LT__;//g; # $html =~ s/&__AMP__;/&/g; # $html =~ s/&__AMP__;([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/&$1;/g; # Allow character references $html =~ s/&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/&$1;/g; $html =~ s/&__DOUBLEBACKSLASH__;/\\\\\n/g; $html =~ s/&__SINGLEBACKSLASH__;/\\\n/g; $html =~ s/&__LT__;/</g; $html =~ s/&__GT__;/>/g; $html =~ s/&__AMP__;/&/g; return &StoreRaw($html); } ### {{{lang }}} 처리를 위해 sub StoreSyntaxHighlight { my ($lang, $opt , @code) = @_; my %LANG; foreach (@SRCHIGHLANG) { $LANG{$_} = "1"; } if (!((-x "$SOURCEHIGHLIGHT") && defined($LANG{$lang}))) { return &StoreCodeRaw(@code); } my ($option) = " -fhtml -s$lang "; if ($opt =~ s/n//) { $option .= " -n "; } if ($opt ne "") { $option .= " -t$opt "; } my (@html) = `$SOURCEHIGHLIGHT $option << "EnDoFwIkIcOdE" @code EnDoFwIkIcOdE`; # source-highlight 출력물 앞뒤의 버전정보, pre 태그, tt 태그를 뺀다 my $html = join($FS1, @html); $html =~ s/^//s; $html =~ s/^.*?

        $html =~ s/<\/tt>.*?<\/pre>(\r?\n)*$//s;
        $html =~ s/(\r?\n)*?$//s;
        @html = split(/$FS1/, $html);
        my $result = "";
        foreach my $line (@html) {
            $line =~ s/(]*>)?&(<\/font>)?(]*>)?__DOUBLEBACKSLASH__(<\/font>)?(]*>)?;(<\/font>)?/$1\\\\\n$6/g;
            $line =~ s/(]*>)?&(<\/font>)?(]*>)?__SINGLEBACKSLASH__(<\/font>)?(]*>)?;(<\/font>)?/$1\\\n$6/g;
            $line =~ s/(]*>)?&(<\/font>)?(]*>)?__GT__(<\/font>)?(]*>)?;(<\/font>)?/$1>$6/g;
            $line =~ s/(]*>)?&(<\/font>)?(]*>)?__LT__(<\/font>)?(]*>)?;(<\/font>)?/$1<$6/g;
            $line =~ s/(]*>)?&(<\/font>)?(]*>)?__AMP__(<\/font>)?(]*>)?;(<\/font>)?/$1&$6/g;
            $result .= &StoreRaw($line);
        return $result;
    ### 외부 plugin 지원
    sub StorePlugin {
        my ($command, $content) = @_;
        my $name;
        my @opt;
        my $plugin_file = "";;
        $command = &UnquoteHtmlForPageContent($command);
        @opt = split (/\s/, $command);
        $name = shift @opt;
        my ($PluginDir, $MyPluginDir) = ("./plugin/", "./myplugin/");
        if (-f "$MyPluginDir/$name.pl") {
            $plugin_file = "$MyPluginDir/$name.pl";
        } elsif (-f "$PluginDir/$name.pl") {
            $plugin_file = "$PluginDir/$name.pl";
        if ($plugin_file eq "") {   # 플러그인이 없음
            return &StoreRaw("\n
                &StoreRaw("\nNo such plugin found: $name\n").
                &StoreRaw("\n<\/PRE>") . "\n";
        my $loadplugin = eval "require '$plugin_file'";
        if (not $loadplugin) {      # 플러그인 로드에 실패
            return &StoreRaw("\n
                &StoreRaw("\nFailed to load plugin: $name\n").
                &StoreRaw("\n<\/PRE>") . "\n";
        my $func = "plugin_$name";
        my $content_unquoted = &UnquoteHtmlForPageContent($content);
        my $txt = &{\&$func}($content_unquoted, @opt);
        if (not defined $txt) {     # 플러그인이 undef 반환
            return &StoreRaw("\n
                &StoreRaw("\nError occurred while processing: $name\n").
                &StoreRaw("\n<\/PRE>") . "\n";
        return &StoreRaw($txt);
    ### 글을 작성한 직후에 수행되는 매크로들
    sub ProcessPostMacro {
        my ($string, $id) = @_;
        ### 여기에 사용할 매크로들을 나열한다
        $string = &PostMacroMySign($string);
        return $string;
    ###  매크로 처리
    sub PostMacroMySign {
        my ($string) = @_;
        my ($timestamp) = &TimeToText($Now);
        my ($author) = &GetParam('username');
        if ($author ne "") {
        # 이 시점에서 [[ ]] 를 붙이는 것이 옳은가 확인할 것
            $author = "[[$author]]";
        } else {
            $author = &GetRemoteHost(0);
        # 여기서는 그냥 mysign(이름,시간)으로만 변경
        $string =~ s/([\r\f]*\n)/$1/gim;
        return $string;
    sub StorePre {
        my ($html, $tag) = @_;
        return &StoreRaw("<$tag>" . $html . "");
    sub UnquoteHtmlForPageContent {
        my ($html) = @_;
        $html =~ s/&__GT__;/>/g;
        $html =~ s/&__LT__;/}
            if (not -d $hashdir) {
                mkdir($hashdir,0775) or return "[Unable to create $hash dir]";
            if (not -f $TemplateFile) {
                &WriteStringToFile($TemplateFile, $DefaultTemplate);
            my $template = &ReadFile($TemplateFile);
            $template =~ s//$latex/ige;
            my $pwd = `pwd`;
            $pwd =~ s/(.*)((\n|\r)*)?/$1/;
            chdir ($hashdir);
            # 원본 tex 생성
            open my $outfile, '>', 'srender.tex';
            print $outfile $template;
            close $outfile;
            open my $saveout, '>&', STDOUT;
            open my $saveerr, '>&', STDERR;
            open STDOUT, '>' , 'hash.log';
            open STDERR, '>&', STDOUT;
            # 그림 생성
            qx(latex -interaction=nonstopmode srender.tex);
            qx(dvips srender.dvi);
            qx(convert -transparent "white" -density 100x100 -trim -shave 0x2 srender.ps $hashimage);
            close STDOUT;
            close STDERR;
            open STDOUT, '>&', $saveout;
            open STDERR, '>&', $saveerr;
            # upload 경로 그림 옮김
            if (-f "$hashdir/$hashimage" && not -z "$hashdir/$hashimage") {
                my $png = &ReadFile("$hashdir/$hashimage");
                &WriteStringToFile("$LatexDir/$hashimage", $png);
            } else {
                return "[Error retrieving image from hashdir]";
            unlink (glob("$hashdir/*")) or return "[[unlink fail]]";
            rmdir ($hashdir) or return "[[rmdir fail]]";
        # IMG 태그 출력
        if ($type eq "inline") {
            $imgpath = qq(\$$latex\$);
        } elsif ($type eq "display") {
            $imgpath = qq($latex);
        return $imgpath;
    sub StoreHref {
        my ($anchor, $text) = @_;
    #   return "$text";
        return StoreRaw("$text");
    sub StoreUrl {
        my ($name, $useImage) = @_;
        my ($link, $extra);
        ($link, $extra) = &UrlLink($name, $useImage);
        # Next line ensures no empty links are stored
        $link = &StoreRaw($link)  if ($link ne "");
        return $link . $extra;
    ### 개별적인 IMG: 태그
    sub StoreImgUrl {
        my ($imgTag, $name, $useImage) = @_;
        my ($link, $extra);
        $ImageTag = $imgTag;
        ($link, $extra) = &UrlLink($name, $useImage);
        # Next line ensures no empty links are stored
        $link = &StoreRaw($link)  if ($link ne "");
        $ImageTag = "";
        return $link . $extra;
    sub UrlLink {
        my ($rawname, $useImage) = @_;
        my ($name, $punct);
        ($name, $punct) = &SplitUrlPunct($rawname);
        if ($NetworkFile && $name =~ m|^file:|) {
            # Only do remote file:// links. No file:///c|/windows.
            if ($name =~ m|^file://[^/]|) {
                return ("$name", $punct);
            return $rawname;
        # Restricted image URLs so that mailto:foo@bar.gif is not an image
        if ($useImage && ($name =~ /^(http:|https:|ftp:).+\.$ImageExtensions$/)) {
            $name = $1 if ($name =~ /^https?:(.*)/ && $1 !~ /^\/\//);
    ### 이미지에 alt 태그를 넣어 원래 주소를 보임
            return ("\"$name\"", $punct);
    ### 상대 경로로 적힌 URL 을 제대로 처리
        my $protocol;
        ($protocol, $name) = ($1, $2) if ($name =~ /^(https?:)(.*)/ && $2 !~ /^\/\//);
        return ( qq($protocol$name), $punct );
    sub StoreBracketUrl {
        my ($url, $text) = @_;
        $url = $1 if ($url =~ /^https?:(.*)/ && $1 !~ /^\/\//);
        if ($text eq "") {
            $text = &GetBracketUrlIndex($url);
        else {
            # 텍스트 부분에 \] 라고 쓴 건 ]로 되돌림
            $text =~ s/\\\]/]/g;
        return StoreRaw( qq([$text]) );
    sub StoreBracketLink {
        my ($name, $text) = @_;
        return &StoreRaw(&GetPageLinkText($name, "[$text]"));
    sub StoreBracketAnchoredLink {
        my ($name, $anchor, $text) = @_;
        return &StoreRaw(&GetPageLinkText("$name#$anchor", "[$text]"));
    sub StorePageOrEditLink {
        my ($page, $name) = @_;
        if ($FreeLinks) {
            $page =~ s/^\s+//;      # Trim extra spaces
            $page =~ s/\s+$//;
            $page =~ s|\s*/\s*|/|;  # ...also before/after subpages
        $name =~ s/^\s+//;
        $name =~ s/\s+$//;
        return &StoreRaw(&GetPageOrEditLink($page, $name));
    sub StoreRFC {
        my ($num) = @_;
        return &StoreRaw(&RFCLink($num));
    sub RFCLink {
        my ($num) = @_;
        return "RFC $num";
    # luke add begin
    sub StoreImageTag {
        my ($x) = @_;
        $ImageTag = $x;
        return "";
    sub StoreTableTag {
        my ($x) = @_;
        $TableTag = $x;
        return "";
    sub StoreHotTrack {
        my ($id) = @_;
        return "" .
    # luke add end
    sub StoreISBN {
        my ($num) = @_;
        return StoreRaw(ISBNLink($num));
    # 13자리 ISBN을 10자리로 변환
    sub isbn13to10 {
        my $isbn13 = shift;
        my $isbn10 = substr($isbn13, 3, 9);
        my $checksum = 0;
        my $weight = 10;
        foreach my $c ( split //, $isbn10 ) {
            $checksum += $c * $weight;
        $checksum = 11 - ( $checksum % 11 );
        if ( $checksum == 10 ) {
            $isbn10 .= 'X';
        elsif ( $checksum == 11 ) {
            $isbn10 .= '0';
        else {
            $isbn10 .= $checksum;
        return $isbn10;
    sub ISBNLink {
        my ($rawnum) = @_;
        my $num = $rawnum;
        my $rawprint = $rawnum;
        $rawprint =~ s/ +$//;
        $num =~ s/[- ]//g;
        # 숫자 자릿수 체크 - 13자리면 10자리로 변환
        if (length($num) == 13) {
            $num = isbn13to10($num);
        elsif (length($num) != 10) {
            return "ISBN $rawnum";
        # 책표지가 없을 때 사용할 아이콘
        my ($noCoverIcon, $iconNum) = ("$IconUrl/isbn-nocover.jpg", ($num % 5));
        $noCoverIcon = "$IconUrl/isbn-nocover-$iconNum.jpg"
            if (-f "$IconUrl/isbn-nocover-$iconNum.jpg");
        my ( $link, $cover );
        # 국내 서적
        if ($num =~ /^(89|60)/) {
            # 일단 커버는 없고, 링크도 고정된 형태로 가정
            $cover = $noCoverIcon;
            $link = "http://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ISBN=$num";
            if ( eval { require WebService::Aladdin } ) {
                # WebService::Aladdin 모듈이 있다면 그걸 사용하여 커버 주소와 링크 추출
                my $p     = WebService::Aladdin->new();
                my $data;
                if ( eval { $data  = $p->product($num) } ) {
                    $cover = $data->{cover};
                    $link  = $data->{link};
            elsif ( eval { require LWP::Simple } ) {
                # LWP::Simple 모듈이 있다면 알라딘 홈페이지에 들어가서 커버 주소 추출
                my $html = LWP::Simple::get($link);
                if ($html =~ m'property="og:image"\s+content="(.+?)"'s) {
                    $cover = $1;
        # 일본 서적
        elsif ($num =~ /^4/) {
            $link  = "http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/wshosea.cgi?W-ISBN=$num";
            $cover = "http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/imgdata/$num.jpg";
        # 그 외 서적 - 아마존
        else {
            $link  = "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=$num";
            $cover = "http://images.amazon.com/images/P/$num.01.MZZZZZZZ.gif";
        return StoreHref( qq/href="$link"/,
                          . T('Go to the on-line bookstore') . qq/ ISBN:$rawprint/
    sub SplitUrlPunct {
        my ($url) = @_;
        my ($punct);
        if ($url =~ s/\"\"$//) { return ($url, "");   # Delete double-quote delimiters here
        $punct = "";
    ### 한글이 포함된 인터위키에서 일부 한글을 인식하지 못하는 문제 해결
    #   ($punct) = ($url =~ /([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\xc0-\xff]+)$/);
    #   $url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\xc0-\xff]+)$//;
        ($punct) = ($url =~ /([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\x80-\xff]+)$/);
        $url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9\/\x80-\xff]+)$//;
        return ($url, $punct);
    sub StripUrlPunct {
        my ($url) = @_;
        my ($junk);
        ($url, $junk) = &SplitUrlPunct($url);
        return $url;
    sub WikiHeadingNumber {
        my ($depth,$text) = @_;
        my ($anchor, $number);
        return '' unless --$depth > 0;  # Don't number H1s because it looks stupid
        while (scalar @HeadingNumbers < ($depth-1)) {
            push @HeadingNumbers, 1;
            $TableOfContents .= '
    '; } if (scalar @HeadingNumbers < $depth) { push @HeadingNumbers, 0; $TableOfContents .= '
    '; } while (scalar @HeadingNumbers > $depth) { pop @HeadingNumbers; $TableOfContents .= "
    \n\n"; } $HeadingNumbers[$#HeadingNumbers]++; $number = (join '.', @HeadingNumbers) . '. '; # Remove embedded links. THIS IS FRAGILE! $text = &RestoreSavedText($text); $text =~ s/\\?\<\/a\>//si; # No such page syntax $text =~ s/\(.*?)\<\/a\>/$1/si; # Cook anchor by canonicalizing $text. ############### ### replaced by gypark ### 사용에 있어서 헤드라인 문자열의 끝단어가 같으면 제대로 toc 링크가 ### 되지 않는 버그 해결 ### from http://host9.swidc.com/~ncc1701/wiki/wiki.cgi?FAQ # $anchor = $text; # $anchor =~ s/\<.*?\>//g; # $anchor =~ s/\W/_/g; # $anchor =~ s/__+/_/g; # $anchor =~ s/^_//; # $anchor =~ s/_$//; # $anchor = '_' . (join '_', @HeadingNumbers) unless $anchor; # Last ditch effort $anchor = 'H_' . (join '_', @HeadingNumbers); ### ############### ### 개선 # $TableOfContents .= $number . &ScriptLink("$OpenPageName#$anchor",$text) . "
    "; $TableOfContents .= $number . "" . $text . "
    "; ### WikiHeading 개선 from Jof # return &StoreHref(" name=\"$anchor\"") . $number; return &StoreHref(" name='$anchor' href='#toc'",$number); } sub WikiHeading { my ($pre, $depth, $text) = @_; $depth = length($depth); $depth = 6 if ($depth > 6); # $text =~ s/^#\s+/&WikiHeadingNumber($depth,$')/e; # $' == $POSTMATCH $text =~ s/^#\s+(.*)/&WikiHeadingNumber($depth,$1).$1/e; ### 섹션 단위 편집 # return $pre . "$text\n"; my $edit_section = ''; if ($text =~ s/${FS}noedit$FS//) { # include 된 내용의 경우는 스킵 } elsif (&GetParam('revision', '') eq '') { $SectionNumber++; if ( UserCanEdit($pageid, 1) and $depth != 1 and GetParam("action") !~ /help|preview/i and !GetParam("embed", $EmbedWiki) ) { $edit_section = '['. &ScriptLink("action=edit&id=$pageid§ion=$SectionNumber",&T("edit")). ']'; } } return $pre . "$edit_section$text\n"; ###### } sub RestoreSavedText { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text $text =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore nested saved text return $text; } # ==== Difference markup and HTML ==== sub GetDiffHTML { my ($diffType, $id, $revOld, $revNew, $newText) = @_; my ($html, $diffText, $diffTextTwo, $priorName, $links, $usecomma); my ($major, $minor, $author, $useMajor, $useMinor, $useAuthor, $cacheName); $links = "("; $usecomma = 0; $major = &ScriptLinkDiff(1, $id, T('major diff'), ""); $minor = &ScriptLinkDiff(2, $id, T('minor diff'), ""); $author = &ScriptLinkDiff(3, $id, T('author diff'), ""); $useMajor = 1; $useMinor = 1; $useAuthor = 1; if ($diffType == 1) { $priorName = T('major'); $cacheName = 'major'; $useMajor = 0; } elsif ($diffType == 2) { $priorName = T('minor'); $cacheName = 'minor'; $useMinor = 0; } elsif ($diffType == 3) { $priorName = T('author'); $cacheName = 'author'; $useAuthor = 0; } if ($revOld ne "") { # Note: OpenKeptRevisions must have been done by caller. # Later optimize if same as cached revision $diffText = &GetKeptDiff($newText, $revOld, 1); # 1 = get lock if ($diffText eq "") { $diffText = T('(The revisions are identical or unavailable.)'); } } else { $diffText = &GetCacheDiff($cacheName); } $useMajor = 0 if ($useMajor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff("major"))); $useMinor = 0 if ($useMinor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff("minor"))); $useAuthor = 0 if ($useAuthor && ($diffText eq &GetCacheDiff("author"))); $useMajor = 0 if ((!defined(&GetPageCache('oldmajor'))) || (&GetPageCache("oldmajor") < 1)); $useAuthor = 0 if ((!defined(&GetPageCache('oldauthor'))) || (&GetPageCache("oldauthor") < 1)); if ($useMajor) { $links .= $major; $usecomma = 1; } if ($useMinor) { $links .= ", " if ($usecomma); $links .= $minor; $usecomma = 1; } if ($useAuthor) { $links .= ", " if ($usecomma); $links .= $author; } if (!($useMajor || $useMinor || $useAuthor)) { $links .= T('no other diffs'); } $links .= ")"; if ((!defined($diffText)) || ($diffText eq "")) { $diffText = T('No diff available.'); } if ($revOld ne "") { my $currentRevision = T('Current Revision'); $currentRevision = Ts('Revision %s', $revNew) if $revNew; ### 번역의 편의를 위하여 my $fromRevision = Ts('Revision %s', $revOld); ### $html = '' . Ts('(Difference from %s', $fromRevision) . " " . Ts('to %s)', $currentRevision) . "\n$links
    " . &DiffToHTML($diffText); } else { if (($diffType != 2) && ((!defined(&GetPageCache("old$cacheName"))) || (&GetPageCache("old$cacheName") < 1))) { $html = '' . Ts('No diff available--this is the first %s revision.', $priorName) . "\n$links
    "; } else { $html = '' . Ts('Difference (from prior %s revision)', $priorName) . "\n$links
    " . &DiffToHTML($diffText) . "
    \n"; } } ### {{{ }}} 처리를 위해 추가. 임시 태그를 원래대로 복원 ### diff 화면에서도 \\ 와 \ 처리를 해 주는 게 나을려나? $html =~ s/&__LT__;/</g; $html =~ s/&__GT__;/>/g; $html =~ s/&__AMP__;/&/g; return $html; } sub GetCacheDiff { my ($type) = @_; my ($diffText); $diffText = &GetPageCache("diff_default_$type"); $diffText = &GetCacheDiff('minor') if ($diffText eq "1"); $diffText = &GetCacheDiff('major') if ($diffText eq "2"); return $diffText; } # Must be done after minor diff is set and OpenKeptRevisions called sub GetKeptDiff { my ($newText, $oldRevision, $lock) = @_; my (%sect, %data, $oldText); $oldText = ""; if (defined($KeptRevisions{$oldRevision})) { %sect = split(/$FS2/, $KeptRevisions{$oldRevision}, -1); %data = split(/$FS3/, $sect{'data'}, -1); $oldText = $data{'text'}; } return "" if ($oldText eq ""); # Old revision not found return &GetDiff($oldText, $newText, $lock); } sub GetDiff { my ($old, $new, $lock) = @_; my ($diff_out, $oldName, $newName); &CreateDir($TempDir); $oldName = "$TempDir/old_diff"; $newName = "$TempDir/new_diff"; if ($lock) { &RequestDiffLock() or return ""; $oldName .= "_locked"; $newName .= "_locked"; } &WriteStringToFile($oldName, $old); &WriteStringToFile($newName, $new); ### diff 출력 개선 # $diff_out = `diff $oldName $newName`; $diff_out = `diff -u $oldName $newName`; if ($diff_out eq "") { $diff_out = `diff $oldName $newName`; } &ReleaseDiffLock() if ($lock); $diff_out =~ s/\\ No newline.*\n//g; # Get rid of common complaint. # No need to unlink temp files--next diff will just overwrite. return $diff_out; } ### diff 출력 개선 sub DiffToHTML { my ($html) = @_; if ($html =~ /^---/) { return &DiffToHTMLunified($html); } else { return &DiffToHTMLplain($html); } } ### diff 출력 개선 # sub DiffToHTML { sub DiffToHTMLplain { ### my ($html) = @_; my ($tChanged, $tRemoved, $tAdded); $tChanged = T('Changed:'); $tRemoved = T('Removed:'); $tAdded = T('Added:'); $html =~ s/\n--+//g; # Note: Need spaces before
    to be different from diff section. $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*c.*)/$1
    $tChanged $2<\/strong>
    /g; $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*d.*)/$1
    $tRemoved $2<\/strong>
    /g; $html =~ s/(^|\n)(\d+.*a.*)/$1
    $tAdded $2<\/strong>
    /g; $html =~ s/\n((<.*\n)+)/&ColorDiff($1,"ffffaf")/ge; $html =~ s/\n((>.*\n)+)/&ColorDiff($1,"cfffcf")/ge; return $html; } ### diff 출력 개선 sub DiffToHTMLunified { my ($html) = @_; my (@lines, $result, $row, $td_class, $in_table, $output_exist); @lines = split("\n", $html); shift(@lines); shift(@lines); $output_exist = 0; $in_table = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { $row = ""; $line =~ s/&/&/g; $line =~ s//>/g; if ($line =~ /^@@ (.*)@@.*$/) { if ($in_table) { $in_table = 0; $result .= "
    \n"; } $result .= "\n
    \n"; $output_exist = 1; $in_table = 1; $row = $1; $td_class = "diffrange"; } elsif ($line =~ /^ (.*)$/) { $row = $1; $row =~ s/ / /g; $td_class = "diff"; } elsif ($line =~ /^-(.*)$/) { $row = $1; $row =~ s/ / /g; $td_class = "diffremove"; } elsif ($line =~ /^\+(.*)$/) { $row = $1; $row =~ s/ / /g; $td_class = "diffadd"; } $result .= "\n"; } $result .= "
    \n" if ($output_exist); return $result; } sub ColorDiff { my ($diff, $color) = @_; $diff =~ s/(^|\n)[<>]/$1/g; $diff = &QuoteHtml($diff); # Do some of the Wiki markup rules: %SaveUrl = (); %SaveNumUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; $SaveNumUrlIndex = 0; $diff =~ s/$FS//g; $diff = &CommonMarkup($diff, 0, 1); # No images, all patterns $diff =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text $diff =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore nested saved text $diff =~ s/\r?\n/
    /g; return "
    \n" . $diff . "
    \n"; } # ==== Database (Page, Section, Text, Kept, User) functions ==== sub OpenNewPage { my ($id) = @_; %Page = (); $Page{'version'} = 3; # Data format version $Page{'revision'} = 0; # Number of edited times $Page{'tscreate'} = $Now; # Set once at creation $Page{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit } sub OpenNewSection { my ($name, $data) = @_; %Section = (); $Section{'name'} = $name; $Section{'version'} = 1; # Data format version $Section{'revision'} = 0; # Number of edited times $Section{'tscreate'} = $Now; # Set once at creation $Section{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit $Section{'ip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; $Section{'host'} = ''; # Updated only for real edits (can be slow) $Section{'id'} = $UserID; $Section{'username'} = &GetParam("username", ""); $Section{'data'} = $data; $Page{$name} = join($FS2, %Section); # Replace with save? } sub OpenNewText { my ($name) = @_; # Name of text (usually "default") %Text = (); # Later consider translation of new-page message? (per-user difference?) if ($NewText ne '') { $Text{'text'} = T($NewText); } else { $Text{'text'} = T('Describe the new page here.') . "\n"; } ### template page if (($TemplatePage) && (&GetParam("action","") eq "edit")) { my $temp; $temp = &GetTemplatePageText(&GetParam("id","")); if ($temp ne "") { $Text{'text'} = $temp; } } ### $Text{'text'} .= "\n" if (substr($Text{'text'}, -1, 1) ne "\n"); $Text{'minor'} = 0; # Default as major edit $Text{'newauthor'} = 1; # Default as new author $Text{'summary'} = ''; &OpenNewSection("text_$name", join($FS3, %Text)); } sub GetPageFile { my ($id) = @_; return $PageDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.db"; } sub OpenPage { my ($id) = @_; my ($fname, $data); if ($OpenPageName eq $id) { return; } %Section = (); %Text = (); $fname = &GetPageFile($id); if (-f $fname) { $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname); %Page = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields } else { &OpenNewPage($id); } if ($Page{'version'} != 3) { &UpdatePageVersion(); } $OpenPageName = $id; } sub OpenSection { my ($name) = @_; if (!defined($Page{$name})) { &OpenNewSection($name, ""); } else { %Section = split(/$FS2/, $Page{$name}, -1); } } sub OpenText { my ($name) = @_; if (!defined($Page{"text_$name"})) { &OpenNewText($name); } else { &OpenSection("text_$name"); %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1); } } sub OpenDefaultText { &OpenText('default'); } # Called after OpenKeptRevisions sub OpenKeptRevision { my ($revision) = @_; %Section = split(/$FS2/, $KeptRevisions{$revision}, -1); %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1); } sub GetPageCache { my ($name) = @_; return $Page{"cache_$name"}; } # Always call SavePage within a lock. sub SavePage { my $file = &GetPageFile($OpenPageName); $Page{'revision'} += 1; # Number of edited times $Page{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit &CreatePageDir($PageDir, $OpenPageName); &WriteStringToFile($file, join($FS1, %Page)); } sub SaveSection { my ($name, $data) = @_; $Section{'revision'} += 1; # Number of edited times $Section{'ts'} = $Now; # Updated every edit $Section{'ip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; $Section{'id'} = $UserID; $Section{'username'} = &GetParam("username", ""); $Section{'data'} = $data; $Page{$name} = join($FS2, %Section); } sub SaveText { my ($name) = @_; &SaveSection("text_$name", join($FS3, %Text)); } sub SaveDefaultText { &SaveText('default'); } sub SetPageCache { my ($name, $data) = @_; $Page{"cache_$name"} = $data; } sub UpdatePageVersion { &ReportError(T('Bad page version (or corrupt page).')); } sub KeepFileName { return $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($OpenPageName) . "/$OpenPageName.kp"; } sub SaveKeepSection { my $file = &KeepFileName(); my $data; ### 페이지 삭제 시에 keep 화일은 보존해 둠 # return if ($Section{'revision'} < 1); # Don't keep "empty" revision if ($Section{'revision'} < 1) { if (-f $file) { unlink($file) || die "error while removing obsolete keep file [$file]"; } return; } $Section{'keepts'} = $Now; $data = $FS1 . join($FS2, %Section); &CreatePageDir($KeepDir, $OpenPageName); &AppendStringToFile($file, $data); } sub ExpireKeepFile { my ($fname, $data, @kplist, %tempSection, $expirets); my ($anyExpire, $anyKeep, $expire, %keepFlag, $sectName, $sectRev); my ($oldMajor, $oldAuthor); $fname = &KeepFileName(); return if (!(-f $fname)); $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname); @kplist = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty shift(@kplist) if ($kplist[0] eq ""); # First can be empty return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $kplist[0], -1); if (!defined($tempSection{'keepts'})) { # die("Bad keep file." . join("|", %tempSection)); return; } $expirets = $Now - ($KeepDays * 24 * 60 * 60); return if ($tempSection{'keepts'} >= $expirets); # Nothing old enough $anyExpire = 0; $anyKeep = 0; %keepFlag = (); $oldMajor = &GetPageCache('oldmajor'); $oldAuthor = &GetPageCache('oldauthor'); foreach (reverse @kplist) { %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1); $sectName = $tempSection{'name'}; $sectRev = $tempSection{'revision'}; $expire = 0; if ($sectName eq "text_default") { if (($KeepMajor && ($sectRev == $oldMajor)) || ($KeepAuthor && ($sectRev == $oldAuthor))) { $expire = 0; } elsif ($tempSection{'keepts'} < $expirets) { $expire = 1; } } else { if ($tempSection{'keepts'} < $expirets) { $expire = 1; } } if (!$expire) { $keepFlag{$sectRev . "," . $sectName} = 1; $anyKeep = 1; } else { $anyExpire = 1; } } if (!$anyKeep) { # Empty, so remove file unlink($fname); return; } return if (!$anyExpire); # No sections expired open my $out, '>', $fname or die Ts('cant write %s', $fname).": $!"; foreach (@kplist) { %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1); $sectName = $tempSection{'name'}; $sectRev = $tempSection{'revision'}; if ($keepFlag{$sectRev . "," . $sectName}) { print {$out} $FS1, $_; } } close $out; } sub OpenKeptList { my ($fname, $data); @KeptList = (); $fname = &KeepFileName(); return if (!(-f $fname)); $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname); @KeptList = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields } sub OpenKeptRevisions { my ($name) = @_; # Name of section my ($fname, $data, %tempSection); %KeptRevisions = (); &OpenKeptList(); ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 %RevisionTs = (); foreach (@KeptList) { %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1); next if ($tempSection{'name'} ne $name); $KeptRevisions{$tempSection{'revision'}} = $_; ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 $RevisionTs{$tempSection{'revision'}} = $tempSection{'ts'}; } } sub LoadUserData { my ($data, $status); %UserData = (); ($status, $data) = &ReadFile(&UserDataFilename($UserID)); if (!$status) { $UserID = 112; # Could not open file. Later warning message? return; } %UserData = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields ### 관심 페이지 %UserInterest = split(/$FS2/, $UserData{'interest'}, -1); # rename cookie 'id' to 'userid' if ( not exists $UserData{'userid'} and exists $UserData{'id'} ) { $UserData{'userid'} = $UserData{'id'}; delete $UserData{'id'}; SaveUserData(); } } sub UserDataFilename { my ($id) = @_; return $UserDir . "/" . "$id.db"; } # ==== Misc. functions ==== sub ReportError { my ($errmsg) = @_; print $q->header(-charset=>"$HttpCharset"), "

    ", $errmsg, "

    ", $q->end_html; } sub ValidId { my ($id) = @_; if (length($id) > 120) { return Ts('Page name is too long: %s', $id); } if ($id =~ m| |) { return Ts('Page name may not contain space characters: %s', $id); } if ($UseSubpage) { if ($id =~ m|.*/.*/|) { return Ts('Too many / characters in page %s', $id); } if ($id =~ /^\//) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s (subpage without main page)', $id); } if ($id =~ /\/$/) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s (missing subpage name)', $id); } } if ($FreeLinks) { $id =~ s/ /_/g; if (!$UseSubpage) { if ($id =~ /\//) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s (/ not allowed)', $id); } } if (!($id =~ m|^$FreeLinkPattern$|)) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s', $id); } if ($id =~ m|\.db$|) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .db)', $id); } if ($id =~ m|\.lck$|) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s (must not end with .lck)', $id); } return ""; } else { if (!($id =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) { return Ts('Invalid Page %s', $id); } } return ""; } sub ValidIdOrDie { my ($id) = @_; my $error; $error = &ValidId($id); if ($error ne "") { &ReportError($error); return 0; } return 1; } sub UserCanEdit { my ($id, $deepCheck) = @_; return 1 if (&UserIsAdmin()); ### hide page if (($id ne "") && (&PageIsHidden($id))) { return 0; } # Optimized for the "everyone can edit" case (don't check passwords) if (($id ne "") && (-f &GetLockedPageFile($id))) { return 1 if (&UserIsAdmin()); # Requires more privledges # Later option for editor-level to edit these pages? return 0; } if (!$EditAllowed) { return 1 if (&UserIsEditor()); return 0; } if (-f "$DataDir/noedit") { return 1 if (&UserIsEditor()); return 0; } if ($deepCheck) { # Deeper but slower checks (not every page) return 0 if (&UserIsBanned()); return 1 if (&UserIsEditor()); } return 1; } sub UserIsBanned { my ($host, $ip, $data, $status); ($status, $data) = &ReadFile("$DataDir/banlist"); return 0 if (!$status); # No file exists, so no ban $data =~ s/\r//g; $ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $host = &GetRemoteHost(0); foreach (split(/\n/, $data)) { next if ((/^\s*$/) || (/^#/)); # Skip empty, spaces, or comments return 1 if ($ip =~ /$_/i); return 1 if ($host =~ /$_/i); } return 0; } sub UserIsAdmin { my (@pwlist, $userPassword); return 0 if ($AdminPass eq ""); $userPassword = &GetParam("adminpw", ""); return 0 if ($userPassword eq ""); foreach (split(/\s+/, $AdminPass)) { next if ($_ eq ""); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch # return 1 if ($userPassword eq $_); return 1 if (crypt($_, $userPassword) eq $userPassword); } return 0; } sub UserIsEditor { my (@pwlist, $userPassword); return 1 if (&UserIsAdmin()); # Admin includes editor return 0 if ($EditPass eq ""); return 1 if (&LoginUser() and ($EditPass eq "LOGIN")); $userPassword = &GetParam("adminpw", ""); # Used for both return 0 if ($userPassword eq ""); foreach (split(/\s+/, $EditPass)) { next if ($_ eq ""); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch # return 1 if ($userPassword eq $_); return 1 if (crypt($_, $userPassword) eq $userPassword); } return 0; } sub GetLockedPageFile { my ($id) = @_; return $PageDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.lck"; } sub RequestLockDir { my ($name, $tries, $wait, $errorDie) = @_; my ($lockName, $n); &CreateDir($TempDir); $lockName = $LockDir . $name; $n = 0; while (mkdir($lockName, 0555) == 0) { if ($! != 17) { die(Ts('can not make %s', $LockDir) . ": $!\n") if $errorDie; return 0; } return 0 if ($n++ >= $tries); sleep($wait); } return 1; } sub ReleaseLockDir { my ($name) = @_; rmdir($LockDir . $name); } sub RequestLock { # 10 tries, 3 second wait, die on error return &RequestLockDir("main", 10, 3, 1); } sub ReleaseLock { &ReleaseLockDir('main'); } sub ForceReleaseLock { my ($name) = @_; my $forced; # First try to obtain lock (in case of normal edit lock) # 5 tries, 3 second wait, do not die on error $forced = !&RequestLockDir($name, 5, 3, 0); &ReleaseLockDir($name); # Release the lock, even if we didn't get it. return $forced; } sub RequestCacheLock { # 4 tries, 2 second wait, do not die on error return &RequestLockDir('cache', 4, 2, 0); } sub ReleaseCacheLock { &ReleaseLockDir('cache'); } sub RequestDiffLock { # 4 tries, 2 second wait, do not die on error return &RequestLockDir('diff', 4, 2, 0); } sub ReleaseDiffLock { &ReleaseLockDir('diff'); } # Index lock is not very important--just return error if not available sub RequestIndexLock { # 1 try, 2 second wait, do not die on error return &RequestLockDir('index', 1, 2, 0); } sub ReleaseIndexLock { &ReleaseLockDir('index'); } sub ReadFile { my ($fileName) = @_; my ($data); local $/ = undef; # Read complete files if ( open(my $in, '<', $fileName)) { $data = <$in>; close $in; return (1, $data); } return (0, ""); } sub ReadFileOrDie { my ($fileName) = @_; my ($status, $data); ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fileName); if (!$status) { die(Ts('Can not open %s', $fileName) . ": $!"); } return $data; } sub WriteStringToFile { my ($file, $string) = @_; open(my $out, '>', $file) or die(Ts('cant write %s', $file) . ": $!"); print {$out} $string; close $out; } sub AppendStringToFile { my ($file, $string) = @_; open(my $out, '>>', $file) or die(Ts('cant write %s', $file) . ": $!"); print {$out} $string; close $out; } sub CreateDir { my ($newdir) = @_; ### 디렉토리 생성에 실패할 경우 에러 출력 # mkdir($newdir, 0775) if (!(-d $newdir)); if (!(-d $newdir)) { mkdir($newdir, 0775) or die(Ts('cant create directory %s', $newdir) . ": $!"); } ### } sub CreatePageDir { my ($dir, $id) = @_; my $subdir; &CreateDir($dir); # Make sure main page exists $subdir = $dir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id); &CreateDir($subdir); if ($id =~ m|([^/]+)/|) { $subdir = $subdir . "/" . $1; &CreateDir($subdir); } } sub UpdateHtmlCache { my ($id, $html) = @_; my $idFile; $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile($id); &CreatePageDir($HtmlDir, $id); if (&RequestCacheLock()) { &WriteStringToFile($idFile, $html); &ReleaseCacheLock(); } } sub GenerateAllPagesList { my (@pages, @dirs, @pageFiles, @subpageFiles); @pages = (); if ($FastGlob) { # The following was inspired by the FastGlob code by Marc W. Mengel. # Thanks to Bob Showalter for pointing out the improvement. opendir(PAGELIST, $PageDir); @dirs = readdir(PAGELIST); closedir(PAGELIST); @dirs = sort(@dirs); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { next if (($dir eq '.') || ($dir eq '..')); opendir(PAGELIST, "$PageDir/$dir"); @pageFiles = readdir(PAGELIST); closedir(PAGELIST); foreach my $id (@pageFiles) { next if (($id eq '.') || ($id eq '..')); if (substr($id, -3) eq '.db') { push(@pages, substr($id, 0, -3)); } elsif (substr($id, -4) ne '.lck') { opendir(PAGELIST, "$PageDir/$dir/$id"); @subpageFiles = readdir(PAGELIST); closedir(PAGELIST); foreach my $subId (@subpageFiles) { if (substr($subId, -3) eq '.db') { push(@pages, "$id/" . substr($subId, 0, -3)); } } } } } } else { # Old slow/compatible method. @dirs = qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z other); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { if (-e "$PageDir/$dir") { # Thanks to Tim Holt while (glob("$PageDir/$dir/*.db $PageDir/$dir/*/*.db")) { s|^$PageDir/||; m|^[^/]+/(\S*).db|; push(@pages, $1); } } } } my @sorted_list = sort @pages; return @sorted_list; } sub AllPagesList { my ($rawIndex, $refresh, $status); if (!$UseIndex) { ### hide page by gypark # return &GenerateAllPagesList(); return &GetNotHiddenPages(&GenerateAllPagesList()); ### } $refresh = &GetParam("refresh", 0); if ($IndexInit && !$refresh) { # Note for mod_perl: $IndexInit is reset for each query # Eventually consider some timestamp-solution to keep cache? ### hide page by gypark # return @IndexList; return &GetNotHiddenPages(@IndexList); ### } if ((!$refresh) && (-f $IndexFile)) { ($status, $rawIndex) = &ReadFile($IndexFile); if ($status) { %IndexHash = split(/\s+/, $rawIndex); @IndexList = sort(keys %IndexHash); $IndexInit = 1; ### hide page by gypark # return @IndexList; return &GetNotHiddenPages(@IndexList); ### } # If open fails just refresh the index } @IndexList = (); %IndexHash = (); @IndexList = &GenerateAllPagesList(); foreach (@IndexList) { $IndexHash{$_} = 1; } $IndexInit = 1; # Initialized for this run of the script # Try to write out the list for future runs &RequestIndexLock() or return @IndexList; &WriteStringToFile($IndexFile, join(" ", %IndexHash)); &ReleaseIndexLock(); ### hide page by gypark # return @IndexList; return &GetNotHiddenPages(@IndexList); ### } sub CalcDay { my ($ts) = @_; $ts += $TimeZoneOffset; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($ts); return ($year + 1900) . "-" . ($mon+1) . "-" . $mday; # luke added return ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")[$mon]. " " . $mday . ", " . ($year+1900); } sub CalcDayNow { return CalcDay($Now); } sub CalcTime { my ($ts) = @_; my ($ampm, $mytz); $ts += $TimeZoneOffset; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($ts); $mytz = ""; if (($TimeZoneOffset == 0) && ($ScriptTZ ne "")) { $mytz = " " . $ScriptTZ; } $ampm = ""; if ($UseAmPm) { $ampm = " am"; if ($hour > 11) { $ampm = " pm"; $hour = $hour - 12; } $hour = 12 if ($hour == 0); } $min = "0" . $min if ($min<10); return $hour . ":" . $min . $ampm . $mytz; } sub TimeToText { my ($t) = @_; return &CalcDay($t) . " " . &CalcTime($t); } sub GetParam { my ($name, $default) = @_; my $result; $result = $q->param($name); ### POST 로 넘어올 경우의 데이타 처리 if (!defined($result)) { $result = $q->url_param($name); } if (!defined($result)) { if (defined($UserData{$name})) { $result = $UserData{$name}; } else { $result = $default; } } return $result; } sub GetHiddenValue { my ($name, $value) = @_; $q->param($name, $value); return $q->hidden($name); } sub GetRemoteHost { my ($doMask) = @_; my ($rhost, $iaddr); $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}; if ($UseLookup && ($rhost eq "")) { # Catch errors (including bad input) without aborting the script eval 'use Socket; $iaddr = inet_aton($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});' . '$rhost = gethostbyaddr($iaddr, AF_INET)'; } if ($rhost eq "") { $rhost = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; $rhost =~ s/\d+$/xxx/ if ($doMask); # Be somewhat anonymous } return $rhost; } sub FreeToNormal { my ($id) = @_; $id =~ s/ /_/g; $id = ucfirst($id); if (index($id, '_') > -1) { # Quick check for any space/underscores $id =~ s/__+/_/g; $id =~ s/^_//; $id =~ s/_$//; if ($UseSubpage) { $id =~ s|_/|/|g; $id =~ s|/_|/|g; } } if ($FreeUpper) { # Note that letters after ' are *not* capitalized if ($id =~ m|[-_.,\(\)/][a-z]|) { # Quick check for non-canonical case $id =~ s|([-_.,\(\)/])([a-z])|$1 . uc($2)|ge; } } return $id; } #END_OF_BROWSE_CODE # == Page-editing and other special-action code ======================== # luke added sub DoPreview { $ClickEdit = 0; print &GetHttpHeader(); print &GetHtmlHeader(T('Preview') . " : $SiteName", "Preview"); ### 미리보기에서 등의 preprocessor 사용 # print &WikiToHTML(&GetParam("text", undef)); my ($textPreview) = &GetParam("text", undef); $MainPage = &GetParam("id", "."); $MainPage =~ s|/.*||; print &WikiToHTML(&ProcessPostMacro($textPreview)); } ### 도움말 별도의 화일로 분리 sub DoHelp { my $idx = &GetParam("index", ""); require mod_edithelp; use vars qw(@HelpItem @HelpText); my $title = T("$HelpItem[$idx]"); my $text; $text = "== $title ==\n"; $text .= $HelpText[$idx]; $ClickEdit = 0; $UseEmoticon = 1; print &GetHttpHeader(); print &GetHtmlHeader(T('Editing Help :'). " $title", "$title"); print &WikiToHTML($text); } sub DoOtherRequest { my ($id, $action, $text, $search); $ClickEdit = 0; # luke added $UseShortcutPage = 0; # 단축키 $action = &GetParam("action", ""); $id = &GetParam("id", ""); if ($action ne "") { $action = lc($action); ### action 모듈화 my $action_file = ""; my ($MyActionDir, $ActionDir) = ("./myaction/", "./action/"); if (-f "$MyActionDir/$action.pl") { $action_file = "$MyActionDir/$action.pl"; } elsif (-f "$ActionDir/$action.pl") { $action_file = "$ActionDir/$action.pl"; } if ($action_file ne "") { my $loadaction = eval "require '$action_file'"; if (not $loadaction) { # action 로드 실패 $UseShortcut = 0; &ReportError(Ts('Fail to load action: %s', $action)); return; } my $func = "action_$action"; &{\&$func}(); return; } ### if ($action eq "edit") { $UseShortcut = 0; # 단축키 &DoEdit($id, 0, 0, "", 0) if &ValidIdOrDie($id); } elsif ($action eq "unlock") { &DoUnlock(); } elsif ($action eq "index") { &DoIndex(); ### titleindex action 추가 ### from Bab2's patch } elsif ($action eq "titleindex") { $UseShortcut = 0; &DoTitleIndex(); ### } elsif ($action eq "help") { # luke added $UseShortcut = 0; &DoHelp(); # luke added } elsif ($action eq "preview") { # luke added $UseShortcut = 0; &DoPreview(); # luke added } elsif ($action eq "links") { &DoLinks(); } elsif ($action eq "maintain") { &DoMaintain(); } elsif ($action eq "pagelock") { &DoPageLock(); } elsif ($action eq "editlock") { &DoEditLock(); } elsif ($action eq "editprefs") { &DoEditPrefs(); } elsif ($action eq "editbanned") { &DoEditBanned(); } elsif ($action eq "editlinks") { &DoEditLinks(); } elsif ($action eq "login") { &DoEnterLogin(); } elsif ($action eq "logout") { &DoLogout(); } elsif ($action eq "newlogin") { $UserID = ""; &DoEditPrefs(); # Also creates new ID } elsif ($action eq "version") { &DoShowVersion(); ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 } elsif ($action eq "bookmark") { &DoBookmark(); ### file upload } elsif ($action eq "upload") { $UseShortcut = 0; &DoUpload(); ### oekaki } elsif ($action eq "oekaki") { $UseShortcut = 0; &DoOekaki(); ### 관심 페이지 } elsif ($action eq "interest") { &DoInterest(); ### UploadedFiles 매크로 } elsif ($action eq "deleteuploadedfiles") { &DoDeleteUploadedFiles(); ### hide page by gypark } elsif ($action eq "pagehide") { &DoPageHide(); ### rss from usemod1.0 } elsif ($action eq "rss") { $UseShortcut = 0; &DoRss(); ### } else { # Later improve error reporting $UseShortcut = 0; &ReportError(Ts('Invalid action parameter %s', $action)); } return; } if (&GetParam("edit_prefs", 0)) { &DoUpdatePrefs(); return; } if (&GetParam("edit_ban", 0)) { &DoUpdateBanned(); return; } if (&GetParam("enter_login", 0)) { &DoLogin(); return; } if (&GetParam("edit_links", 0)) { &DoUpdateLinks(); return; } $search = &GetParam("search", ""); if (($search ne "") || (&GetParam("dosearch", "") ne "")) { &DoSearch($search); return; } # Handle posted pages if (&GetParam("oldtime", "") ne "") { $id = &GetParam("title", ""); $UseShortcut = 0; &DoPost() if &ValidIdOrDie($id); return; } # Later improve error message &ReportError(T('Invalid URL.')); } sub DoEdit { my ($id, $isConflict, $oldTime, $newText, $preview) = @_; my ($header, $editRows, $editCols, $userName, $revision, $oldText); my ($summary, $isEdit, $pageTime); ### view action 추가 my $canEdit = &UserCanEdit($id,1); # Consider sending a new user-ID cookie if user does not have one &OpenPage($id); &OpenDefaultText(); $pageTime = $Section{'ts'}; $header = Ts('Editing %s', $id); ### view action 추가 $header = Ts('Viewing %s', $id) if (!$canEdit); # Old revision handling $revision = &GetParam('revision', ''); $revision =~ s/\D//g; # Remove non-numeric chars if ($revision ne '') { &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default'); if (!defined($KeptRevisions{$revision})) { $revision = ''; # Later look for better solution, like error message? } else { &OpenKeptRevision($revision); $header = Ts('Editing revision %s of', $revision) . " $id"; ### view action 추가 $header = Ts('Viewing revision %s of', $revision) . " $id" if (!$canEdit); ### } } $oldText = $Text{'text'}; if ($preview && !$isConflict) { $oldText = $newText; } ### 섹션 단위 편집 - 편집할 때 my $section = &GetParam('section', 0); if ($section >= 1) { my $temp_text; my (@h_depth, @h_pos); my $num = 0; $temp_text = $oldText; # {{{ }}} 등 헤드라인이 올 수 없는 것들을 먼저 제외 %SaveUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; $temp_text = &store_raw_codes($temp_text); # 남은 텍스트에서 헤드라인들의 목록을 뽑는다 while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]+\s+\=+\s*$)/gm) { $num++; $h_pos[$num] = pos($temp_text) - length($1); # 각 섹션의 시작 포지션 $h_depth[$num] = length($2); # summary 를 해당 섹션 제목으로 if ($num == $section) { my $h_str = $1; $h_str =~ /^[ \t]*\=+\s+(#\s+)?([^\n]+)\s+\=+\s*$/; $h_str = $2; $h_str =~ s/"/"/g; $q->param("summary", "$h_str - ".&GetParam("summary", "")); } } $num++; $h_pos[$num] = length($temp_text); $h_depth[$num] = 1; # 같은 depth 의 다음 헤드라인을 찾음 my $next; for ($next = $section+1; ($next <= $#h_depth) && ($h_depth[$section] < $h_depth[$next]); $next++) {} # 수정할 섹션의 텍스트만 추출 my $offset = $h_pos[$section]; my $length = $h_pos[$next] - $offset; $temp_text = substr($temp_text, $offset, $length); # 제외했던 내용 복원 $temp_text = &RestoreSavedText($temp_text); %SaveUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; # $oldText 바꿔치기 $oldText = $temp_text; $header .= " ". &T('(section)'); } ##### $editRows = &GetParam("editrows", 20); $editCols = &GetParam("editcols", 65); print &GetHeader('', &QuoteHtml($header), ''); ### hide page if (&PageIsHidden($id)) { print Ts('%s is a hidden page', $id); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } ### view action 추가 if (!$canEdit) { if (&UserIsBanned()) { print T('Editing not allowed: user, ip, or network is blocked.'); print "

    "; print T('Contact the wiki administrator for more information.'); } else { print Ts('Editing not allowed: %s is read-only.', $id); } print "
    \n"; } ### view action 추가 # if ($revision ne '') { if ($canEdit && ($revision ne '')) { ### print "\n" . Ts('Editing old revision %s.', $revision) . " " . T('Saving this page will replace the latest revision with this text.') . '
    ' } ### view action 추가 # if ($isConflict) { if ($canEdit && $isConflict) { ### $editRows -= 10 if ($editRows > 19); print "\n

    " . T('Edit Conflict!') . "

    \n"; if ($isConflict>1) { # The main purpose of a new warning is to display more text # and move the save button down from its old location. print "\n

    " . T('(This is a new conflict)') . "

    \n"; } print "

    ", T('Someone saved this page after you started editing.'), " ", T('The top textbox contains the saved text.'), " ", T('Only the text in the top textbox will be saved.'), "
    \n", T('Scroll down to see your edited text.'), "
    \n"; print T('Last save time:'), ' ', &TimeToText($oldTime), " (", T('Current time is:'), ' ', &TimeToText($Now), ")
    \n"; } # luke added # w.document.getElementById('form_edit').elements['text'].value = window.document.getElementById('form_edit').elements['text'].value; # w.document.getElementById('form_edit').submit(); print qq| |; ############### ### added by gypark ### file upload print qq| |; ### view action 추가 if ($canEdit) { print T('Editing Help :') . " "; ### 도움말 별도의 화일로 분리 # print &HelpLink(1, T('Make Page')) . " | "; # ... # print &HelpLink(5, T('Emoticon')) . "
    \n"; use vars qw(@HelpItem); require mod_edithelp; foreach (0 .. $#HelpItem) { print &HelpLink($_, T("$HelpItem[$_]")); print " | " if ($_ ne $#HelpItem); } print "
    \n"; } ### 편집모드에 들어갔을때 포커스가 편집창에 있도록 한다 # print &GetFormStart(); print $q->start_form(-method=>"POST", -action=>"$ScriptName", -enctype=>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", -name=>"form_edit", -onSubmit=>"closeok=true; return true;"); ### view action 추가 if ($canEdit) { print &GetHiddenValue("title", $id), "\n", &GetHiddenValue("oldtime", $pageTime), "\n", &GetHiddenValue("oldconflict", $isConflict), "\n"; if ($revision ne "") { print &GetHiddenValue("revision", $revision), "\n"; } # ECode my $ecode = &simple_crypt(length($id).substr(&CalcDay($Now),5)); print &GetHiddenValue("ecode","$ecode")."\n"; # spambot trap my $spambot_trap = "

    " . "Homepage: " . $q->textfield(-name=>"homepage", -class=>"comments", -size=>"10", -maxlength=>"80", -default=>"") . "
    "; print $spambot_trap; ### 섹션 단위 편집 if ($section >= 1) { print &GetHiddenValue("section", $section)."\n"; } ##### print &GetTextArea('text', $oldText, $editRows, $editCols); $summary = &GetParam("summary", "*"); print "

    ", T('Summary:') . " ", $q->textfield(-name=>'summary', -default=>$summary, -override=>1, -size=>60, -maxlength=>200); if (&GetParam("recent_edit") eq "on") { print "
    ", $q->checkbox(-name=>'recent_edit', -checked=>1, -label=>T('This change is a minor edit.')); } else { print "
    ", $q->checkbox(-name=>'recent_edit', -label=>T('This change is a minor edit.')); } # Twitter if ( UserIsAdmin() and $TwitterID ) { print "
    ", $q->checkbox(-name=>'twitter_edit', -checked=>0, -label=>T('Twitter')."($TwitterID)"), "\n"; } if ($EmailNotify) { print "   " . $q->checkbox(-name=> 'do_email_notify', -label=>Ts('Send email notification that %s has been changed.', $id)); } print "
    "; if ($EditNote ne '') { print T($EditNote) . '
    '; # Allow translation } ### 단축키 # print $q->submit(-name=>'Save', -value=>T('Save')), "\n"; print $q->submit(-accesskey=>'r', -name=>'Save', -value=>T('Save')." [alt+r]"), "\n"; $userName = &GetParam("username", ""); if ($userName ne "") { print ' (', T('Your user name is'), ' ', &GetPageLink($userName) . ') '; } else { print ' (', Ts('Visit %s to set your user name.', &GetPrefsLink()), ') '; } ### 미리보기 버튼에 번역함수 적용 print q(); # luke added ### file upload print " ".q(); if ($isConflict) { print "\n

    ", T('This is the text you submitted:'), "

    ", &GetTextArea('newtext', $newText, $editRows, $editCols), "

    \n"; ### conflict 발생시 양쪽의 입력을 비교 my $conflictdiff = &GetDiff($oldText, $newText, 1); $conflictdiff = T('No diff available.') if ($conflictdiff eq ""); print "\n

    ", T('This is the difference between the saved text and your text:'), "

    ", &DiffToHTML($conflictdiff), "

    \n"; } ### view action 추가 } else { print $q->textarea(-class=>'view', -accesskey=>'i', -name=>'text', -default=>$oldText, -rows=>$editRows, -columns=>$editCols, -override=>1, -style=>'width:100%', -wrap=>'virtual', -readonly=>'true'); } ### print "

    \n"; if ($preview) { print "

    ", T('Preview:'), "

    \n"; if ($isConflict) { print "", T('NOTE: This preview shows the revision of the other author.'), "
    \n"; } $MainPage = $id; $MainPage =~ s|/.*||; # Only the main page name (remove subpage) print &WikiToHTML($oldText) . "
    \n"; print "

    ", T('Preview only, not yet saved'), "

    \n"; } ### 편집 화면 아래에 편집을 취소하고 원래 페이지로 돌아가는 링크 추가 print Ts('Return to %s' , &GetPageLink($id)) . " | "; print &GetHistoryLink($id, T('View other revisions')) . "
    \n"; # print &GetGotoBar($id); print $q->end_form; ### 편집모드에 들어갔을때 포커스가 편집창에 있도록 한다 print "\n\n"; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub GetTextArea { my ($name, $text, $rows, $cols) = @_; ### < 와 > 가 들어가 있는 페이지를 수정할 경우 자동으로 부등호로 바뀌어 버리는 문제를 해결 $text =~ s/()/&StoreRaw($1)/ges; $text =~ s/(\&)/\&/g; $text = &RestoreSavedText($text); if (&GetParam("editwide", 1)) { return $q->textarea(-accesskey=>'i', -id=>$name, -name=>$name, -default=>$text, -rows=>$rows, -columns=>$cols, -override=>1, -style=>'width:100%', -wrap=>'virtual'); } return $q->textarea(-accesskey=>'i', -id=>$name, -name=>$name, -default=>$text, -rows=>$rows, -columns=>$cols, -override=>1, -wrap=>'virtual'); } sub DoEditPrefs { my ($check, $recentName, %labels); $recentName = $RCName; $recentName =~ s/_/ /g; print &GetHeader('', T('Editing Preferences'), ""); print &GetFormStart(); print GetHiddenValue("edit_prefs", 1), "\n"; if ($UserID eq "") { print GetHiddenValue("new_login", 1), "\n"; } print '' . T('User Information:') . "\n"; print '
    ' . T('UserName:') . ' ', &GetFormText('username', "", 20, 50); print ' ' . T('(blank to remove, or valid page name)'); print '
    ' . T('Set Password:') . ' ', $q->password_field(-name=>'p_password', -value=>'*', -size=>15, -maxlength=>50), ' ', T('(blank to remove password)'), '
    (', T('Passwords allow sharing preferences between multiple systems.'), ' ', T('Passwords are completely optional.'), ')'; if ($AdminPass ne '') { print '
    ', T('Administrator Password:'), ' ', $q->password_field(-name=>'p_adminpw', -value=>'*', -size=>15, -maxlength=>50), ' ', T('(blank to remove password)'), '
    ', T('(Administrator passwords are used for special maintenance.)'); } if ($EmailNotify) { print "
    "; print &GetFormCheck('notify', 1, T('Include this address in the site email list.')), ' ', T('(Uncheck the box to remove the address.)'); print '
    ', T('Email Address:'), ' ', &GetFormText('email', "", 30, 60); } print "
    ".T($recentName).":\n"; print '
    ', T('Default days to display:'), ' ', &GetFormText('rcdays', $RcDefault, 4, 9); print "
    ", &GetFormCheck('rcnewtop', $RecentTop, T('Most recent changes on top')); print "
    ", &GetFormCheck('rcall', 0, T('Show all changes (not just most recent)')); %labels = (0=>T('Hide minor edits'), 1=>T('Show minor edits'), 2=>T('Show only minor edits')); print '
    ', T('Minor edit display:'), ' '; print $q->popup_menu(-name=>'p_rcshowedit', -values=>[0,1,2], -labels=>\%labels, -default=>&GetParam("rcshowedit", $ShowEdits)); print "
    ", &GetFormCheck('rcchangehist', 1, T('Use "changes" as link to history')); if ($UseDiff) { print '
    ', T('Differences:'), "\n"; print "
    ", &GetFormCheck('diffrclink', 1, Ts('Show (diff) links on %s', T($recentName))); print "
    ", &GetFormCheck('alldiff', 0, T('Show differences on all pages')); print " (", &GetFormCheck('norcdiff', 1, Ts('No differences on %s', T($recentName))), ")"; %labels = (1=>T('Major'), 2=>T('Minor'), 3=>T('Author')); print '
    ', T('Default difference type:'), ' '; print $q->popup_menu(-name=>'p_defaultdiff', -values=>[1,2,3], -labels=>\%labels, -default=>&GetParam("defaultdiff", 1)); } print '
    ', T('Misc:'), "\n"; # Note: TZ offset is added by TimeToText, so pre-subtract to cancel. print '
    ', T('Server time:'), ' ', &TimeToText($Now-$TimeZoneOffset); print '
    ', T('Time Zone offset (hours):'), ' ', &GetFormText('tzoffset', 0, 4, 9); print '
    ', &GetFormCheck('editwide', 1, T('Use 100% wide edit area (if supported)')); print '
    ', T('Edit area rows:'), ' ', &GetFormText('editrows', 20, 4, 4), ' ', T('columns:'), ' ', &GetFormText('editcols', 65, 4, 4); print '
    ', &GetFormCheck('toplinkbar', 1, T('Show link bar on top')); print '
    ', &GetFormCheck('linkrandom', 0, T('Add "Random Page" link to link bar')); print '
    ', $q->submit(-name=>'Save', -value=>T('Save')), "\n"; print "\n"; print $q->end_form; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub GetFormText { my ($name, $default, $size, $max) = @_; my $text = &GetParam($name, $default); return $q->textfield(-name=>"p_$name", -default=>$text, -override=>1, -size=>$size, -maxlength=>$max); } sub GetFormCheck { my ($name, $default, $label) = @_; my $checked = (&GetParam($name, $default) > 0); return $q->checkbox(-name=>"p_$name", -override=>1, -checked=>$checked, -label=>$label); } sub DoUpdatePrefs { my ($username, $password); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch my $hashpass = ""; # All link bar settings should be updated before printing the header &UpdatePrefCheckbox("toplinkbar"); ### 빈 페이지 링크 스타일을 환경 설정에서 결정 ### from Bab2's patch &UpdatePrefCheckbox("linkstyle"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("linkrandom"); print &GetHeader('',T('Saving Preferences'), ''); print '
    '; ### 아이디 첫글자를 대문자로 변환 # $UserID = &GetParam("p_username", ""); # $username = &GetParam("p_username", ""); $UserID = &FreeToNormal(&GetParam("p_username", "")); $username = &FreeToNormal(&GetParam("p_username", "")); ### 다른 사용자의 환경설정 변경을 금지 my ($status, $data) = &ReadFile(&UserDataFilename($UserID)); if ($status) { if ((!(&UserIsAdmin)) && ($UserData{'userid'} ne $UserID)) { print T('Error: Can not update prefs. That ID already exists and does not match your ID.'). '
    '; print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } } if ($FreeLinks) { $username =~ s/^\[\[(.+)\]\]/$1/; # Remove [[ and ]] if added $username = &FreeToNormal($username); $username =~ s/_/ /g; } ### 아이디 항목을 공란으로 놓지 못하게 하고, 최소 4자 이상이어야 하도록 제한 ### based on Bab2's patch # if ($username eq "") { # print T('UserName removed.'), '
    '; # undef $UserData{'username'}; # } elsif ((!$FreeLinks) && (!($username =~ /^$LinkPattern$/))) { # print Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "
    \n"; # } elsif ($FreeLinks && (!($username =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/))) { # print Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "
    \n"; # } elsif (length($username) > 50) { # Too long # print T('UserName must be 50 characters or less. (not saved)'), "
    \n"; if (length($username) < 4) { print T('UserName must be 4 characters or more. (not saved)'), "
    \n"; $UserID = 0; print &ScriptLink("action=editprefs", T('Try Again')); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } elsif ((!$FreeLinks) && (!($username =~ /^$LinkPattern$/))) { print Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "
    \n"; $UserID = 0; print &ScriptLink("action=editprefs", T('Try Again')); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } elsif ($FreeLinks && (!($username =~ /^$FreeLinkPattern$/))) { print Ts('Invalid UserName %s: not saved.', $username), "
    \n"; $UserID = 0; print &ScriptLink("action=editprefs", T('Try Again')); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } elsif (length($username) > 50) { # Too long print T('UserName must be 50 characters or less. (not saved)'), "
    \n"; $UserID = 0; print &ScriptLink("action=editprefs", T('Try Again')); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; ### ############### } else { print Ts('UserName %s saved.', $username), '
    '; $UserData{'username'} = $username; } $password = &GetParam("p_password", ""); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch $hashpass = crypt($password, $HashKey); if ($password eq "") { print T('Password removed.'), '
    '; undef $UserData{'password'}; } elsif ($password ne "*") { print T('Password changed.'), '
    '; ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch # $UserData{'password'} = $password; $UserData{'password'} = $hashpass; } if ($AdminPass ne "") { $password = &GetParam("p_adminpw", ""); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch $hashpass = crypt($password, $HashKey); if ($password eq "") { print T('Administrator password removed.'), '
    '; undef $UserData{'adminpw'}; } elsif ($password ne "*") { print T('Administrator password changed.'), '
    '; ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch # $UserData{'adminpw'} = $password; $UserData{'adminpw'} = $hashpass; if (&UserIsAdmin()) { print T('User has administrative abilities.'), '
    '; } elsif (&UserIsEditor()) { print T('User has editor abilities.'), '
    '; } else { print T('User does not have administrative abilities.'), ' ', T('(Password does not match administrative password(s).)'), '
    '; } } } if ($EmailNotify) { &UpdatePrefCheckbox("notify"); &UpdateEmailList(); } &UpdatePrefNumber("rcdays", 0, 0, 999999); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("rcnewtop"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("rcall"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("rcchangehist"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("editwide"); if ($UseDiff) { &UpdatePrefCheckbox("norcdiff"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("diffrclink"); &UpdatePrefCheckbox("alldiff"); &UpdatePrefNumber("defaultdiff", 1, 1, 3); } &UpdatePrefNumber("rcshowedit", 1, 0, 2); &UpdatePrefNumber("tzoffset", 0, -999, 999); &UpdatePrefNumber("editrows", 1, 1, 999); &UpdatePrefNumber("editcols", 1, 1, 999); print T('Server time:'), ' ', &TimeToText($Now-$TimeZoneOffset), '
    '; $TimeZoneOffset = &GetParam("tzoffset", 0) * (60 * 60); print T('Local time:'), ' ', &TimeToText($Now), '
    '; $UserData{'userid'} = $UserID; # 새로 ID를 만들었을 때의 추가 데이터 if (GetParam("new_login", 0) == 1) { $UserData{'randkey'} = int(rand(1000000000)); $UserData{'rev'} = 1; $UserData{'createtime'} = $Now; $UserData{'createip'} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; } &SaveUserData(); print '', T('Preferences saved.'), ''; print &GetCommonFooter(); } # add or remove email address from preferences to $DatDir/emails sub UpdateEmailList { my (@old_emails); local $/ = "\n"; # don't slurp whole files in this sub. if (my $new_email = $UserData{'email'} = &GetParam("p_email", "")) { my $notify = $UserData{'notify'}; if (-f "$DataDir/emails") { open(my $notify, '<', "$DataDir/emails") or die(Ts('Could not read from %s:', "$DataDir/emails") . " $!\n"); @old_emails = <$notify>; close $notify; } else { @old_emails = (); } my $already_in_list = grep /$new_email/, @old_emails; if ($notify and (not $already_in_list)) { &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get mail lock')); open(my $notify, '>>', "$DataDir/emails") or die(Ts('Could not append to %s:', "$DataDir/emails") . " $!\n"); print {$notify} $new_email, "\n"; close $notify; &ReleaseLock(); } elsif ((not $notify) and $already_in_list) { &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get mail lock')); open(my $notify, '>', "$DataDir/emails") or die(Ts('Could not overwrite %s:', "$DataDir/emails") . " $!\n"); foreach (@old_emails) { print {$notify} "$_" unless /$new_email/; } close $notify; &ReleaseLock(); } } } sub UpdatePrefCheckbox { my ($param) = @_; my $temp = &GetParam("p_$param", "*"); $UserData{$param} = 1 if ($temp eq "on"); $UserData{$param} = 0 if ($temp eq "*"); # It is possible to skip updating by using another value, like "2" } sub UpdatePrefNumber { my ($param, $integer, $min, $max) = @_; my $temp = &GetParam("p_$param", "*"); return if ($temp eq "*"); $temp =~ s/[^-\d\.]//g; $temp =~ s/\..*// if ($integer); return if ($temp eq ""); return if (($temp < $min) || ($temp > $max)); $UserData{$param} = $temp; # Later consider returning status? } ### titleindex action 추가 ### from Bab2's patch sub DoTitleIndex { my (@list); my $charset = &GetParam("charset", "$HttpCharset"); print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=$charset\n\n"; @list = &AllPagesList(); if ($charset ne $HttpCharset) { @list = split(/!/, &convert_encode(join('!',@list), "$HttpCharset", "$charset")); } foreach my $page (@list) { print $page."\n"; } } sub DoIndex { print &GetHeader('', T('Index of all pages'), ''); print '
    '; &PrintPageList(&AllPagesList()); print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub DoEnterLogin { print &GetHeader('', T('Login'), ""); ### 사용자 아이디를 입력하는 란에 포커스를 준다 # print &GetFormStart(); print &GetFormStart("form_login"); print &ScriptLink("action=newlogin", T('Create new UserName') . "
    "); print &GetHiddenValue('enter_login', 1), "\n"; print &GetHiddenValue('pageid', &GetParam("pageid")); print '
    ', T('UserName:'), ' ', $q->textfield(-name=>'p_userid', -value=>'', -size=>15, -maxlength=>50); print '
    ', T('Password:'), ' ', $q->password_field(-name=>'p_password', -value=>'', -size=>15, -maxlength=>50); ### 로긴할 때 자동 로그인 여부 선택 ### from Bab2's patch print '
    ', &GetFormCheck('expire', 0, T('Keep login information')); print '
    ', $q->submit(-name=>'Login', -value=>T('Login')), "\n"; print "\n"; print $q->end_form; ### 사용자 아이디를 입력하는 란에 포커스를 준다 print "\n\n"; ### print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub DoLogin { my ($uid, $password, $success); $success = 0; ### 아이디 첫글자를 무조건 대문자로 변환 # $uid = &GetParam("p_userid", ""); $uid = &FreeToNormal(&GetParam("p_userid", "")); $password = &GetParam("p_password", ""); if (($password ne "") && ($password ne "*")) { $UserID = $uid; &LoadUserData(); ### 암호를 암호화해서 저장 ### from Bab2's patch if (defined($UserData{'password'}) && (crypt($password, $UserData{'password'}) eq $UserData{'password'})) { ### 로긴할 때 자동 로그인 여부 선택 ### from Bab2's patch my $expire_mode = &UpdatePrefCheckbox("expire"); if ($expire_mode eq "") { $SetCookie{'expire'} = 1; } else { $SetCookie{'expire'} = $expire_mode; } $SetCookie{'userid'} = $uid; $SetCookie{'randkey'} = $UserData{'randkey'}; $SetCookie{'rev'} = 1; $success = 1; } else { $SetCookie{'userid'} = ""; ### 잘못된 아이디를 넣었을 때의 처리 추가 ### from Bab2's patch $UserID = ""; &LoadUserData(); } } if ($success) { %UserCookie = %SetCookie; if (&GetParam("pageid","") ne "") { BrowsePage(&GetParam("pageid")); return; } print &GetHeader('', T('Login completed'), ''); print Ts('Login for user ID %s complete.', $uid); } else { print &GetHeader('', T('Login failed'), ''); print Ts('Login for user ID %s failed.', $uid); %UserCookie = %SetCookie; $UserID = ""; print "
    " . &ScriptLink("action=login", T('Try Again')); } if (&GetParam("pageid","") ne "") { print "
    " . Ts( 'Return to %s' , &GetPageLink(&GetParam("pageid")) ); } print "\n"; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub DoLogout { $SetCookie{'userid'} = ""; $SetCookie{'randkey'} = $UserData{'randkey'}; $SetCookie{'rev'} = 1; my $tempUserID = $UserID; %UserCookie = %SetCookie; $UserID = "113"; print &GetHeader('', T('Logout Results'), ''); print Ts('Logout for user ID %s complete.', $tempUserID); print "\n"; print $q->end_form; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } # Later get user-level lock sub SaveUserData { my ($userFile, $data); ### 설치 후 처음으로 사용자 아이디를 만들 때 에러가 나는 것을 해결 &CreateDir($UserDir); $userFile = &UserDataFilename($UserID); $data = join($FS1, %UserData); &WriteStringToFile($userFile, $data); } sub DoSearch { my ($string) = @_; my @x; if ($string eq '') { &DoIndex(); return; } print &GetHeader('', &QuoteHtml(Ts('Search for: %s', $string)), ''); print '
    '; # 검색어에 정규표현식 에러가 나는 경우는 quote하여 검색 eval { "" =~ /$string/i; }; if ($@) { $string = "\Q$string\E"; } @x = &SearchTitleAndBody($string); # &PrintPageList(@x); if (&GetParam("context", "")) { &PrintSearchResults($string, @x); } else { &PrintPageList(@x); } ### 검색 결과 하단에 새 페이지 만들기 항상 출력 # if ($#x eq -1) { $string = &FreeToNormal($string) if ($FreeLinks); if ((&ValidId($string) eq "") && (not -f &GetPageFile($string))) { print "
    "; ### print &ScriptLink("action=edit&id=$string", Ts('Create a new page : %s', $string)); } print &GetCommonFooter(); } # Print search results with context # based on UseMod:WikiPatches/BetterSearchOutput sub PrintSearchResults { my ($searchstring, @results) = @_; my ($output); my ($pageText, $t, $j, $jsnippet, $start, $end) ; my ($snippetlen, $maxsnippets) = ( 100, 5 ) ; # these seem nice. if (&GetParam("context") =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $maxsnippets = $1; } # TOC 출력 my %hash; map { push( @{$hash{GetPageDirectoryExt($_)}}, $_); } @results; print $q->a({-name=>"TOC"}), "

    ", Ts('%s pages found:', ($#results + 1)), "

    \n"; print $q->p( map { "| ". $q->a({-href=>"#$_"}, $_); } sort keys %hash); print "\n"; foreach my $title (sort keys %hash) { print $q->h2($q->a({-name=>$title, -href=>"#TOC"}, $title)), "\n"; foreach my $name (@{$hash{$title}}) { # get the page, filter it, remove all tags (since we're presenting in # plaintext, not HTML, a la google(tm)). &OpenPage($name); &OpenDefaultText(); $pageText = $Text{'text'}; foreach my $t (@HtmlPairs, "pre", "nowiki", "code" ) { $pageText =~ s/\<$t(\s[^<>]+?)?\>(.*?)\<\/$t\>/$2/gis; } foreach my $t (@HtmlSingle) { $pageText =~ s/\<$t(\s[^<>]+?)?\>//gi; } $pageText = &QuoteHtml($pageText); $pageText =~ s/$FS//g; # Remove separators (paranoia) $pageText =~ s/[\s]+/ /g; # Shrink whitespace $pageText =~ s/([-_=\\*\\.]){10,}/$1$1$1$1$1/g ; # e.g. shrink "----------" # entry header $output = ""; $output .= "... " if ($name =~ m|/|); $output .= "". &GetPageLink($name) ."
    \n"; # entry trailer # $output .= "
    " $output .= "" . int((length($pageText)/1024)+1) . "KB - " . T("Last edited") . &TimeToText($Section{ts}) . "
    \n" ; $output .= "
    "; # show a snippet from the top of the document $j = index( $pageText, " ", $snippetlen ) ; # end on word boundary $t = substr($pageText, 0, $j); $t =~ s/($searchstring)/$1<\/SPAN>/gi ; $output .= $t . " ... " ; $pageText = substr( $pageText, $j ) ; # to avoid rematching # search for occurrences of searchstring $jsnippet = 0 ; while ( $jsnippet < $maxsnippets && $pageText =~ m/($searchstring)/i ) { # captures match as $1 $jsnippet++ ; # paranoid about looping if ( ($j = index( $pageText, $1 )) > -1 ) { # get index of match # get substr containing (start of) match, ending on word boundaries $start = index( $pageText, " ", $j-($snippetlen/2) ) ; $start = 0 if ( $start == -1 ) ; $end = index( $pageText, " ", $j+($snippetlen/2) ) ; $end = length( $pageText ) if ( $end == -1 ) ; $t = substr( $pageText, $start, $end-$start ) ; # highlight occurrences and tack on to output stream. $t =~ s/($searchstring)/$1<\/SPAN>/gi ; $output .= $t . " ... " ; # truncate text to avoid rematching the same string. $pageText = substr( $pageText, $end ) ; } } $output .= "

    \n"; print $output ; } } } ### 페이지 이름을 인자로 받아서 디렉토리명을 반환 ### GetPageDirectory 함수의 확장. sub GetPageDirectoryExt { my ($id) = @_; # Number and Alphabet index if ($id =~ /^([0-9])/) { return "0"; } if ($id =~ /^([a-zA-Z])/) { return uc($1); } # Korean index my @i_korean = ( # "가" "나" ... "하" "\x{AC00}", "\x{B098}", "\x{B2E4}", "\x{B77C}", "\x{B9C8}", "\x{BC14}", "\x{C0AC}", "\x{C544}", "\x{C790}", "\x{CC28}", "\x{CE74}", "\x{D0C0}", "\x{D30C}", "\x{D558}" ); # Japanese index my @i_japanese = ( # "ぁ" "ァ" "\x{3041}", "\x{30A1}" ); # Any other characters for TOC here... # my @i_other_lang = ( "\x{unicode number}", ... ); # It would be appreciated if anyone inform me (gypark@gmail.com) about his/her language # Directory index of all languages, and the "print form" of that index: # For example: # "나" (\x{B098}) would be returned if $id is "난초" (begins with \x{B09C}) # "others" would be returned if $id begins with Thai character (\x{0E**}) # # Insert @i_other_lang into @index and @index_print, but be careful of the position # so that all elements of @index are sorted in ascending order # and that they match those of @index_print. my @index = ( "\x{0000}", @i_japanese, "\x{3100}", @i_korean, "\x{D7B0}", ); my @index_print = ( "others", # \x{0000}- (except Number and Alphabet) @i_japanese, # \x{3041}- "others", # \x{3100}- @i_korean, # \x{AC00}- "others" # \x{D7B0}- ); # Now, find the index character for $id my $id_uni = decode("$HttpCharset", $id); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#index; $i++) { if (($index[$i] le $id_uni) && (($i == $#index) || ($id_uni lt $index[$i+1]))) { my $retval = $index_print[$i]; if (Encode::is_utf8($retval)) { $retval = encode($HttpCharset, $retval); } return $retval; } } return "others!"; # must not reach here } ### new PrintPageList subroutine. source is based on OddMuse:Index_Extension sub PrintPageList { my @pages = @_; my %hash; map { push( @{$hash{GetPageDirectoryExt($_)}}, $_); } @pages; # TOC 출력 print $q->a({-name=>"TOC"}), "

    ", Ts('%s pages found:', ($#pages + 1)), "

    \n"; print $q->p( map { "| ". $q->a({-href=>"#$_"}, $_); } sort keys %hash); print "\n"; # 페이지 목록 출력 foreach my $title (sort keys %hash) { print $q->h2($q->a({-name=>$title, -href=>"#TOC"}, $title)), "\n"; foreach my $pagename (@{$hash{$title}}) { print ".... " if ($pagename =~ m|/|); print &GetPageLink($pagename); if (&UserIsAdmin()) { ### 관리자의 인덱스 화면에서는 잠긴 페이지를 별도로 표시 print " | "; if (-f &GetLockedPageFile($pagename)) { print T('(locked)')." "; print &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=0&id=" . $pagename, T('unlock')); } else { print &ScriptLink("action=pagelock&set=1&id=" . $pagename, T('lock')); } ### hide page print " | "; if (defined($HiddenPage{$pagename})) { print T('(hidden)')." "; print &ScriptLink("action=pagehide&set=0&id=" . $pagename, T('unhide')); } else { print &ScriptLink("action=pagehide&set=1&id=" . $pagename, T('hide')); } } # print "
    \n"; } } } sub DoLinks { print &GetHeader('', &QuoteHtml(T('Full Link List')), ''); print "
    \n";  # Extra lines to get below the logo
        print "
    \n"; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub PrintLinkList { my ($names, $editlink); my ($link, $extra, @links, %pgExists); %pgExists = (); foreach my $page (&AllPagesList()) { $pgExists{$page} = 1; } $names = &GetParam("names", 1); $editlink = &GetParam("editlink", 0); foreach my $pagelines (@_) { @links = (); ### full link list 개선 my @pages = split(' ', $pagelines); foreach my $page (@pages) { if ($page =~ /\:/) { # URL or InterWiki form if ($page =~ /$UrlPattern/) { ($link, $extra) = &UrlLink($page); } else { ($link, $extra) = &InterPageLink($page); } } else { if ($pgExists{$page}) { $link = &GetPageLink($page); ### full link list 개선 } elsif ($page =~ /^\// && $pgExists{(split ('/',$pages[0]))[0].$page}) { ($link, $extra) = &GetPageLinkText((split ('/',$pages[0]))[0].$page, $page); } else { $link = $page; if ($editlink) { $link .= &GetEditLink($page, "?"); } } } push(@links, $link); } if (!$names) { shift(@links); } print join(' ', @links), "\n"; } } sub GetFullLinkList { ### GetFullLinkList 에 인자처리 기능 추가 my ($opt) = @_; my %args = ( # default 값 "unique" , 1, "sort", 1, "page", 1, "inter", 0, "url", 0, "exists", 2, "empty", 0, "search", "", "reverse", "" ); foreach my $opt_item (split('&',$opt)) { if ($opt_item =~ /^(.+)=(.+)$/) { $args{$1} = $2; } } ### 역링크 검색 옵션 추가 # my ($name, $unique, $sort, $exists, $empty, $link, $search); my ($unique, $sort, $exists, $empty, $search, $reverse); my ($pagelink, $interlink, $urllink); my (@found, @links, @newlinks, @pglist, %pgExists, %seen); ### GetFullLinkList 에 인자처리 기능 추가 # $unique = &GetParam("unique", 1); # $sort = &GetParam("sort", 1); # $pagelink = &GetParam("page", 1); # $interlink = &GetParam("inter", 0); # $urllink = &GetParam("url", 0); # $exists = &GetParam("exists", 2); # $empty = &GetParam("empty", 0); # $search = &GetParam("search", ""); $unique = &GetParam("unique", $args{"unique"}); $sort = &GetParam("sort", $args{"sort"}); $pagelink = &GetParam("page", $args{"page"}); $interlink = &GetParam("inter", $args{"inter"}); $urllink = &GetParam("url", $args{"url"}); $exists = &GetParam("exists", $args{"exists"}); $empty = &GetParam("empty", $args{"empty"}); $search = &GetParam("search", $args{"search"}); ### 역링크 기능 추가 $reverse = &GetParam("reverse", $args{"reverse"}); if (($interlink == 2) || ($urllink == 2)) { $pagelink = 0; } %pgExists = (); @pglist = &AllPagesList(); foreach my $name (@pglist) { $pgExists{$name} = 1; } %seen = (); foreach my $name (@pglist) { @newlinks = (); if ($unique != 2) { %seen = (); } ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 # @links = &GetPageLinks($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink); @links = &GetPageLinksFromFile($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink); foreach my $link (@links) { $seen{$link}++; if (($unique > 0) && ($seen{$link} != 1)) { next; } my $link2 = $link; $link2 = (split ('/',$name))[0]."$link" if ($link =~ /^\//); if (($exists == 0) && ($pgExists{$link2} == 1)) { next; } if (($exists == 1) && ($pgExists{$link2} != 1)) { next; } if (($search ne "") && !($link =~ /$search/)) { next; } ### 역링크 기능 추가 if ($reverse ne "") { my ($mainpage, $subpage) = ("", ""); if ($reverse =~ /(.+)\/(.+)/) { ($mainpage, $subpage) = ($1, $2); } if (!((split('/',$name))[0] eq $mainpage && $link eq "\/$subpage") && !($link eq $reverse)) { next; } } push(@newlinks, $link); } @links = @newlinks; if ($sort) { @links = sort(@links); } unshift (@links, $name); if ($empty || ($#links > 0)) { # If only one item, list is empty. push(@found, join(' ', @links)); } } return @found; } sub GetPageLinks { my ($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink) = @_; my ($text, @links); @links = (); &OpenPage($name); &OpenDefaultText(); $text = $Text{'text'}; ### {{{ }}} 내의 내용은 링크로 간주하지 않음 $text = store_raw_codes($text); if ($interlink) { $text =~ s/''+/ /g; # Quotes can adjacent to inter-site links $text =~ s/$InterLinkPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge; } else { $text =~ s/$InterLinkPattern/ /g; } if ($urllink) { $text =~ s/''+/ /g; # Quotes can adjacent to URLs $text =~ s/$UrlPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge; } else { $text =~ s/$UrlPattern/ /g; } if ($pagelink) { if ($FreeLinks) { my $fl = $FreeLinkPattern; $text =~ s/\[\[$fl\|[^\]]+\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge; $text =~ s/\[\[$fl\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge; $text =~ s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge; $text =~ s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\]\]/push(@links, &FreeToNormal($1)), ' '/ge; } if ($WikiLinks) { $text =~ s/$LinkPattern/push(@links, &StripUrlPunct($1)), ' '/ge; } } return @links; } ### comments from Jof sub DoPost { my $string = &GetParam("text", undef); my $id = &GetParam("title", ""); my $summary = &GetParam("summary", ""); my $oldtime = &GetParam("oldtime", ""); my $oldconflict = &GetParam("oldconflict", ""); # ECode my $ecode = &GetParam("ecode",""); my ($code_today, $code_yesterday); $code_today = &simple_crypt(length($id).substr(&CalcDay($Now),5)); $code_yesterday = &simple_crypt(length($id).substr(&CalcDay($Now - 86400),5)); if (($ecode ne $code_today) && ($ecode ne $code_yesterday)) { # spam &ReportError("SPAM editing"); return; } my $trap = &GetParam("homepage", ""); if ($trap ne "") { &ReportError("SPAM editting caught in trap"); return; } ### DoPostMain($string, $id, $summary, $oldtime, $oldconflict, 0); return; } ### ### comments from Jof # sub DoPost { # my ($editDiff, $old, $newAuthor, $pgtime, $oldrev, $preview, $user); # my $string = &GetParam("text", undef); # my $id = &GetParam("title", ""); # my $summary = &GetParam("summary", ""); # my $oldtime = &GetParam("oldtime", ""); # my $oldconflict = &GetParam("oldconflict", ""); # my $isEdit = 0; # my $editTime = $Now; # my $authorAddr = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; sub DoPostMain { my ($string, $id, $summary, $oldtime, $oldconflict, $isEdit, $rebrowseid) = @_; my ($editDiff, $old, $newAuthor, $pgtime, $oldrev, $preview, $user); my $editTime = $Now; my $authorAddr = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; ### ############### ### comments 기능 # if (!&UserCanEdit($id, 1)) { if (($rebrowseid eq "") && (!&UserCanEdit($id, 1))) { ### # This is an internal interface--we don't need to explain &ReportError(Ts('Editing not allowed for %s.', $id)); return; } # 금지단어 if (my $bannedText = &TextIsBanned($string)) { print &GetHeader("", T('Editing Denied'),""); print Ts('Editing not allowed: text includes banned text'); print " [$bannedText]" if UserIsAdmin(); print "\n

    ". T('This is the text you submitted:'). "
    ". T('(Copy the text, go back with your browser, paste the text, and edit again please)'). "

    ". &GetTextArea('text', $string, &GetParam("editrows", 20), &GetParam("editcols", 65)). "

    \n"; print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } if (($id eq 'SampleUndefinedPage') || ($id eq T('SampleUndefinedPage'))) { &ReportError(Ts('%s cannot be defined.', $id)); return; } if (($id eq 'Sample_Undefined_Page') || ($id eq T('Sample_Undefined_Page'))) { &ReportError(Ts('[[%s]] cannot be defined.', $id)); return; } $string =~ s/$FS//g; $summary =~ s/$FS//g; $summary =~ s/[\r\n]//g; # Add a newline to the end of the string (if it doesn't have one) $string .= "\n" if (!($string =~ /\n$/)); # Remove "\r"-s (0x0d) from the string $string =~ s/\r//g; ### 등 글작성 직후 수행할 매크로 ### comments 구현을 위해 $id 추가, from Jof $string = &ProcessPostMacro($string, $id); ### # Lock before getting old page to prevent races &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get editing lock')); # Consider extracting lock section into sub, and eval-wrap it? # (A few called routines can die, leaving locks.) &OpenPage($id); &OpenDefaultText(); $old = $Text{'text'}; $oldrev = $Section{'revision'}; $pgtime = $Section{'ts'}; ### 섹션 단위 편집 - 저장할 때 my $section = &GetParam('section', 0); if ($section >= 1) { my $temp_text; my (@h_depth, @h_pos); my $num = 0; $temp_text = $old; # {{{ }}} 등 헤드라인이 올 수 없는 것들을 먼저 제외 %SaveUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; $temp_text = &store_raw_codes($temp_text); # 남은 텍스트에서 헤드라인들의 목록을 뽑는다 while ($temp_text =~ /(^[ \t]*(\=+)\s+[^\n]+\s+\=+\s*$)/gm) { $num++; $h_pos[$num] = pos($temp_text) - length($1); # 각 섹션의 시작 포지션 $h_depth[$num] = length($2); } $num++; $h_pos[$num] = length($temp_text); $h_depth[$num] = 1; # 같은 depth 의 다음 헤드라인을 찾음 my $next; for ($next = $section+1; ($next <= $#h_depth) && ($h_depth[$section] < $h_depth[$next]); $next++) {} # 입력폼에서 넘어온 텍스트를, 그 외 앞뒤 섹션과 결합 $temp_text = substr($temp_text, 0, $h_pos[$section]). $string. substr($temp_text, $h_pos[$next]); # 제외했던 내용 복원 $temp_text = &RestoreSavedText($temp_text); %SaveUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; # $string 바꿔치기 $string = $temp_text; } ##### $preview = 0; $preview = 1 if (&GetParam("Preview", "") ne ""); if (!$preview && ($old eq $string)) { # No changes (ok for preview) &ReleaseLock(); &ReBrowsePage($id, "", 1); return; } # Later extract comparison? # if (($UserID > 399) || ($Section{'id'} > 399)) { ### 로그인 하지 않은 경우의 conflict # if (($UserID ne "") || ($Section{'id'} ne "")) { if ( # (($UserID ne "") && ($UserID ne "112") && ($UserID ne "113")) || (($UserID ne "") && (&LoginUser())) || (($Section{'id'} ne "") && ($Section{'id'} ne "112") && ($Section{'id'} ne "113")) ) { ### $newAuthor = ($UserID ne $Section{'id'}); # known user(s) } else { $newAuthor = ($Section{'ip'} ne $authorAddr); # hostname fallback } $newAuthor = 1 if ($oldrev == 0); # New page $newAuthor = 0 if (!$newAuthor); # Standard flag form, not empty # Detect editing conflicts and resubmit edit if (($oldrev > 0) && ($newAuthor && ($oldtime != $pgtime))) { &ReleaseLock(); ### 섹션 단위 편집 - 충돌이 발생하면 전체 페이지 편집으로 $q->param('section',''); ##### if ($oldconflict>0) { # Conflict again... &DoEdit($id, 2, $pgtime, $string, $preview); } else { &DoEdit($id, 1, $pgtime, $string, $preview); } return; } if ($preview) { &ReleaseLock(); &DoEdit($id, 0, $pgtime, $string, 1); return; } $user = &GetParam("username", ""); # If the person doing editing chooses, send out email notification if ($EmailNotify) { EmailNotify($id, $user) if &GetParam("do_email_notify", "") eq 'on'; } if (&GetParam("recent_edit", "") eq 'on') { $isEdit = 1; } if (!$isEdit) { &SetPageCache('oldmajor', $Section{'revision'}); } if ($newAuthor) { &SetPageCache('oldauthor', $Section{'revision'}); } &SaveKeepSection(); &ExpireKeepFile(); if ($UseDiff) { &UpdateDiffs($id, $editTime, $old, $string, $isEdit, $newAuthor); } $Text{'text'} = $string; $Text{'minor'} = $isEdit; $Text{'newauthor'} = $newAuthor; $Text{'summary'} = $summary; $Section{'host'} = &GetRemoteHost(0); &SaveDefaultText(); &SavePage(); ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 &SaveLinkFile($id); ### rss from usemod1.0 # &WriteRcLog($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $user, $Section{'host'}); &WriteRcLog($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $user, $Section{'host'}, $Section{'revision'}); ### # Twitter if ( GetParam('twitter_edit') and UserIsAdmin() and $TwitterID ) { $FullUrl = $q->url(-full=>1) if ($FullUrl eq ""); my $sum = ": $summary"; $sum = "" if $sum eq ": *"; my $url = $FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar() . $id; PostTwitter( "$TwitterPrefix $url $id$sum" ); } if ($UseCache) { UnlinkHtmlCache($id); # Old cached copy is invalid if ($Page{'revision'} < 2) { # If this is a new page... &NewPageCacheClear($id); # ...uncache pages linked to this one. } } if ($UseIndex && ($Page{'revision'} == 1)) { unlink($IndexFile); # Regenerate index on next request } &ReleaseLock(); ### comments from Jof if ($rebrowseid ne "") { $id = $rebrowseid; } ### &ReBrowsePage($id, "", 1) if ($id ne "!!"); } sub UpdateDiffs { my ($id, $editTime, $old, $new, $isEdit, $newAuthor) = @_; my ($editDiff, $oldMajor, $oldAuthor); $editDiff = &GetDiff($old, $new, 0); # 0 = already in lock $oldMajor = &GetPageCache('oldmajor'); $oldAuthor = &GetPageCache('oldauthor'); if ($UseDiffLog) { &WriteDiff($id, $editTime, $editDiff); } &SetPageCache('diff_default_minor', $editDiff); if ($isEdit || !$newAuthor) { &OpenKeptRevisions('text_default'); } if (!$isEdit) { &SetPageCache('diff_default_major', "1"); } else { &SetPageCache('diff_default_major', &GetKeptDiff($new, $oldMajor, 0)); } if ($newAuthor) { &SetPageCache('diff_default_author', "1"); } elsif ($oldMajor == $oldAuthor) { &SetPageCache('diff_default_author', "2"); } else { &SetPageCache('diff_default_author', &GetKeptDiff($new, $oldAuthor, 0)); } } # Translation note: the email messages are still sent in English # Send an email message. sub SendEmail { my ($to, $from, $reply, $subject, $message) = @_; ### debug ## print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; ## print " to: '$to'\n"; ## return; # sendmail options: # -odq : send mail to queue (i.e. later when convenient) # -oi : do not wait for "." line to exit # -t : headers determine recipient. open(my $sendmail, '|-', "$SendMail -oi -t ") or die "Can't send email: $!\n"; print {$sendmail} <<"EOF"; From: $from To: $to Reply-to: $reply Subject: $subject\n $message EOF close $sendmail or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely"; } ## Email folks who want to know a note that a page has been modified. - JimM. sub EmailNotify { local $/ = "\n"; # don't slurp whole files in this sub. if ($EmailNotify) { my ($id, $user) = @_; if ($user) { $user = " by $user"; } my $address; open(my $email, '<', "$DataDir/emails") or die "Can't open $DataDir/emails: $!\n"; $address = join ",", <$email>; $address =~ s/\n//g; close $email; my $home_url = $q->url(); my $page_url = $home_url . "?$id"; my $editors_summary = $q->param("summary"); if (($editors_summary eq "*") or ($editors_summary eq "")){ $editors_summary = ""; } else { $editors_summary = "\n Summary: $editors_summary"; } my $content = <<"END_MAIL_CONTENT"; The $SiteName page $id at $page_url has been changed$user to revision $Page{revision}. $editors_summary (Replying to this notification will send email to the entire mailing list, so only do that if you mean to. To remove yourself from this list, visit ${home_url}?action=editprefs .) END_MAIL_CONTENT my $subject = "The $id page at $SiteName has been changed."; # I'm setting the "reply-to" field to be the same as the "to:" field # which seems appropriate for a mailing list, especially since the # $EmailFrom string needn't be a real email address. &SendEmail($address, $EmailFrom, $address, $subject, $content); } } sub SearchTitleAndBody { my ($string) = @_; my ($freeName, @found); foreach my $name (&AllPagesList()) { &OpenPage($name); &OpenDefaultText(); if (($Text{'text'} =~ /$string/i) || ($name =~ /$string/i)) { push(@found, $name); } elsif ($FreeLinks && ($name =~ m/_/)) { $freeName = $name; $freeName =~ s/_/ /g; if ($freeName =~ /$string/i) { push(@found, $name); } } } return @found; } # 제목에서만 검색 sub SearchTitle { my ($string) = @_; my ($freeName, @found); foreach my $name (&AllPagesList()) { if ($name =~ /$string/i) { push(@found, $name); } elsif ($FreeLinks && ($name =~ m/_/)) { $freeName = $name; $freeName =~ s/_/ /g; if ($freeName =~ /$string/i) { push(@found, $name); } } } return @found; } sub SearchBody { my ($string) = @_; my (@found); foreach my $name (&AllPagesList()) { &OpenPage($name); &OpenDefaultText(); if ($Text{'text'} =~ /$string/i){ push(@found, $name); } } return @found; } sub UnlinkHtmlCache { my ($id) = @_; my $idFile; $idFile = &GetHtmlCacheFile($id); if (-f $idFile) { unlink($idFile); } } sub NewPageCacheClear { my ($id) = @_; return if (!$UseCache); $id =~ s|.+/|/|; # If subpage, search for just the subpage # The following code used to search the body for the $id foreach my $name (&AllPagesList()) { # Remove all to be safe &UnlinkHtmlCache($name); } } # Note: all diff and recent-list operations should be done within locks. sub DoUnlock { my $LockMessage = T('Normal Unlock.'); print &GetHeader('', T('Removing edit lock'), ''); print '

    ', T('This operation may take several seconds...'), "\n"; if (&ForceReleaseLock('main')) { $LockMessage = T('Forced Unlock.'); } # Later display status of other locks? &ForceReleaseLock('cache'); &ForceReleaseLock('diff'); &ForceReleaseLock('index'); print "


    "; print &GetCommonFooter(); } # Note: all diff and recent-list operations should be done within locks. sub WriteRcLog { ### rss from usemod1.0 # my ($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $name, $rhost) = @_; my ($id, $summary, $isEdit, $editTime, $name, $rhost, $revision) = @_; ### my ($extraTemp, %extra); %extra = (); $extra{'id'} = $UserID if ($UserID ne ""); $extra{'name'} = $name if ($name ne ""); ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 $extra{'tscreate'} = $Page{'tscreate'}; ### rss from usemod 1.0 $extra{'revision'} = $revision if ($revision ne ""); $extraTemp = join($FS2, %extra); # The two fields at the end of a line are kind and extension-hash my $rc_line = join($FS3, $editTime, $id, $summary, $isEdit, $rhost, "0", $extraTemp); open my $out, '>>', $RcFile or die(Ts('%s log error:', $RCName) . " $!"); print {$out} $rc_line . "\n"; close $out; } sub WriteDiff { my ($id, $editTime, $diffString) = @_; open (my $out, '>>', "$DataDir/diff_log") or die(T('can not write diff_log')); print {$out} "------\n" . $id . "|" . $editTime . "\n"; print {$out} $diffString; close $out; } sub DoMaintain { my ($fname, $data); print &GetHeader('', T('Maintenance on all pages'), ''); print "
    "; $fname = "$DataDir/maintain"; if (!&UserIsAdmin()) { if ((-f $fname) && ((-M $fname) < 0.5)) { print T('Maintenance not done.'), ' '; print T('(Maintenance can only be done once every 12 hours.)'); print ' ', T('Remove the "maintain" file or wait.'); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } } &RequestLock() or die(T('Could not get maintain-lock')); foreach my $name (&AllPagesList()) { &OpenPage($name); &OpenDefaultText(); &ExpireKeepFile(); ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 &SaveLinkFile($name); ### page count if (!(-f &GetCountFile($name))) { &CreatePageDir($CountDir, $name); # It might not exist yet &WriteStringToFile(&GetCountFile($name), "0"); } ### print ".... " if ($name =~ m|/|); print &GetPageLink($name), "
    \n"; } &WriteStringToFile($fname, "Maintenance done at " . &TimeToText($Now)); &ReleaseLock(); # Do any rename/deletion commands # (Must be outside lock because it will grab its own lock) $fname = "$DataDir/editlinks"; if (-f $fname) { $data = &ReadFileOrDie($fname); print '
    ', T('Processing rename/delete commands:'), "
    \n"; &UpdateLinksList($data, 1, 1); # Always update RC and links unlink("$fname.old"); rename($fname, "$fname.old"); } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub UserIsEditorOrError { if (!&UserIsEditor()) { print '

    ', T('This operation is restricted to site editors only...'); print &GetCommonFooter(); return 0; } return 1; } sub UserIsAdminOrError { if (!&UserIsAdmin()) { print '

    ', T('This operation is restricted to administrators only...'); print &GetCommonFooter(); return 0; } return 1; } sub DoEditLock { my ($fname); print &GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove global edit lock'), ''); return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); $fname = "$DataDir/noedit"; if (&GetParam("set", 1)) { &WriteStringToFile($fname, "editing locked."); } else { unlink($fname); } if (-f $fname) { print '

    ', T('Edit lock created.'), '
    '; } else { print '

    ', T('Edit lock removed.'), '
    '; } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub DoPageLock { my ($fname, $id); print &GetHeader('', T('Set or Remove page edit lock'), ''); # Consider allowing page lock/unlock at editor level? return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); $id = &GetParam("id", ""); if ($id eq "") { print '

    ', T('Missing page id to lock/unlock...'); return; } return if (!&ValidIdOrDie($id)); # Later consider nicer error? $fname = &GetLockedPageFile($id); if (&GetParam("set", 1)) { &WriteStringToFile($fname, "editing locked."); } else { unlink($fname); } if (-f $fname) { print '

    ', Ts('Lock for %s created.', $id), '
    '; } else { print '

    ', Ts('Lock for %s removed.', $id), '
    '; } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub DoEditBanned { my ($banList, $status); print &GetHeader("", "Editing Banned list", ""); return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); ($status, $banList) = &ReadFile("$DataDir/banlist"); $banList = "" if (!$status); print &GetFormStart(); print GetHiddenValue("edit_ban", 1), "\n"; print "

    Each entry is either a commented line (starting with #), ", "or a Perl regular expression (matching either an IP address or ", "a hostname). Note: To test the ban on yourself, you must ", "give up your admin access (remove password in Preferences)."; print "

    ", "# blocks hosts ending with .foocorp.com
    ", "\\.foocorp\\.com\$
    ", "# blocks exact IP address
    ", "^123\\.21\\.3\\.9\$
    ", "# blocks whole 123.21.3.* IP network
    ", "^123\\.21\\.3\\.\\d+\$

    "; print &GetTextArea('banlist', $banList, 12, 50); print "
    ", $q->submit(-name=>'Save'), "\n"; print "

    \n"; # print &GetGotoBar(""); print $q->end_form; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub DoUpdateBanned { my ($newList, $fname); print &GetHeader("", "Updating Banned list", ""); return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); $fname = "$DataDir/banlist"; $newList = &GetParam("banlist", "#Empty file"); if ($newList eq "") { print "

    Empty banned list or error."; print "

    Resubmit with at least one space character to remove."; } elsif ($newList =~ /^\s*$/s) { unlink($fname); print "

    Removed banned list"; } else { &WriteStringToFile($fname, $newList); print "

    Updated banned list"; } print &GetCommonFooter(); } # ==== Editing/Deleting pages and links ==== sub DoEditLinks { print &GetHeader("", T('Editing Links'), ""); if ($AdminDelete) { return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); } else { return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError()); } print &GetFormStart(); print GetHiddenValue("edit_links", 1), "\n"; print "", Ts('Editing/Deleting page titles:'), "
    \n"; print "

    ", Ts('Enter one command on each line. Commands are:'), "
    ", Ts('!PageName -- deletes the page called PageName'), "
    \n", Ts('=OldPageName=NewPageName -- Renames OldPageName'), " ", Ts('to NewPageName and updates links to OldPageName.'), "
    ", Ts('|OldPageName|NewPageName -- Changes links to OldPageName to NewPageName.'), " ", Ts('(Used to rename links to non-existing pages.)'), "
    \n"; print &GetTextArea('commandlist', "", 12, 50); print $q->checkbox(-name=>"p_changerc", -override=>1, -checked=>1, # -label=>"Edit $RCName"); -label=>Ts('Edit %s', $RCName)); print "
    \n"; print $q->checkbox(-name=>"p_changetext", -override=>1, -checked=>1, # -label=>"Substitute text for rename"); -label=>T('Substitute text for rename')); print "
    ", $q->submit(-name=>'Edit'), "\n"; # print &GetGotoBar(""); print $q->end_form; print "

    \n"; print &GetMinimumFooter(); } sub UpdateLinksList { my ($commandList, $doRC, $doText) = @_; if ($doText) { &BuildLinkIndex(); } &RequestLock() or die "UpdateLinksList could not get main lock"; unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex); foreach (split(/\n/, $commandList)) { s/\s+$//g; next if (!(/^[=!|]/)); # Only valid commands. print "Processing $_
    \n"; if (/^\!(.+)/) { &DeletePage($1, $doRC, $doText); } elsif (/^\=(?:\[\[)?([^]=]+)(?:\]\])?\=(?:\[\[)?([^]=]+)(?:\]\])?/) { &RenamePage($1, $2, $doRC, $doText); } elsif (/^\|(?:\[\[)?([^]|]+)(?:\]\])?\|(?:\[\[)?([^]|]+)(?:\]\])?/) { &RenameTextLinks($1, $2); } } &NewPageCacheClear("."); # Clear cache (needs testing?) unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex); &ReleaseLock(); } sub BuildLinkIndex { my (@pglist, @links, $link, %seen); @pglist = &AllPagesList(); %LinkIndex = (); foreach my $page (@pglist) { &BuildLinkIndexPage($page); } } sub BuildLinkIndexPage { my ($page) = @_; my (@links, %seen); ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 # @links = &GetPageLinks($page, 1, 0, 0); @links = &GetPageLinksFromFile($page, 1, 0, 0); ### %seen = (); foreach my $link (@links) { ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 if ( $link =~ m!^/! ) { $link = (split('/',$page))[0] . $link; } ### if (defined($LinkIndex{$link})) { if (!$seen{$link}) { $LinkIndex{$link} .= " " . $page; } } else { $LinkIndex{$link} .= " " . $page; } $seen{$link} = 1; } } sub DoUpdateLinks { my ($commandList, $doRC, $doText); print &GetHeader("", T('Updating Links'), ""); if ($AdminDelete) { return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); } else { return if (!&UserIsEditorOrError()); } $commandList = &GetParam("commandlist", ""); $doRC = &GetParam("p_changerc", "0"); $doRC = 1 if ($doRC eq "on"); $doText = &GetParam("p_changetext", "0"); $doText = 1 if ($doText eq "on"); if ($commandList eq "") { print "

    Empty command list or error."; } else { &UpdateLinksList($commandList, $doRC, $doText); print "

    ". T('Finished command list.'); } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub EditRecentChanges { my ($action, $old, $new) = @_; &EditRecentChangesFile($RcFile, $action, $old, $new); ### RcOldFile 버그 수정 # &EditRecentChangesFile($RcOldFile, $action, $old, $new); &EditRecentChangesFile($RcOldFile, $action, $old, $new) if (-f $RcOldFile); ### } sub EditRecentChangesFile { my ($fname, $action, $old, $new) = @_; my ($status, $fileData, $errorText, @rclist); my ($outrc, $ts, $page, $junk); ($status, $fileData) = &ReadFile($fname); if (!$status) { # Save error text if needed. $errorText = "

    Could not open $RCName log file:" . " $fname

    Error was:\n

    \n"; print $errorText; # Maybe handle differently later? return; } $outrc = ""; @rclist = split(/\n/, $fileData); foreach my $rcline (@rclist) { ($ts, $page, $junk) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); if ($page eq $old) { if ($action == 1) { # Delete ; # Do nothing (don't add line to new RC) } elsif ($action == 2) { $junk = $rcline; $junk =~ s/^(\d+$FS3)$old($FS3)/"$1$new$2"/ge; $outrc .= $junk . "\n"; } } else { $outrc .= $rcline . "\n"; } } &WriteStringToFile($fname . ".old", $fileData); # Backup copy &WriteStringToFile($fname, $outrc); } # Delete and rename must be done inside locks. sub DeletePage { my ($page, $doRC, $doText) = @_; my ($fname, $status); $page =~ s/ /_/g; $page =~ s/\[+//; $page =~ s/\]+//; $status = &ValidId($page); if ($status ne "") { # print "Delete-Page: page $page is invalid, error is: $status
    \n"; print Ts('Delete-Page: page %s is invalid', $page) . ".
    " . Ts('error is: %s', $status) . "
    \n"; return; } ### 페이지 삭제 시에 keep 화일은 보존해 둠 &OpenPage($page); &OpenDefaultText(); &SaveKeepSection(); &ExpireKeepFile(); &WriteRcLog($OpenPageName, "*", 0, $Now, &GetParam("username",""), &GetRemoteHost(0)); ### $fname = &GetPageFile($page); unlink($fname) if (-f $fname); ### 페이지 삭제 시에 keep 화일은 보존해 둠 # $fname = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($page) . "/$page.kp"; # unlink($fname) if (-f $fname); ### ### lck 화일도 같이 삭제 $fname = &GetLockedPageFile($page); unlink($fname) if (-f $fname); ### cache 화일도 같이 삭제 &UnlinkHtmlCache($page); ### page count 화일도 같이 삭제 $fname = &GetCountFile($page); unlink ($fname) if (-f $fname); ### hide page by gypark if (defined($HiddenPage{$page})) { # 숨긴 화일의 경우는 keep 화일과 rclog 를 다 제거한다. &EditRecentChanges(1, $page, ""); $fname = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($page) . "/$page.kp"; unlink($fname) if (-f $fname); delete $HiddenPage{$page}; &SaveHiddenPageFile(); } ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 $fname = &GetLinkFile($page); unlink($fname) if (-f $fname); ### unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex); ### 페이지 삭제 시에 keep 화일은 보존해 둠 # &EditRecentChanges(1, $page, "") if ($doRC); # Delete page ### # Currently don't do anything with page text } # Given text, returns substituted text sub SubstituteTextLinks { my ($old, $new, $text) = @_; # Much of this is taken from the common markup %SaveUrl = (); $SaveUrlIndex = 0; $text =~ s/$FS//g; # Remove separators (paranoia) if ($RawHtml) { $text =~ s/(.*?<\/html>)/StoreRaw($1)/iges; } ### {{{ }}} 내의 내용은 링크로 간주하지 않음 $text = store_raw_codes($text); if ($FreeLinks) { $text =~ s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,$2,$old,$new)/geo; $text =~ s/\[\[$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,"",$old,$new)/geo; $text =~ s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\|([^\]]+)\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,$3,$old,$new,$2)/geo; $text =~ s/\[\[$AnchoredFreeLinkPattern\]\]/&SubFreeLink($1,"",$old,$new,$2)/geo; } if ($BracketText) { # Links like [URL text of link] # 텍스트 부분에 \]라고 써서 대괄호 자체를 표기할 수 있게 수정 $text =~ s/(\[$UrlPattern\s+((?:\\\]|[^\]])+?)\])/&StoreRaw($1)/geo; $text =~ s/(\[$InterLinkPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/&StoreRaw($1)/geo; } $text =~ s/(\[?$UrlPattern\]?)/&StoreRaw($1)/geo; $text =~ s/(\[?$InterLinkPattern\]?)/&StoreRaw($1)/geo; if ($WikiLinks) { $text =~ s/$LinkPattern/&SubWikiLink($1, $old, $new)/geo; } $text =~ s/$FS(\d+)$FS/$SaveUrl{$1}/ge; # Restore saved text return $text; } sub SubFreeLink { my ($link, $name, $old, $new, $anchor) = @_; my ($oldlink); $oldlink = $link; $link =~ s/^\s+//; $link =~ s/\s+$//; if (($link eq $old) || (&FreeToNormal($old) eq &FreeToNormal($link))) { $link = $new; } else { $link = $oldlink; # Preserve spaces if no match } $link = "[[$link"; if ( defined $anchor and $anchor ne '' ) { $link .= "#$anchor"; } if ($name ne "") { $link .= "|$name"; } $link .= "]]"; return &StoreRaw($link); } sub SubWikiLink { my ($link, $old, $new) = @_; my ($newBracket); $newBracket = 0; if ($link eq $old) { $link = $new; if (!($new =~ /^$LinkPattern$/)) { $link = "[[$link]]"; } } return &StoreRaw($link); } # Rename is mostly copied from expire sub RenameKeepText { my ($page, $old, $new) = @_; my ($fname, $status, $data, @kplist, %tempSection, $changed); my ($sectName, $newText); $fname = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($page) . "/$page.kp"; return if (!(-f $fname)); ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname); return if (!$status); @kplist = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); # -1 keeps trailing null fields return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty shift(@kplist) if ($kplist[0] eq ""); # First can be empty return if (length(@kplist) < 1); # Also empty %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $kplist[0], -1); if (!defined($tempSection{'keepts'})) { return; } ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 my ( $old_main, $old_sub ) = split("/", $old); my ( $new_main, $new_sub ) = split("/", $new); my $old_new_same_main = ( $old_main eq $new_main ); my ( $page_main, $page_sub) = split("/", $page); my $old_page_same_main = ( $old_main eq $page_main ); ### # First pass: optimize for nothing changed $changed = 0; foreach (@kplist) { %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1); $sectName = $tempSection{'name'}; if ($sectName =~ /^(text_)/) { %Text = split(/$FS3/, $tempSection{'data'}, -1); $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $Text{'text'}); ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 if ( $old_page_same_main && $old_sub ) { if ( $old_new_same_main && $new_sub ) { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", "/$new_sub", $newText); } else { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", $new, $newText); } } ### $changed = 1 if ($Text{'text'} ne $newText); } # Later add other section types? (maybe) } return if (!$changed); # No sections changed open (my $out, '>', $fname) or return; foreach (@kplist) { %tempSection = split(/$FS2/, $_, -1); $sectName = $tempSection{'name'}; if ($sectName =~ /^(text_)/) { %Text = split(/$FS3/, $tempSection{'data'}, -1); $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $Text{'text'}); ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 if ( $old_page_same_main && $old_sub ) { if ( $old_new_same_main && $new_sub ) { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", "/$new_sub", $newText); } else { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", $new, $newText); } } ### $Text{'text'} = $newText; $tempSection{'data'} = join($FS3, %Text); print {$out} $FS1, join($FS2, %tempSection); } else { print {$out} $FS1, $_; } } close $out; } sub RenameTextLinks { my ($old, $new) = @_; my ($changed, $file, $oldText, $newText, $status); my ($oldCanonical, @pageList); $old =~ s/ /_/g; $oldCanonical = &FreeToNormal($old); $new =~ s/ /_/g; $status = &ValidId($old); if ($status ne "") { print "Rename-Text: old page $old is invalid, error is: $status
    \n"; return; } $status = &ValidId($new); if ($status ne "") { print "Rename-Text: new page $new is invalid, error is: $status
    \n"; return; } $old =~ s/_/ /g; $new =~ s/_/ /g; ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 my ( $old_main, $old_sub ) = split("/", $old); my ( $new_main, $new_sub ) = split("/", $new); my $old_new_same_main = ( $old_main eq $new_main ); ### # Note: the LinkIndex must be built prior to this routine return if (!defined($LinkIndex{$oldCanonical})); @pageList = split(' ', $LinkIndex{$oldCanonical}); foreach my $page (@pageList) { ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 my ( $page_main, $page_sub) = split("/", $page); my $old_page_same_main = ( $old_main eq $page_main ); ### $changed = 0; &OpenPage($page); foreach my $section (keys %Page) { if ($section =~ /^text_/) { &OpenSection($section); %Text = split(/$FS3/, $Section{'data'}, -1); $oldText = $Text{'text'}; $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $oldText); ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 if ( $old_page_same_main && $old_sub ) { if ( $old_new_same_main && $new_sub ) { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", "/$new_sub", $newText); } else { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", $new, $newText); } } ### if ($oldText ne $newText) { $Text{'text'} = $newText; $Section{'data'} = join($FS3, %Text); $Page{$section} = join($FS2, %Section); $changed = 1; } } elsif ($section =~ /^cache_diff/) { $oldText = $Page{$section}; $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks($old, $new, $oldText); ### 링크변경 개선 - "/하위페이지" 형태의 링크도 변경 if ( $old_page_same_main && $old_sub ) { if ( $old_new_same_main && $new_sub ) { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", "/$new_sub", $newText); } else { $newText = &SubstituteTextLinks("/$old_sub", $new, $newText); } } ### if ($oldText ne $newText) { $Page{$section} = $newText; $changed = 1; } } # Later: add other text-sections (categories) here } if ($changed) { $file = &GetPageFile($page); &WriteStringToFile($file, join($FS1, %Page)); ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 &SaveLinkFile($page); } &RenameKeepText($page, $old, $new); } } sub RenamePage { my ($old, $new, $doRC, $doText) = @_; my ($oldfname, $newfname, $oldkeep, $newkeep, $status); $old =~ s/ /_/g; $new = &FreeToNormal($new); $status = &ValidId($old); if ($status ne "") { print "Rename: old page $old is invalid, error is: $status
    \n"; return; } $status = &ValidId($new); if ($status ne "") { print "Rename: new page $new is invalid, error is: $status
    \n"; return; } $newfname = &GetPageFile($new); if (-f $newfname) { print "Rename: new page $new already exists--not renamed.
    \n"; return; } $oldfname = &GetPageFile($old); if (!(-f $oldfname)) { print "Rename: old page $old does not exist--nothing done.
    \n"; return; } &CreatePageDir($PageDir, $new); # It might not exist yet rename($oldfname, $newfname); &CreatePageDir($KeepDir, $new); $oldkeep = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($old) . "/$old.kp"; $newkeep = $KeepDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($new) . "/$new.kp"; unlink($newkeep) if (-f $newkeep); # Clean up if needed. rename($oldkeep, $newkeep); unlink($IndexFile) if ($UseIndex); ### 페이지 이름 변경시, lock 화일도 같이 변경 my ($oldlock, $newlock); $oldlock = &GetLockedPageFile($old); if (-f $oldlock) { $newlock = &GetLockedPageFile($new); rename($oldlock, $newlock); } ### cache 화일은 삭제 &UnlinkHtmlCache($old); ### page count 화일도 변경 my ($oldcnt, $newcnt); $oldcnt = &GetCountFile($old); if (-f $oldcnt) { $newcnt = &GetCountFile($new); &CreatePageDir($CountDir, $new); # It might not exist yet rename($oldcnt, $newcnt); } ### hide page by gypark if (defined($HiddenPage{$old})) { delete $HiddenPage{$old}; $HiddenPage{$new} = "1"; &SaveHiddenPageFile(); } ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 my ($oldlink, $newlink); $oldlink = &GetLinkFile($old); if (-f $oldlink) { $newlink = &GetLinkFile($new); &CreatePageDir($LinkDir, $new); # It might not exist yet rename($oldlink, $newlink); } &EditRecentChanges(2, $old, $new) if ($doRC); if ($doText) { &BuildLinkIndexPage($new); # Keep index up-to-date &RenameTextLinks($old, $new); } } sub DoShowVersion { print &GetHeader("", T('Displaying Wiki Version'), ""); ### 버전 정보를 별도의 변수에 보관 # print "

    UseModWiki version 0.92K2

    \n"; print "

    UseModWiki version $WikiVersion ($WikiRelease)

    \n"; if (open(my $fh, '<', './README')) { local $/ = undef; my $readme = <$fh>; $readme = QuoteHtml($readme); print "

    \n". $readme. "\n
    \n\n"; close $fh; } print &GetCommonFooter(); } #END_OF_OTHER_CODE ### 통채로 추가한 함수들은 여기에 둠 ### 로그인한 사용자인지 검사 sub LoginUser { if (($UserID eq "113") || ($UserID eq "112")) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } ### 최근변경내역에 북마크 기능 도입 sub DoBookmark { if (&GetParam('username') eq "") { # 로그인하지 않은 경우 &BrowsePage(T($RCName)); # 그냥 최근 변경 내역으로 이동 return 1; } if (&GetParam('time') ne "") { $UserData{'bookmark'} = &GetParam('time'); } else { $UserData{'bookmark'} = $Now; } &SaveUserData(); &BrowsePage(T($RCName)); return 1; } ### 링크 목록을 별도로 관리 sub GetLinkFile { my ($id) = @_; return $LinkDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.lnk"; } sub SaveLinkFile { my ($page) = @_; my (%links, @pagelinks, @interlinks, @urllinks, @alllinks); @alllinks = &GetPageLinks($page, 1, 1, 1); foreach my $link (@alllinks) { if ($link =~ /^$InterLinkPattern$/) { push(@interlinks, $link); } elsif ($link =~ /^$UrlPattern$/) { push(@urllinks, $link); } else { push(@pagelinks, $link); } } $links{'pagelinks'} = join($FS2, @pagelinks); $links{'interlinks'} = join($FS2, @interlinks); $links{'urllinks'} = join($FS2, @urllinks); &CreatePageDir($LinkDir, $page); &WriteStringToFile(&GetLinkFile($page), join($FS1, %links)); } sub GetPageLinksFromFile { my ($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink) = @_; my ($status, $data, %links, @result, $fname); ### hide page if (&PageIsHidden($name)) { return; } @result = (); $fname = &GetLinkFile($name); if (!(-f $fname)) { &SaveLinkFile($name); } ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname); if (!($status)) { return &GetPageLinks($name, $pagelink, $interlink, $urllink); } %links = split($FS1, $data, -1); ### hide page by gypark # push (@result, split($FS2, $links{'pagelinks'}, -1)) if ($pagelink); push (@result, &GetNotHiddenPages(split($FS2, $links{'pagelinks'}, -1))) if ($pagelink); ### push (@result, split($FS2, $links{'interlinks'}, -1)) if ($interlink); push (@result, split($FS2, $links{'urllinks'}, -1)) if ($urllink); return @result; } ### page count sub GetCountFile { my ($id) = @_; return $CountDir . "/" . &GetPageDirectory($id) . "/$id.cnt"; } sub GetPageCount { my ($id) = @_; my ($pagecount, $countfile, $status); my ($edit_user, $edit_ip, $view_user, $view_ip, $add) = ($Section{'username'}, $Section{'ip'}, &GetParam('username', ""), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, 0); # 카운트 읽어옴 &CreatePageDir($CountDir, $id); $countfile = &GetCountFile($id); ($status, $pagecount) = &ReadFile($countfile); $pagecount = 0 if ($status == 0); # 카운트 갱신 여부 결정 if ($view_user eq "") { if ($edit_ip ne $view_ip) { $add = 1; } } elsif ($edit_user ne $view_user) { $add = 1; } if (&GetParam('InFrame',"") ne "") { $add = 0; } $pagecount += $add; # 카운트 기록 if ($add == 1) { &RequestLockDir('count', 1, 1, 0) || return $pagecount; &WriteStringToFile($countfile, $pagecount); &ReleaseLockDir('count'); } return $pagecount; } ### file upload sub DoUpload { my $file; my $upload = &GetParam('upload'); my $prev_error = &GetParam('error', ""); my @uploadError = ( T('Upload completed successfully'), T('Invalid filename'), T('You can not upload html or any executable scripts'), T('File is too large'), T('File has no content'), T('Failed to get lock'), ); my $result; print &GetHttpHeader(); print &GetHtmlHeader(T('Upload File') . " : $SiteName", ""); print $q->h2(T('Upload File')) . "\n"; if (!(&UserCanEdit("",1))) { print T('Uploading is not allowed'); print $q->end_html; return; } if ($prev_error) { print "$uploadError[$prev_error]

    \n"; } elsif ($upload) { $file = &GetParam('upload_file'); $result = &UploadFile($file); print "$uploadError[$result]

    \n"; } &PrintUploadFileForm(); print $q->end_html; } sub PrintUploadFileForm { print T('Select the file you want to upload') . "\n"; print "
    ".Ts('File must be smaller than %s MB', ($MaxPost / 1024 / 1024)) . "\n"; print $q->start_form('post',"$ScriptName", 'multipart/form-data') . "\n"; print ""; print "" . "\n"; print "
    " . "\n"; print $q->filefield("upload_file","",60,80) . "\n"; print "  " . "\n"; print $q->submit(T('Upload')) . "\n"; print "
    " . "\n"; print $q->end_form(); } # $dir내에 $file이름과 동일한 파일이 있을 경우 뒤에 숫자를 붙여 겹치지 않는 번호를 반환함 sub GetUniqueUploadFilename { my ( $dir, $file ) = @_; return $file if ( not -f "$dir/$file" ); my ( $filename, $ext ) = ( $file =~ m/^(.+)(\.[^.]+)$/ ); unless ( $ext ) { $filename = $file; $ext = ''; } my $num = 1; while ( -f "$dir/${filename}_$num$ext" ) { $num++; } return "${filename}_$num$ext"; } sub UploadFile { my ($file) = @_; my ($filename); if ($file =~ m/\//) { $file =~ m/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/; $filename = $2; } elsif ($file =~ m/\\/) { $file =~ m/(.*)\\([^\\]*)/; $filename = $2; } else { $filename = $file; } if (($filename eq "") || ($filename =~ /\0/)) { return 1; } if ($filename =~ m/(\.pyc|\.py|\.pl|\.html|\.htm|\.php|\.cgi)$/i) { return 2; } $filename =~ s/ /_/g; $filename =~ s/#/_/g; &RequestLockDir('upload', 5, 2, 0) || return 5; my $target = GetUniqueUploadFilename( $UploadDir, $filename ); my $target_full = "$UploadDir/$target"; &CreateDir($UploadDir); my $fh; if (!open($fh, '>', $target_full)) { &ReleaseLockDir('upload'); die Ts('cant opening %s', $target_full) . ": $!"; } &ReleaseLockDir('upload'); binmode $fh; while (<$file>) { print {$fh} $_; } close $fh; chmod(0644, "$target_full"); if ((-s "$target_full") > $MaxPost) { unlink "$target_full"; return 3; } if ((-s "$target_full") == 0) { unlink "$target_full"; return 4; } print T('Following is the Interlink of your file') . "
    \n"; print "
    \n"; print " "; print $q->button( -name=>T("Copy"), -onClick=>"copy_clip('uploadlink', this)" ); print "
    \n"; return 0; } ### DeleteUploadedFiles 매크로 sub DoDeleteUploadedFiles { my (%vars, @files); print &GetHeader("", T('Delete Uploaded Files'), ""); if (!(&UserIsAdmin())) { print T('Deleting is not allowed'); print "
    \n"; } else { %vars = $q->Vars; @files = split(/\0/,$vars{'files'}, -1); foreach (@files) { if ( -d "$UploadDir/$_" ) { foreach my $sub_f ( glob("$UploadDir/$_/*") ) { unlink $sub_f; } if ( rmdir "$UploadDir/$_" ) { print Ts('%s is deleted successfully', $_)."
    "; } else { print Ts('%s can not be deleted', $_). " : $!
    "; } } else { if (unlink ("$UploadDir/$_")) { print Ts('%s is deleted successfully', $_)."
    "; } else { print Ts('%s can not be deleted', $_). " : $!
    "; } } } } if (&GetParam('pagename') ne "") { print "
    ".Ts('Return to %s' , &GetPageLink(&GetParam('pagename'))); } print &GetCommonFooter(); } ### oekaki sub DoOekaki { my $mode = &GetParam('mode','paint'); print &GetHttpHeader(); print &GetHtmlHeader(T("Oekaki $mode") . " : $SiteName", ""); print $q->h2(T('Oekaki')) . "\n"; if (!(&UserCanEdit("",1))) { print T('Oekaki is not allowed'); print $q->end_html; return; } if ($mode eq "exit") { &OekakiExit(); } elsif ($mode eq "save") { &OekakiSave(); } elsif ($mode eq "paint") { &OekakiPaint(); } else { print Ts('Invalid action parameter %s', ": $mode"); } print $q->end_html; } sub OekakiExit { my $filename_pattern = qr/^oekaki(_\d+)?.png$/; my (@allfiles, @files, %filemtime); opendir (DIR, "$UploadDir") || die Ts('cant opening %s', $UploadDir) . ": $!"; @allfiles = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir(DIR); close(DIR); foreach (@allfiles) { if ($_ =~ $filename_pattern) { push (@files, $_); $filemtime{$_} = ($Now - (-M "$UploadDir/$_") * 86400); } } @files = sort { $filemtime{$b} <=> $filemtime{$a} || $a cmp $b } @files; print T('If saving oekaki was done successfully')."
    \n"; print T('Following is the Interlink of your file') . "
    \n"; print "
    \n"; print " "; print $q->button( -name=>T("Copy"), -onClick=>"copy_clip('uploadlink', this)" ); print "
    "; print "\n"; print "
    \n"; print "
    "; print T('If you want to paint a new picture')."
    \n"; print qq|
    width [1000-40] height [1000-40]
    |; print "
    "; print T('If the picture above is not what you had painted, find your picture from the follwing list')."
    \n"; print "
      \n"; foreach (@files) { print "
    • "; print "Upload:$_"; print " (".&TimeToText($filemtime{$_}).")
    • \n"; } print "
    \n"; } sub OekakiSave { my ($buffer, $target_full); # POST 데이타 읽음 read (STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); # 데이터 검사 my $mark = "Content-type:image/0"; if (!($buffer =~ m|$mark|)) { die ("Invalid POST data"); } # png 데이터의 처음 부분의 index 결정 my $start = index($buffer, $mark); $start = index($buffer, "\r\n", $start+1); $start = index($buffer, "\r\n", $start+1); if ($start < 0) { die ("Can't find PNG data"); } $start += 2; # png 데이터 결정 my $png_data = substr($buffer, $start); # 락을 획득 if (!(&RequestLockDir('oekaki', 4, 3, 0))) { die("can not get lock"); } # 저장할 화일명 결정 $target_full = $UploadDir."/".GetUniqueUploadFilename($UploadDir, 'oekaki.png'); # 저장 &CreateDir($UploadDir); &WriteBinaryToFile($target_full, $png_data); # 락을 해제 &ReleaseLockDir('oekaki'); chmod(0644, "$target_full"); # 종료 print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print "success\n"; } sub OekakiPaint { my ($imageWidth, $imageHeight) = ( &GetParam('width','300'), &GetParam('height','300') ); $imageWidth = 40 if ($imageWidth < 40); $imageWidth = 1000 if ($imageWidth > 1000); $imageHeight = 40 if ($imageHeight < 40); $imageHeight = 1000 if ($imageHeight > 1000); my ($appletWidth, $appletHeight) = ( (($imageWidth < 300)?700:($imageWidth+400)), (($imageHeight < 300)?600:($imageHeight+300)) ); print qq|
    width [1000-40] height [1000-40]

    |; } ### 관심 페이지 sub DoInterest { my ($title, $temp); my $mode = &GetParam('mode'); my $id = &GetParam('id'); my $failMsg = T('Fail to access Interest Page List'); # if (&GetParam('username') eq "") { if (!&LoginUser()) { print &GetHeader('', $failMsg, ''); print T('You must login to do this action'); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } if ($mode eq "add") { $title = T('Add a page to Interest Page List'); } elsif (&GetParam('mode') eq "remove") { $title = T('Remove a page from Interest Page List'); } else { print &GetHeader('', $failMsg, ''); print Ts('Invalid action parameter %s', $mode); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } $temp = &ValidId($id); if ($temp ne "") { print &GetHeader('', $failMsg, ''); print $temp; print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } print &GetHeader('', $title, ''); if ($mode eq "add") { $UserInterest{$id} = "1"; print Ts('Page %s is added to your Interest Page List', $id); } else { delete $UserInterest{$id}; print Ts('Page %s is removed from your Interest Page List', $id); } $UserData{'interest'} = join($FS2, %UserInterest); &SaveUserData(); print "
    "; print Ts('Return to %s' , &GetPageLink($id)); print &GetCommonFooter(); return 1; } ### hide page by gypark sub DoPageHide { my ($id); print &GetHeader('', T('Hide or Unhide page'), ''); return if (!&UserIsAdminOrError()); $id = &GetParam("id", ""); if ($id eq "") { print '

    ', T('Missing page id to hide/unhide'); return; } return if (!&ValidIdOrDie($id)); # Later consider nicer error? if (&GetParam("set", 1)) { $HiddenPage{$id} = "1"; } else { delete $HiddenPage{$id}; } if (!(&SaveHiddenPageFile())) { print T('Hiding/Unhiding page failed'); print &GetCommonFooter(); return; } if (defined ($HiddenPage{$id})) { print '

    ', Ts('%s is hidden.', $id), '
    '; } else { print '

    ', Ts('%s is revealed.', $id), '
    '; } print &GetCommonFooter(); } sub PageIsHidden { my ($id) = @_; if ((!(defined $HiddenPage{$id})) || (&UserIsAdmin())) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub GetNotHiddenPages { my (@pages) = @_; my @notHiddenPages = (); foreach (@pages) { push (@notHiddenPages, $_) if (!(&PageIsHidden($_))); } return @notHiddenPages; } sub SaveHiddenPageFile { my $data; $data = join($FS1, %HiddenPage); &WriteStringToFile($HiddenPageFile, $data); chmod(0644, $HiddenPageFile); return 1; } sub WriteBinaryToFile { my ($file, $string) = @_; open(my $out, '>', $file) or die(Ts('cant write %s', $file) . ": $!"); binmode $out; print {$out} $string; close $out; } ### template page sub GetTemplatePageText { my ($newpage) = @_; my $templatePage = ""; my ($fname, $status, $data); if ($newpage eq "") { return ""; } if ($newpage =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)/) { $templatePage = $1 . "/" . $TemplatePage; } else { $templatePage = $TemplatePage; } $fname = &GetPageFile($templatePage); if (!(-f $fname)) { $fname = &GetPageFile($TemplatePage); if (!(-f $fname)) { return ""; } } ($status, $data) = &ReadFile($fname); if (!$status) { return ""; } my %temp_Page = split(/$FS1/, $data, -1); my %temp_Section = split(/$FS2/, $temp_Page{'text_default'}, -1); my %temp_Text = split(/$FS3/, $temp_Section{'data'}, -1); ### template macro my $return_text = &TemplateMacroSubst($newpage, $temp_Text{'text'}); return $return_text; } ### template macro sub TemplateMacroSubst { my ($newpage, $text) = @_; my ($newpage_main, $newpage_sub); ### null $text =~ s///gi; ### pagename, mainpagename, subpagename if ($newpage =~ /^(.*)\/(.*)/) { ($newpage_main, $newpage_sub) = ($1, $2); } else { ($newpage_main, $newpage_sub) = ($newpage, ""); } $text =~ s//$newpage/gi; $text =~ s//$newpage_main/gi; $text =~ s//$newpage_sub/gi; $text =~ s//&CalcDay($Now)/gei; return "$text"; } ### rss from usemod1.0 sub DoRss { print "Content-type: text/xml; charset=$HttpCharset\n\n"; &DoRc(0); } sub GetRcRss { my ($rssHeader, $headList, $items); # Normally get URL from script, but allow override $FullUrl = $q->url(-full=>1) if ($FullUrl eq ""); $QuotedFullUrl = &QuoteHtml($FullUrl); $SiteDescription = &QuoteHtml($SiteDescription); my $ChannelAbout = &QuoteHtml($FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar() . $ENV{QUERY_STRING}); $rssHeader = < ${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteName))} ${\($QuotedFullUrl . &QuoteHtml(&ScriptLinkChar()."$RCName"))} ${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteDescription))} $InterWikiMoniker RSS ($headList, $items) = &GetRc(0, @_); $rssHeader .= $headList; return < ${\(&QuoteHtml($SiteName))} $RssLogoUrl $QuotedFullUrl $items RSS } sub GetRc { my $rcType = shift; my @outrc = @_; my ($date, $newtop, $author, $inlist, $result); my ($showedit, $link, $all, $idOnly, $headItem, $item); my ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp); my ($rcchangehist, $tEdit, $tChanges, $tDiff); my ($headList, $historyPrefix, $diffPrefix); my %extra = (); my %changetime = (); my %pagecount = (); # Slice minor edits $showedit = &GetParam("rcshowedit", $ShowEdits); $showedit = &GetParam("showedit", $showedit); ### 최근 변경 내역과 rss 에 아이템 갯수 지정 옵션 my $num_items = &GetParam("items", 0); my $num_printed = 0; if ($showedit != 1) { my @temprc = (); foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); if ($showedit == 0) { # 0 = No edits push(@temprc, $rcline) if (!$isEdit); } else { # 2 = Only edits push(@temprc, $rcline) if ($isEdit); } } @outrc = @temprc; } # Optimize param fetches out of main loop $rcchangehist = &GetParam("rcchangehist", 1); # Optimize translations out of main loop $tEdit = T('(edit)'); $tDiff = T('(diff)'); $tChanges = T('changes'); ### 북마크 # $diffPrefix = $QuotedFullUrl . &QuoteHtml("?action=browse\&diff=4\&id="); $diffPrefix = $QuotedFullUrl . &QuoteHtml(&ScriptLinkChar()."action=browse\&diff=5\&id="); ### $historyPrefix = $QuotedFullUrl . &QuoteHtml(&ScriptLinkChar()."action=history\&id="); foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ($ts, $pagename) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); $pagecount{$pagename}++; $changetime{$pagename} = $ts; } $date = ""; $all = &GetParam("rcall", 0); $all = &GetParam("all", $all); $newtop = &GetParam("rcnewtop", $RecentTop); $newtop = &GetParam("newtop", $newtop); $idOnly = &GetParam("rcidonly", ""); $inlist = 0; $headList = ''; $result = ''; @outrc = reverse @outrc if ($newtop); foreach my $rcline (@outrc) { ($ts, $pagename, $summary, $isEdit, $host, $kind, $extraTemp) = split(/$FS3/, $rcline); next if ((!$all) && ($ts < $changetime{$pagename})); next if (($idOnly ne "") && ($idOnly ne $pagename)); ### hide page next if (&PageIsHidden($pagename)); ### 최근 변경 내역과 rss 에 아이템 갯수 지정 옵션 $num_printed++; last if (($num_items > 0) && ($num_printed > $num_items)); ### %extra = split(/$FS2/, $extraTemp, -1); if ($date ne &CalcDay($ts)) { $date = &CalcDay($ts); if (1 == $rcType) { # HTML # add date, properly closing lists first if ($inlist) { $result .= "\n"; $inlist = 0; } $result .= "

    " . $date . "

    \n"; if (!$inlist) { $result .= "
      \n"; $inlist = 1; } } } if (0 == $rcType) { # RSS ($headItem, $item) = &GetRssRcLine($pagename, $ts, $host, $extra{'name'}, $extra{'id'}, $summary, $isEdit, $pagecount{$pagename}, $extra{'revision'}, $diffPrefix, $historyPrefix); $headList .= $headItem; $result .= $item; } else { # HTML $result .= &GetHtmlRcLine($pagename, $ts, $host, $extra{'name'}, $extra{'id'}, $summary, $isEdit, $pagecount{$pagename}, $extra{'revision'}, $tEdit, $tDiff, $tChanges, $all, $rcchangehist); } } if (1 == $rcType) { $result .= "
    \n" if ($inlist); # Close final tag } return ($headList, $result); # Just ignore headList for HTML } sub GetRssRcLine { my ($pagename, $timestamp, $host, $userName, $userID, $summary, $isEdit, $pagecount, $revision, $diffPrefix, $historyPrefix) = @_; my ($itemID, $description, $authorLink, $author, $status, $importance, $date, $item, $headItem); # encode pagename for URL (ext1.88) my $encoded_pagename = &EncodeUrl($pagename); # Add to list of items in the $itemID = $FullUrl . &ScriptLinkChar() . &GetOldPageParameters('browse', $encoded_pagename, $revision); $itemID = &QuoteHtml($itemID); $headItem = " \n"; # Add to list of items proper. if (($summary ne "") && ($summary ne "*")) { $description = &QuoteHtml($summary); } $host = &QuoteHtml($host); $host =~ s/\d+$/xxx/; if ($userName) { $author = &QuoteHtml($userName); $authorLink = "link=\"$QuotedFullUrl".&ScriptLinkChar()."$author\""; } else { $author = $host; } $status = (1 == $revision) ? 'new' : 'updated'; $importance = $isEdit ? 'minor' : 'major'; $timestamp += $TimeZoneOffset; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime($timestamp); $year += 1900; $date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d+%02d:00", $year, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, ($TimeZoneOffset/(60*60) + $RssTimeZone)); $pagename = &QuoteHtml($pagename); # Write it out longhand $item = < $pagename $QuotedFullUrl${\(&ScriptLinkChar())}$encoded_pagename $description $date $author $author $status $importance $diffPrefix$encoded_pagename $revision $historyPrefix$encoded_pagename RSS return ($headItem, $item); } sub GetHtmlRcLine { ### 현재는 사용되지 않음 die "GetHtmlRcLine -- must not be executed!!!"; } sub EncodeUrl { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s!([^:/&?#=a-zA-Z0-9_.-])!uc sprintf "%%%02x", ord($1)!eg; return $string; } sub DecodeUrl { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; return $string; } # 금지단어 sub TextIsBanned { my ($text) = @_; my ($data, $status); ($status, $data) = &ReadFile("$DataDir/bantext"); return if (!$status); $data =~ s/\r//g; foreach (split(/\n/, $data)) { next if ((/^\s*$/) || (/^#/)); return $1 if ($text =~ /($_)/i); } return; } # $str 의 인코딩을 $from 에서 $to 로 컨버트 sub convert_encode { my ($str, $from, $to) = @_; $str = encode($to, decode($from, $str)); return $str; } # 인자를 $HashKey를 salt로 하여 crypt하고, 앞의 두 바이트 제외하여 반환 sub simple_crypt { my ($orig) = @_; my $encrypt = crypt($orig, $HashKey); return substr($encrypt, 2); } # 섹션 단위 편집을 위한 내부 함수 # {{{ }}} 등, 헤드라인이나 페이지 링크 관련 작업을 할 때 고려하면 안 될 부분을 빼낸다 sub store_raw_codes { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/(^{{{\n(.*?)\n}}}$)/StoreRaw($1)/igesm; $text =~ s/(^{{{#!(\w+( .+?)?)\n(.*?)\n}}}$)/StoreRaw($1)/igesm; $text =~ s/(^{{{(\w+)(\|(n|\d+|n\d+|\d+n))?\n(.*?)\n}}}$)/StoreRaw($1)/igesm; $text =~ s"(.*?)"StoreRaw($1)"iges; $text =~ s"(
    )"StoreRaw($1)"iges; $text =~ s"(.*?)"StoreRaw($1)"iges; return $text; } # 스트링의 인코딩을 추측해서, 내 HttpCharset으로 컨버트 sub guess_and_convert { my ($string) = @_; # legal UTF-8인지 체크 if ($HttpCharset =~ /utf-8|utf8/i) { if (eval { require Unicode::CheckUTF8; }) { if (Unicode::CheckUTF8::is_utf8($string)) { # ok return $string; } } } # 추측 if (eval { require Encode::Guess; }) { my @suspects = (@UrlEncodingGuess, 'utf8'); my $decoder = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($string, @suspects); if (ref($decoder)) { # 추측 성공 return convert_encode($string, $decoder->name, $HttpCharset); } } # 모듈이 없거나, 있지만 추측 실패. 변환 포기 return $string; } # $str - 쪼갤 스트링 # $length - 앞에서부터의 문자 갯수 # return: (처음 length 길이의 스트링, 나머지 스트링) sub split_string { my ($str, $length) = @_; my $chars = decode( $HttpCharset, $str ); my $first = substr( $chars, 0, $length ); my $last = substr( $chars, $length ); return ( encode( $HttpCharset, $first ), encode( $HttpCharset, $last ) ); } # Twitter # $msg - 트위터에 올릴 내용 sub PostTwitter { my $msg = shift; if ( eval "require Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1;" ) { my $msg_length = 140; # URL은 %인코딩한 후, t.co로 변환될때 길이가 얼마나 줄어들지(때론 늘어날지) 고려 my $shorterlink = sub { my $url = shift; my $converted = EncodeUrl( $url ); $msg_length += length($converted) - 20; return $converted; }; my $nt = Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1->new( consumer_key => $TwitterConsumerKey, consumer_secret => $TwitterConsumerSecret, access_token => $TwitterAccessToken, access_token_secret => $TwitterAccessTokenSecret, legacy_lists_api => 0, ssl => 1, ); # 긴 URL 줄이기 $msg =~ s/$UrlPattern/$shorterlink->($1)/ge; # 140자 제한 $msg = decode($HttpCharset, $msg); $msg = substr($msg, 0, $msg_length); # URI 모듈 1.40 이상을 쓰는 경우는 아래 주석 처리 # $msg = encode("UTF-8", $msg); my $result = eval { $nt->update($msg) }; if ( $@ ) { my ( undef, $filename, $line, $subroutine ) = caller(0); warn "twitter error [$filename:$line:$subroutine] [$@]"; } } } ### 통채로 추가한 함수들의 끝 ### 환경 변수들을 지정하는 루틴을 제거. 무조건 config file 를 읽음. if (-f $ConfigFile) { do "$ConfigFile"; } else { die "Can not load config file"; } &DoWikiRequest() if ($RunCGI && !(defined $_ and $_ eq 'nocgi')); # Do everything. 1; # In case we are loaded from elsewhere # == End of UseModWiki script. ===========================================